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  • Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't have watched all those zombie movies when I was a kid.

    I had nightmares about being chased/eaten alive/surviving and hiding from them and even pretending to be one, just to not get eaten myself throughout grades 1-12.

    I'm very sorry to whoever the guy I ate was. I swear I didn't want to, but it feels really painful to get eaten alive.
    You got to do what you got to do to survive.

    P.S Also you tasted disgusting.
    @athayanezant Well idk what human flesh actually tastes like, so my mind had to improvise. But if I had to guess it's probably disgusting. Well anyway, if I remember correctly, I vomited it up, and another zombie saw me and realized I'm actually not zombie and attacked me. Then I woke up.
    I really missed out on not writing all my horror dreams down in some kind of notebook. I only remember memorable ones. Which is still a lot of them, but still, there could be some gems I forgotten about.
    Woww... I myself always remembered all my dreams. That's why I don't like to sleep when I'm stress. Cuz the dreams must be like a horror movies. Too vivid to forget.
    How about writing it in your phone's notes? It's much faster than write it down on notebook. I've got a lot of them and I make some folders for every genres of my dreams are. Got so many genres if I'm not stressed. 🤭
    @athayanezant I rarely have dreams anymore. So not worth keeping notes of them. And even if I do have them, they are way too random to remember. It's so nice to have more or less chill dream. Nobody trying to kill you, nobody trying to hunt you down. Just random stuff happening :aquadrink:
    Went to McDonald's to buy some food after the gym. Everything was so damn expensive I just decided to buy happy meal.

    Got asked "Are you serious?" like 3 times with some giggling in between.

    Is it really THAT weird to buy happy meal as an adult?
    Sometimes I forget when I have birthday, because nobody in my family really cares that much.

    Only genshin, and close friends remember.
    @Doedoel kalo ngomong... 😒😒 kayak situ nongol aja tanggal ultahnya. Kalo ditongolin jg paling ga kan aku bs ngucapin bang. 😒
    Dw about my birthday you guys. It's honestly not that important to me.
    As long as I have close friends who think about me, it's all that matters.
    I didn't intend this status message to be way of seeking attention. Was just clearing my mind :worry:
    It's cool bro. We all got moments like that. I usually use the "What's bothering you?" thread to clear my mind, too
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