Recent content by -Toast-

  1. -Toast-

    The Apothecary Diaries - Vol. 6 Ch. 29.2 - Syphilis (Part 2)

    It's such an interesting choice to make a two page spread into two shots that together last a fraction of a second. Two different approaches which leverage the strengths of their respective mediums to achieve the same impact. So good!
  2. -Toast-

    Shiori Experience: My Plain Self and an Odd Old Man - Vol. 15 Ch. 67 - Glocks

    We're still kinda feeling out the best approach for the sfx. Part of me wants to fully replace everything because I like a challenge, but I also have a responsibility to preserve as much of the original art as possible. With music sounds specifically, the options are leave them entirely...
  3. -Toast-

    Shiori Experience: My Plain Self and an Odd Old Man (Fan Colored) - Vol. 15 Ch. 66 - Summer Tour

    Originally I wanted include just the colored sequence as part of the main release, but that's apparently against Mangadex rules. We had to upload it as a separate entry, even though it's just the one sequence at the start that we recolored.
  4. -Toast-

    Shiori Experience: My Plain Self and an Odd Old Man - Vol. 15 Ch. 66 - Summer Tour

    Last time she did this was Chapter 35. We probably should have included a reminder that this is a thing she can do, since it's been three years since that chapter released :P
  5. -Toast-

    Shiori Experience: My Plain Self and an Odd Old Man - Vol. 14 Ch. 65 - New York

    We're still around. Shiori is our only active series right now, and with the staffing situation it's unlikely we'll be picking up any other series any time soon. Our discord isn't public, so you aren't gonna find it listed anywhere. As for the website, we're looking into it.
  6. -Toast-

    Policy about fan-colored pages

    Oh, I see. I'm only going to be coloring this one chapter, so making a whole new entry seems a little excessive. I guess I'll include them at the end of the chapter then.
  7. -Toast-

    Policy about fan-colored pages

    Alright, so it'd be "Chapter 66" and "Chapter 66 (Fan-Colored)" then? I only did the 66.5 thing to distinguish it from the unedited release, so if this is the proper way to do that then no problem.
  8. -Toast-

    Policy about fan-colored pages

    I recently learned that there's a rule about fan colored pages, where they have to be attached at the end of the chapter they appear in. I have a chapter coming up which opens with a sequence of more than a dozen full page character portraits. The first portrait is in full color, and the rest...
  9. -Toast-

    More Than Lovers, Less Than Friends - Vol. 3 Ch. 24

    Just wanted to say that I love the work yall are doing on the lettering. Your font choices are seamless with the art style, it's really well done!
  10. -Toast-

    Shiori Experience: My Plain Self and an Odd Old Man - Vol. 14 Ch. 65 - New York

    Fair criticism. We're still figuring out the best approach to take for adapting the sfx, and we definitely haven't found the right balance yet. I've also been thinking about dialing it back a bit, but I'd argue that if we're going to do sfx at all, sometimes a full replacement is unavoidable...
  11. -Toast-

    [#dropout] Urgently seeking JTLs for Shiori Experience

    Shiori Experience is currently without a JP to EN translator. We're looking to take on multiple translators to split the work load, and we'll work with any experience level, so don't hesitate to apply. So you know what to expect, we're aiming for releases every 1-2 months, and chapters routinely...
  12. -Toast-

    Shiori Experience: My Plain Self and an Odd Old Man - Vol. 14 Ch. 64 - Giant Killing Killers

    Just popping my head in to repeat the endcard: we're looking for a new translator to fill the main TL position on this project. If you're fluent in Japanese and want to help keep the series going, let us know.
  13. -Toast-

    We Shall Now Begin Ethics - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - What I Love

    Nice to have a kind of light one for a change. No less impactful, though, which really speaks to the writing of this series.
  14. -Toast-

    Nega-kun and Posi-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 33 - View On Love

    I diagnose you with ace.