Today is a special day for us Malagasy people.
Today where Baccalaureate national exam starts. Does it have anything do with me though??
Well, I got it 3 years ago but my little brother is now going to pass it.
Wish him luck.
I was surfing on Comic Walker just now
(why you ask: to spoil myself with some raw chapters)
and found this loli ero mangaka assistant title
And wondering if it's already on MangaDex (cUz I cAn'T fInD iT)
Hello Dex-chans proxies,
I'm currently pre-downloading the next Hoyoverse cash cow called Zenless Zone Zero.
You know how big it is?? 50 GB!!
But I will forgive them if the game run smoothly.
I didn't have internet access this week. Why?? Currently on vacation because yesterday was a National Holiday.
What's more funny is that I get internet on workday than on vacation.
Actually, this food combo comes from this french youtuber short video
Most of him shorts just consist of him "upgrading" a "dish that people have eaten 100 times".