That moment with her mum was unexpectedly real, wtf. You can’t just drop that type of shit on me, I know I haven’t been invested in like 30 chapters but still, damn.
Real enough that it should probably have been handled a little better... tragically, when it comes to parents who are aware of their child's molestation by a partner, or should be aware but didn't want to look into it, or were even straight-up complicit in it, there are reactions from denial to rationalization to gaslighting to blaming the victim, but I've never seen an ice cold "tough tiddy, get SA'd for me, daughter." "I'm choosing my own happiness" is a pretty powerful line, but to then have her just vanish when asked if she knew is just...
I get that it's convenient writing for moving the plot along and it puts a nice little bow on her family so she can move in with Riku, but frickin' yikes.