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  1. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 28 Ch. 160

    Hello Anon-chan-man, thank you for this new chapter ! Mafuyu's face on the "what happened to my part" line killed me. They're all dumb, but Yui surely is one of the dumbest, sanity completely left his body. Did I already say how much I love Hayasaka ? I think so, but let me say it again...
  2. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 28 Ch. 159

    Heeerm, excuse me WHATAHELL ? I just noticed the new picture for volume 29... Okay I don't believe this is actually gonna happen, at all, but still. My heart failed for a split second :D
  3. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 28 Ch. 159

    Hey, welcome back Anon-chan-man ! "Projects put a maizono-senpai on me" gyahahahahah that one killed me ! No worries though, you don't owe us anything, we appreciate your selfless dedication. I can't wait to see Hayasaka, Yui and Mafuyu fight together against that huge mob, this is gonna be EPIC...
  4. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 27 Ch. 158.1 - Volume 27 ~Extras~

    Gyahahahah Yukioka and Maizono are NOT MADE to get along :D
  5. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 27 Ch. 158

    Daaaaaamn when Hanabusa came in, I thought "ah finally, some answers !" but nooooo, not this time ! I'm frustrated ahah. (Also, you killed me in your note with the "Miyabi control your gambling problems :D ). Anyways, seeing him warmed my little heart, I missed him <3 I was excited to see the...
  6. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 27 Ch. 157

    Hello Anon ! Thank you for this new chapter, you're a light in the dark ! The fun is starting finally, yay. We have a great assortment of fighters, it looks quite epic despite most of them being... well, themselves :D (oh hi Maizono-kun.) See you next time !
  7. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 27 Ch. 156

    Hello Anon-chan-man ! Sorry I'm a bit late as always (I'm an old woman who doesn't get much time to keep up my ongoing scans :D ). Thanks a lot for this new chapter. I was expecting action for this chapter, so I'm super nervous about the next to come ! Darn, Hayasaka is popular now. Good for...
  8. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 27 Ch. 155

    Hello Anon-chan-man, thank you so much for your hard work and your consistency into this story ! You're a sunshine to me :D Ooooh, my heart got so warm at the end, seeing Hanabusa hidden and watching his beloved friends with such a tender smile. Hayasaka and Nonoguchi were hilarious dummies, and...
  9. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 27 Ch. 154

    Thank you Anon-chan-man ! I'm happy for you that you got your laptop back, and I'm happy for us too :D Hayasaka is as adorable as always. The rest of them are as ... themselves as always, eheh. But it's good to see that Kangawa is willing to admit that someone else than Mafuyu is actually...
  10. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 27 Ch. 153

    Yay, you're back Anon-chan-man ! Thank you a lot for this new chapter. About Maki, I'm conflicted. He grows cuter, I'm sad for him... but he still is batsh*t crazy considering he's locking up a high school girl like a perv. Okay I know, normal never was to expect in OT, but still :D Ganbatte...
  11. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 26 Ch. 152.2

    I just binged the whole Vol. 26 after chapter 146 came up, thank you -0 ! I can't wait to see where this is all going :)
  12. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 25 Ch. 146

    Anon-chan-man, you wonderful bo... gi... PERSON ! YOU DID IT ! YAY, STANDING OVATION ! Thank you so much for your hard work, I'm gonna miss your personal notes, I liked to squee along with you. About this chapter, I don't get anything to Maki-sensei behaviour. But I'm a slow woman, so maybe I...
  13. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 25 Ch. 145

    Okay, we all agree that Tsubaki-Sensei is getting sadistic with us, right ? In the past when there was a single picture a little bit cute or romantic, she used to immediately break the atmoshere right after. But that "protective-Hayasaka" thing... it last, damn, it last. We do know that he's...
  14. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 25 Ch. 144

    Thank you once again Anon-Chan Man for that great translation ! It was a sweet chapter, and daaaamn they all look good in yukatas ! Also yup, young-Maki looks good, but I'll be fond of Hayasaka until the end. Ganbatte for the next chapter ! (I don't know the right word in English T_T )
  15. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 25 Ch. 143

    Nooo you're so wrong, I'm not tired with your rambling, on the contrary ! It's nice to get your reaction, that I share most of the time ! Thank you so much for this chapter. Lately, it feels like Hayasaka changed a lot, he's got such a reliable aura. I don't know where this is heading (probably...
  16. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 24 Ch. 140

    Noooo what an ending ! I'm so hyped ! Thank you once again Anon-chan-man, your hard work is really appreciated. Nishi High boys are rough, Mafuyu IS super cool ! They know nothing, tsss. Despite all the times she acts dumb, she stays charismatic. Rest well dear Anon-chan-man, see you soon...
  17. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 24 Ch. 138

    Thank you for this new chapter, delightful as always ! I never thought Takaomi was romantically interested in Mafuyu, so I guess the rush to read the letter was just him secretly liking gossips :D
  18. M

    Oresama Teacher - Vol. 24 Ch. 137

    Happy B-day Anon-chan-man ! Thank you so much for your work. Despite the fact that I'm not a native english speaker, I think your translation is really well done ! And I caaan't wait to the Scarf revelation to be bring up again, it's been ages and that plot developpment has been set aside so...