So if the truth is ever relieved who would be more surprised?
Sid that everything he "made up" was actually real or the girls that he was actually roleplaying and rolling nat 20+ on bluffs the whole time?
Well ... 3rd party is obviously gonna be the big bad, but its interesting how the demons are gonna be "redeemed", they dont seem to be even morally gray, so they just probably wont be?
Rage mode is always fun, but as pretty much everyone mentioned, there is no true setup, no tension so nothing...
You know we had the whole thing with the vampire situation back in home base, some secondary characters got napped, while this is connected with MC it really feels like a side quest and kind of feels off-beat?
My interpretation why she looked happy when he said he was gonna punish her is more of a "He cares enough to do this", than her being an M, also closer to how you would treat a person, you wouldnt bother punishing a tablet or a knife right.
You are making many wrong assumptions, his biggest "ace in the whole" is actually his piloting skills and other things but that would be waaay too big of a spoiler to write even behind a spoil tag, another thing is assuming Krishna can be copied.
Also in the novel here is explained that...
Just link in real life there is always that one person who's gonna try to make things worse just because. Something something wanna watch the world burn.
"Just make sure you give it back" .... right....