Their most pressing matter is being outnumbered. They could hold off a few of those shadow armors. Sometimes I have an easier time beating a boss in a video game than getting ganked by a bunch of mobs where I will be attacked 360, get stunlocked, and die. Then they had two choices: try their luck reaching the faraway exit, or against the boss (either defeat it or stall until rescue arrives)....their brain be like > Normal Mobs in this dungeon kick our ass, so we can surely oneshot the boss of said dungeon 🥴
Or as usual the bald guy isn't pretty enough for the front pageit seems like the Bald one is going to die judging by the new cover of the manga.
Yes it is likely that boss is smarter than anyone expected. I won't surprised if it is the main villain's plan."Thank you for breaking my chains. They were ...inconvenient."