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  1. L

    My New Girlfriend Is Not Human? - Vol. 1 Ch. 41.5 - Side Story : Blue eyes

    do you people ever read the report? the report says it’s all domestic violance a Lesbian experience in her life! that also includes when they were also in an hetero relationship before coming out gay! so FUCK off with this garbage misinformation
  2. L

    My New Girlfriend Is Not Human? - Vol. 1 Ch. 18 - My girlfriend received shrine offerings

    no they arw fucking not, otherwise any one that eats them will had reported getting really horny or something, but you can eat untill you vomit and won’t get any boner also amino acids? really? since when did that trigger a boner in any one? also zinc! wtf? go an buy an zinc supliment, your...
  3. L

    Doushitara Osananajimi ♀️ no Kanojo ni Naremasu Ka!? - Vol. 5 Ch. 27

    true…..BUT! not this story! nop! it did a garbage job at making you feel anything else but wanna smash your head on a wall! this story give the reders only ONE thing! ANNOYANCE!! sooo god damn ANNOYING! So yes what you said can be true…. that is if the author has the capability to write it!
  4. L

    Doushitara Osananajimi ♀️ no Kanojo ni Naremasu Ka!? - Vol. 5 Ch. 27

    true, sucks ass but i guess the god damn manga needs to end at some point
  5. L

    There's 49 Left, Master! - Ch. 50

    it’a clearly she is dealing with karma, because she did kill him many many times before he could avoid the bitch mc from literaly KILLING HIM! remember, she only know knows about his return from death NOW that means she killd him in cold bloody many many times, so no i don’t feel bad at all...
  6. L

    Spoil Me Plzzz, Hinamori-san! - Vol. 3 Ch. 19

    so, will this end in fucking yuri bait ??? UGHHHHH i hate this type of shit! don’t use Yuri if is JUST FRIENDSHIP! were is Yuri tags on Shoujo! or Shounen?? if morons think “friendship” is “yuri” were is the Yaoi friendship in Shounen? ofc there doesn’t exist because only GL has to have the...
  7. L

    Love Gives Me Superpowers - Ch. 14 - Xu Ke's Mouth Is Deceitful!

    this is sooo cute! i really love the writing and interactions!
  8. L

    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - Guidance and Discipline

    most people break up when their partner if found cheating, i don’t thonk you understand how cheating works, if you mean way the cheater didn’t break of insted of cheating? because thats the point, the cheater 99% of the cases, WHANTS to cheat, what’s the hidden relationship for as long as they can
  9. L

    Martial Legacy - Ch. 225

    I’m really pissed off that the god bitch that took the MC sister is joining thous bastards they should just die in their fucking stupid war and stop slaughtering humans
  10. L

    Love Gives Me Superpowers - Ch. 13 - Xu Ke Is So Bad!

    Jesus fucking Christ! this is the cutest chibi character ever!!!!
  11. L

    Spoil Me Plzzz, Hinamori-san! - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    yeah! wtf? there is 0 romance at this point! don’t tell me it’s gonna end with not confession at all?!?!?
  12. L

    Spoil Me Plzzz, Hinamori-san! - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    what does that mean? the story will be rewritten?
  13. L

    The Cursed Hunter

    you can see the author is REALLY an amateur at story telling, especially paneling sucks ass, also just because you have a fucking mute character doesn’t mean we can’t read his inner thoghts, so it’s stupidly frustrating to read that dumb boy action witthout know what he means, because also the...
  14. L

    Make the Exorcist Fall in Love - Ch. 80 - Life is Wonderful!

    i just wander when will this story show how Christianity is flawed? like whole sale garbage and contradictions to the point that i truly wanna the author to either show it or maybe this story will not show how flawed god is???
  15. L

    Hanakagari - Ch. 7 - 500 Times Over

    NICE! at least i think Ito and that girl are together no? since you showed the arrow pointing mutualy no? NICE! at least we have 2 couples! but them the line for thous 3 is nuts!
  16. L

    Hanakagari - Ch. 1 - Senpai and Kouhai

    no we just live in reality, and it’s default hetero like 999999.99, and it sucks also it’s a troupe bruh! nothing realistic about it, ESPECIALLY who in hell does that in Japan ? kissing right there in the middle of the classroom?
  17. L

    Okiku-san wa Ichatsukitai - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - Okiku-san Wants to Defeat

    rape is fucking rape wtf garbage idea is this that just because it’s gay it ficking doesn’t matter? also fick off with your moral police garbage argument wtf is this? a shity joke? were is the punchline?
  18. L

    Okiku-san wa Ichatsukitai - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - Okiku-san Wants to Defeat

    that’s what i said too!! WTF is the author doing? just waving away FUCKING RAPE? ugh i swear some stupid authors think comedy can brush off fucking rape