@InfiniteVerisimilitude why is that awful? Museums are cool. My spouse even takes notes.. You know you have a good partner when yall go through the exhibits at similar paces lol
@phoenixir I've been rereading this after a couple years away and seeing your comments on every chapter was pretty great.
I really wanna try spicy watermelon now.
. @Swifft objectivity? Ehhhhhh. Maps in the US are typically based around the prime meridian which was Britain et al placing themselves in the middle of everything. To my knowledge a lot of places put themselves in the middle of the map like that before the Greenwich meridian was made standard...
I had a good time looking at the differences between yalls take and the other group's. Some of them were real subtle like normal vs real etc. Appreciated.
@BeenSwotted @Georg-Prime
@Thrembs I kinda notice that too, though it really depends on who's in your group personality wise just like in any spacw. If it makes you uncomfortable you could look for spaces where ace people are part of the mix and so horny topics come up less frequently/are moved away from faster.
Oh man that makes me wanna eat some tongue. I've had tripe and didn't like it, but maybe not having it doused in tomato and pasta will make it tastoer.
I only read these chapters during lunch. Doesnt help with wanting specific foods though.