Assuming they are actually logical people and don't want to contend with the absolute insanity that is the dwarf planet catalogue mixing in with the actual planets, no it won't.
She abandoned her claim to the throne in order to simplify Al's life. She didn't want it and nobility hated her and would not have accepted her rule. She gave up the claim and focused entirely on her research.
Al snapped. He could have tried to cooperate with his sister, but he decided to do...
That was super fucking spooky. Usually when there is paranormal spooky action on a distance going on, it just trashes the enviroment, but here Rom barely survived despite having perfect prep.
So, she controls electromagnetism at a fundamental level, and maybe even the weak nuclear force?
This is stupidly busted once she really gets into physics.
What? Are you saying that if the series is shoujo it can just completely ignore plot when it comes to fights when they occasionally happen? Genre is not an excuse for shit writing. Just because your focus is on a different subject doesn't mean you can do others things half assed and expect...
I don't expect them to be perfect. I expect them not to do arguably the worst possible thing they can do in this situation.
First off, I am not angry because there is an idiotic character bumbling around in random manga. That's pretty much the norm. I am facepalming at the writing, not angrily...
Because she bumbled around and tackled the guy, she got taken hostage so the dude couldn't just use magic on him.
She was dropped when the dude started blasting the potions and the kidnapper's IQ dropped by 50 points.