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  1. sarusa

    Even Though She's the Losing Heroine, The Bakeneko-chan Remains Undaunted - Ch. 10.5 - Chubby Mi'ke

    As a cat shelter veteran... As a cat she's only slightly overweight. I have seen obese chonks and she is nowhere near that. So yeah, the universe hates her.
  2. sarusa

    Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Negiemon and Yakiniku

    Someone already got the 久々, so yeah -ko is a common suffix for girls. When it didn't mean 'child', it means 'girl'. Lots of girls are actually named -ko, like Aiko or Kyouko or Yuuko. So if you want to make a nickname an annoying girl like Negi might use there's the obvious Noa-chan, but then...
  3. sarusa

    Shiroyama and Mita-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 100 - The Story of Going to Tokyo

    Siiiigh - well, saw the ending coming since their dreams were coming true. Thank you for doing all 100 chapters, in under a year! I'm gonna miss this, it really avoided a lot of cliches, or at least explicitly smacked them in the face.
  4. sarusa

    Bell & Ring wa Kane - Vol. 5 Ch. 88 - Stiff Neck

    zOMG what sick, twisted, freaks of nature. I feel sick. I looooved this ep, thank you!
  5. sarusa

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Tsumiki-san, Home Visit

    These comments half make me happy, half make me sad. You basically have the 90% 'squeeeee' group (which is me, and I love you guys) and then the 'arguing about NTR group', which is just sadness all the way down. This is 100% non-official but can we just not respond to the fragile NTR people...
  6. sarusa

    Yuurei to Tsukareta Kaishain

    ... So far I haven't found a single reason for the ghost to even be in this manga (chapter 71). I assume that'll happen at some point! The romance is very cute though. He's basically her toy :ROFLMAO: .
  7. sarusa

    The Old Man Who Was Reincarnated as a Cat - Ch. 336

    The Japanese sure love Jason Statham. I think this is the 4th manga I've seen him in (and he's basically a starring character in How Heavy are the Dumbbells You Lift?) Not as much as they love Ahnold, though.
  8. sarusa

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Tsumiki-san, Home Visit

    This is... actually, yeah. With a wig, the resemblance is 99% there.
  9. sarusa

    Houkago Kitaku Biyori - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Let's Use the Umbrella Properly

    I love this, so low key and fuzzy, like Ogami Tsumiki. No real Drama, just cuteness and comedy, and that's all I want. Thanks for the updates!
  10. sarusa

    Bell & Ring wa Kane - Vol. 5 Ch. 87 - Library

    Page 2, can't really blame them... If there were any comic in which stretch to zoom might work it's this one.
  11. sarusa

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Tsumiki-san, Home Visit

    I really wanted to add a TL rant about how everything Japanese think about catching a cold is wrong (well, if you hang out with or kiss the sick person, you could get sick, though in a couple days), but it would be absolutely futile and I didn't want to interrupt the cuteness flow. On that...
  12. sarusa

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Tsumiki-san, Home Visit

    I'm out of the house for a few hours but will post the cleaned raw of just that panel later unless someone else does first. Edit: Pure raw and cleaned raw at imgur. Mug3n got the translated bit.
  13. sarusa

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Tsumiki-san, Home Visit

    Good catch! She actually says English 'teritori' in katakana, which really emphasizes how serious she is about it. Really makes the next two panels where she hesitantly steps into 'enemy' territory more poignant if you're watching.
  14. sarusa

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Tsumiki-san, Home Visit

    Our CLRD (AnOddName, SheepGirl) did an excellent job as usual, but I really want to call out maibi for that mess of a notebook on page 4 looking exactly like the raws and the pile of rewards on page 6+7 looking so natural you wouldn't even know they weren't that way in the first place. The...
  15. sarusa

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Tsumiki-san, Home Visit

    Sad for no medusa, but mfw when seeing the raws for the last half of the chapter: "Guys, we gotta get this ouuuuuut!"
  16. sarusa

    Doukyonin ga Konoyo no Mon janai Rensai-ban - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - A touchdown at the potato party

    A lot of college age girls experiment with it, especially when alcohol is involved. There's a reason College Lesbian is a running gag on a lot of campuses. And who can blame them, most college dudes are filthy brats who are only after sex and booze. But unfortunately (?) unlike all Yuri manga...
  17. sarusa

    Bakkatsu! ~Bakushu Kassai~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Spinoff of IPA

    Page 3, *note minor quibble - a hophead is technically not a heavy drinker, it's someone who wants more and more and more hops in their beer. Of course most hopheads are actually heavy drinkers :ROFLMAO: but I have met the occasional one who doesn't drink that often - though when they do they...
  18. sarusa

    Gabai - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Proud to be Poor

    This genre isn't a dime a 100 dozen! So when one shows up it's special.
  19. sarusa

    Gabai - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Proud to be Poor

    I don't know why I love these kind hearted old timey growing up in the countryside manga - so nostalgic, even though I grew up in Alaska, nothing like Japanese culture! Though maybe the feeling of being in the boonies is the same. Thanks for these chapters, I always go 'oh boy!' when one...