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  1. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 7 Ch. 4 - The Beauty of Hands

    As a film major, I definitely understood where Arakawa was coming from. Sometimes you notice some little niggling thing, and it just throws everything out of whack for you.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 7 Ch. 2 - Ice Cream & Love

    Gelato is a whole different animal, though. The best ice cream is aerated properly. Also, this chapter made it to the anime (and it's one that's been English subbed) so check that one out. It's a pretty good ep.
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Time of Death: 10:15PM

    My poor ability to use Paint. It was done in an attempt to cover some incomprehensible English that the machine I use for initial translations spat out. I originally attempted to manually translate, but I couldn’t get any size of text to both fit where those smudges were as well as remain...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 7 Ch. 1 - Red Earth

    They can. I do quite a lot and would encourage everyone to watch it.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 7 Ch. 1 - Red Earth

    We're beginning a new volume of Oishinbo. Yamaoka finally catches a break, but he also behaves like a colossal dick through most of the chapter. Included at the beginning of each volume going forward is a note to you readers both new and old. I hope you'll all read it and continue to follow...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 6 Ch. 8

    Okay, thanks. Like I said, I appreciate anything you want to send me.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 6 Ch. 8

    I've been pretty open about it in the comments here as well as over on Reddit when I post the full volumes up on the internet archive (where in the description I make note that the translation is done using a machine's assistance). I'm not sure exactly where I could make a note on the pages that...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 6 Ch. 8

    It is. But, I do go through it and try and fix odd sentences and what not as best I can. I'm familiar with your TL of the anime. I watch it regularly. I'm not going to claim that it's a great TL since I do use a machine for it. That wasn't my intention when I started doing it. I just wanted to...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 6 Ch. 8

    Yeah. Dude just could not catch a W the entire time. Don't worry, though. I'm sure he'll have a better volume 7... Maybe.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 6 Ch. 8

    This finishes up Volume 6, folks! Honestly, it might be the most nitpicky chapter I’ve come across. Bitching about just how wet the ends of your chopsticks are is just so hilariously petty to me. On to Volume 7!
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Flight 2508 At 10 AM

    Ah, okay, I didn't know. Even still, thanks for uploading what you did have.
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Flight 2508 At 10 AM

    Yeah, thanks for doing what you did on them. I did still refer to your TL for some of the upload of the first chapter.
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Flight 2508 At 10 AM

    Well, I honestly am not going to promise that I'm going to provide a great improvement with typesetting and the like (although I do use larger, more readable comic sans given that I did have some trouble reading some of the small print), but I noticed some of the names kept changing and the...
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Flight 2508 At 10 AM

    I have wanted to read this manga for a few years now and I finally found the raws, so I decided to try and do the entire series. Granted, Oishinbo is still my primary project, so updates on it will always take precedence, but I’m betting I’ll probably be long finished with this side project...
  15. B

    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda

    I’ve managed to track down the raws. I’m pretty busy with Oishinbo, but I might see about doing this one as well.
  16. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 6 Ch. 6

    Beats me. I always thought that, for whatever its faults (some of Kariya’s opinions about food, and about Americans in general, for example), I always liked that it was grounded in real life. Yes, there was a certain wackiness to it (which I love), but this chapter really came out of nowhere.
  17. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 6 Ch. 6

    Honestly, one of the most ridiculous chapters so far. Of course the con artist mentalist thing was very popular in the 80s (such as Uri Gellar), so I guess Kariya couldn’t help himself. Getting past that nonsense though, we did get an informative chapter on soups.
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    Kaji Ryuusuke's Agenda

    Damn. Well, I figured it was a long shot.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - The Subtleties of Public Relations

    Sadly, I hardly ever seem to be lucky enough to see free samples, but I did learn that if you go to the deli counter at Giant Eagle and ask for a piece of cheese, they'll give you one.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - The Subtleties of Public Relations

    I believe I said it over on my TL thread as well, this is still my favorite chapter so far. It's just so wacky. I loved it.