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  1. d_a_renoir

    Detective Conan - Ch. 1134 - A Coincidental Encounter

    I can't remember who any of these folks are except Zero/Amuro
  2. d_a_renoir

    Oishinbo - Vol. 14 Ch. 123 - Beer & Edamame

    I can't stand the bitter taste that alcohol has, so I don't drink at all and all this waxing about how beer taste is lost on me LOL. I even tried this drink with super low alcohol level that I was assured was "basically almost just a regular fruit drink", but I can still taste that bitter edge...
  3. d_a_renoir

    Oishinbo - Vol. 10 Ch. 91 - Fried Chicken

    Man, I had thought that this is unfair comparison because the way Yamaoka did it results in a completely different type of food. I had been curious what the guy would've said if they kept the KFC style crust but fried it without the pressure cooker (or preparing it in some other way that will...
  4. d_a_renoir

    Oishinbo - Vol. 13 Ch. 121 - Garlic Power

    I can't take garlic taste in soups. It's too strong for me. I'm kind of ok with it if it's mixed in with other flavourings as marinade or in garlic bread, though.
  5. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 18 Ch. 151 - A Dish to move Merchants

    That's a woman, so it should've been "Lady" Karin.
  6. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 17 Ch. 149 - The Mori Army

    Oh wait, I just realized that I misremembered. Mouri was recorded to have been involved in another battle in the same year, not this one. So Ken had to avert this so that history won't change.
  7. d_a_renoir

    Oishinbo - Vol. 13 Ch. 120 - Abalone Feast

    I mean he did specify raw. He also said that boiled ones are no good. It might be that he did have the boiled ones, and then thought it wasn't great and then never wanted to eat any more. And then once he went back to Japan discovered that the raw ones are good. Or someone told him abalones are...
  8. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 17 Ch. 148 - The Honganji Rises in Arms!

    In medieval Japan, a man giving a woman a comb signifies proposal. That's why the kid is being so insistent about the comb. It's not about the object, he wanted Ken to propose, but obviously Ken doesn't get it. This is a tradition from the Edo period, and it might not necessarily already common...
  9. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 17 Ch. 147 - Slashing Blade

    Curious how this plays out. History records says that the Mouri was indeed involved, but "Kashin" didn't know his history well enough, I suppose LOL.
  10. d_a_renoir

    My phone IP seems to have gotten blocked?

    It's off. I've alao tried using another network, like a cafe wifi on this same phone, and same issue.
  11. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 17 Ch. 145 - Behind the Field

    Again, grateful to the translator but there's an inconsistency in the choice of spelling out the "long o" sound (typically written as "ou"). If "Youko" is not spelled as "Yoko", then the "Mori" of Aki should've been "Mouri".
  12. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 16 Ch. 141 - Nobunaga's New Residence

    Note for whoever might be curious: "Lord" is 御屋形様 Oyakata-sama. "Lord Supreme" is 上様 ue-sama. This is somewhat historically inaccurate, because Nobunaga was never allowed the address of "oyakata-sama" in real life. The author must have been somewhat influenced by the common tropes in historical...
  13. d_a_renoir

    My phone IP seems to have gotten blocked?

    At some point Mangadex stop loading on my phone. It shouldn't be the provider because I've connected to the same wifi on a different device and it loads just fine. But specifically just on my phone, the whole website just refuses to load. Not the manga, not the forums. This has been like this...
  14. d_a_renoir

    Yuusha no Haha desu ga, Maou-gun no Kanbu ni Narimashita - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Mother of The Hero

    It was fine!! Also this: 普段の手伝いは渋々するのに It's not "I", but " he". "Even though he's usually reluctant to help". It's talking about the son helping her prepare the food. The kid seems to usually not like to help out at home. Yeah, it's not "baldy", but "(I hope you) go bald!!" Wishing for someone...
  15. d_a_renoir

    Oishinbo - Vol. 13 Ch. 118 - Black Vinegar

    In the first place it's just super rude AF to ask to eat the food when Yamaoka explicitly said it's a gift for someone else. Kurita's dumb jealousy aside, the other ladies are also going along with her, and it really grates on me.
  16. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 16 Ch. 140 - Flaws and Disadvantages

    I'm very grateful for the translator's hard work, but I am very baffled about the name confusion. It's not a one-off thing, it's like this for multiple chapters, and I don't know how this happened. Were these chapters translated with machine/AI? Because Google Translate and AI have the tendency...
  17. d_a_renoir

    Oishinbo - Vol. 13 Ch. 116 - Battle of the Whales (Part 5)

    How much baleen do they even need for the puppets? Can't they just use beached whales for it? Besides, that's a completely different issue. This whole mess is all about whales for eating. The main problem is that if they're hunted they can go extinct, and yet not a single conservation proposal...
  18. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 16 Ch. 138 - Nobukatsu's Scheme

    I already commented this in another chapter, but "Nobukatsu" should have been Nobutaka. I hope it gets fixed eventually.
  19. d_a_renoir

    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 16 Ch. 137 - The Burden of Inheritance

    The name is incorrectly written This is Oda Nobutaka, not Nobukatsu. He's destined to be executed in 1583. @Realityscans Hoping you can see this because you guys wrote the wrong name. This third son who resembles Nobunaga is named Nobutaka but you kept calling him Nobukatsu over multiple...
  20. d_a_renoir

    Isekai Kaeri no Yuusha wa, Dungeon ga Shutsugen shita Genjitsu Sekai de, Influencer natte Kane wo Kasegimasu! - Vol. 4 Ch. 15

    I think he did observe first before doing the drain though. In the dungeon our guy might have been watching while invisible for a while, and then probably judged the gang to be robbers from hearing their dialogue about stealing the bag of loot. They're even going to go after more people.