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  1. W

    I Stack Experience Through Reading Books - Ch. 36

    When the fuck did they sell their house, I think that's a mistranslation?
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    blacklist specific language rather than only whitelist one at a time

    Ehh my bad I was looking for it under the search section.
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    blacklist specific language rather than only whitelist one at a time

    Currently in search filters we can white list 1 'Original language' at a time but we can't blacklist 1 'Original language' if we only want to block one but see all the others. As an example, I want to see Japanese, Korean manga and manhwa but not Chinese.
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    Kimi wa Meido-sama - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Slightly Clumsy You

    Imagine being taken down within half an hour
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    Your translations are shit yukki stop ruining manga please
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    @WaveRSX you are quite correct, you did indeed, my comment ended up being more of a general rant than directed at you specifically.
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    Dungeon Reset

    I like how the translation war going on here demonstrates how fast scanlators can actually work when they want to rather than just dragging it out to attract more visitors to their patreons.
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    Revival Man

    32 chapters. Cant believe I made it this far before dropping this. MC is a relentless f*cking idiot and it doesn't look like that will ever change. It's hard to even support him he's so useless. "Teach me to fight" my f*cking ass, even the small time gangsters had numbers and guns. This isn't...
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    I Am the Sorcerer King

    Yet another withdrawal from greedy scanlators who want people to climb their d*cks on patreon. GG. To an aggregator i go, sure as hell not using their own sites.
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    Ya'll exaggerating, I can read it fine. There's a few localisms which have been written in that seem out of place but it's not that important. I'll support whoever makes legible translations the fastest. If your group doesn't have capacity to release at an even pace with the original (or faster...
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    Xian Ni

    @gameriuxlt typical nowadays? Yes. Typical when the novel was originally written? Not at all. This manhua is based on a pretty old novel (by web-novelesque wuxia standards).
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    Amagi Brilliant Park - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Let me get this right... the park is run down and almost abandoned with no guests, yet they are only 100,000 short of reaching 1,000,000 guests in a year? That's like 2,500 guests a day that they get, that's not fucking bad at all?! Sure it's not Disney levels of attendance but it's enough that...
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    Save The World, Uncle! - Ch. 5 - A long way to run

    @CajunWolfe I'd rather they got a competent QC for the translation tbh, even if it's a cool story the grammar is killing me inside
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    Solo Leveling Scans

    Ya'll moderated iganku94's comment cos you realised he was right. That's wack. Dont get me wrong Idgaf who translates what and find even the concept of "sniping" hilarious because its nonprofit fan effort to translate something, you can do what you want. But blatant censorship is childish...
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    Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!

    Wasn't there another translation of this series that was further ahead than this one? I've definitely seen these chapters before, I guess the original team pulled them for some reason?
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    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru (Fan Colored) - Vol. 1 Ch. 10 - The 10th Move

    This isn't a new chapter... Edit: nvm didn't realise this was the "fan colored" version
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    Yuukyuu no Gusha Asley no, Kenja no Susume - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Getting big doodlebob vibes from his chanting