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    Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - Vol. 7 Ch. 53

    It is revealed that the black fog could end the world: I sleep Mah boy Nakano quits the black company : Real shit
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    The Mermaid Princess's Guilty Meal - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

    that aquatarkus reference on p6 really smooth
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    Vampeerz - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Ascetic

    Are you going to let the vampire prey on you? Hell naw, you fuck the vampire instead. That's my girl.
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    Bimajyo no Ayano-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @mr-moon I just find hilarious that you think the first logical sex partner of a woman with a son is his own son instead of... You know, her husband? PS: I know that you actually mean the son as a character in a story where the father is probably absent. I'm just having a bit of fun.
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    Man, that Bremen Ranch looks sick I hope it was real
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    Shadows House - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Empty stomach

    Holy shit, what does she usually eat? K-Brot?
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    Ningyohime no Gomen ne Gohan

    Darkest cooking manga out there, I love it
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    Seton Academy: Join the Pack! - Vol. 4 Ch. 25.9 - Volume 4 Extras

    Page 5, how many degrees of fucked is that poor cobra?
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    Isekai Death Game ni Tensou sarete Tsurai

    I can't get enough of that smug face
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    Crimson Grimoire

    Man, I hope this grows healthy and strong
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    Dogeza de Tanondemita

    "Keep this a secret from everybody else" The bastard publishes a manga about it.
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    Taimashi to Akuma-chan (pixiv)

    Guys, should I read it? In a scale of 0 to Komi how wholesome is this?
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    Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai

    There's going to be a NTR chapter for april fools, right?
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    The Pechi Wand Witch's Book of Adventures

    I'm not gonna lie, the last page convinced me to follow this manga.
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    Shougakusei ga Mama demo Ii desu ka?

    Wholesome manga
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    Heisei Umare

    I'm so glad chapters keep rolling in
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    The String in the Shadows

    I know it's hentai, but it was so cute and endearing.
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    The Saga of Tanya the Evil

    So nice to have a new chapter.the wn and anine were fine but the manga is what I enjoy the most
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    Oh boy, can't wait to see this uploaded here.