@LoMal bruh, I'll fix it up pretty quick. Looks like I was too fast scrolling down smh, Thanks for the heads up btw.
Alrighty fixed now, enjoy Ig? And merry christmas
I'm back because I found another raw for this in another language which I can manage and translate on my own, and it just happens to be Indonesian which is easier for me to mtl and use my head. Expect lots of Indonesian sfx (I'll still try to rd them though), I use this raw because it's already...
This series has been dropped, all staff has been dismissed due to the increasing amount of homework, assignments, and exams we have been facing up until now. I've asked the translator to find someone to pick it up, sorry for the sudden notice.
The invite in the credits page r broke, all of them are capitalized (i didnt realize it at all, going to be fixed in the next chapter). Just click the discord logo :V
Mhhh, just to let u guys know. I don't really know if it can be considered as a Hentai/Ecchi. But, okay? Everyone has a different standard :/ So forgive me if you found this manhua in later date, ngl it's pretty gud