I just saw this amazing manga has rape and cucking in the light novel.... can someone spoil it to me so I can tell if I want to invest my time into this still?
Sure this ain’t original but it ain’t bad. No need to reinvent the wheel, jus the good at it. This should be much higher rated than the current poor rating.
This is actually quite a refreshing take/plot compared to all the generic manga out there. While it still follows the “forced/manipulated” theme, it had uniqueness that I enjoy. Definitely not 10/10 but I would give this a solid 7.5-8/10.
Dude the title... HAHA. Dog NIGGA in the building LMFAO. The description got me fucked up too. Cover art looks like BL3 so let’s see where this goes lolol.
So like... can someone spoil a little of this to me? Because so far this seems like a selfish princess recreated some dead guy she loved, only to let 14 of those clones just die and then just cuck the 15th one with a random beggar she picked up from the street. Is this just a whole NTR manga?