@Icryalot I wouldn't say it pisses me off but as an American I keep thinking she's like 6'2 the way she's scaled lmfao.
Probably part artistic choice and the avg height in japan is less than the west lol.
Age gap might be weird to our modern western culture but hey they're both adults, and even if it's a work of fantasy such gaps weren't uncommon for the time period it's inspired by.
@DenialDan iirc, ownership of handguns is forbidden in Japan. Unlikely normal people would own one.
Edit: realized this is also the chapter he has a confrontation in and learns to relent. Jumped to conclusions since I'm re-reading my bad.
@thegoatrider yeah I thought so too. Wondered if the Jackal obsession was some sort of mind-programming but Fable could definitely just be wired that way.
Oh hey look it's Karla's mum.
Also interesting, I wonder if all of the Kure clan members who work mundane jobs close their eyes like that since the black sclera are a bit of a giveaway.