1-nen A-gumi no Monster - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Sensei, what can I do?

Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2019
Damn girl, you're making an extra work for him now. They didn't pay him enough for this...
I don't care about your backstory. Oh, and I hate every single one of you
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
"I'm not interest in your past" Guys, I think this manga character is reading my mind. Help.
Jun 23, 2018
@Morsealworth and @Psychronia

In Switzerland too, in my city Lausanne there was various "high-school" (gymnasien) suicides and bullies case but the news don't speak about this.

The "What happens there, stays there" in Switzerland exist too.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018
Basically, Japanese people are really responsible people, or at least, Japanese people expect someone to take responsibility when something bad happens. There is no 'blameless incident'. When something bad happens, someone has to take the blame. Yes, if there is a natural disaster, someone has to take the blame too for not preparing for it.

If she didn't say anything, the school can sweep this under the rug and silently admonish the girls who did it. Sometimes a suspension, sometimes they would get kicked out of school. But since she did say it in public, public outcry will demand a sacrifice, regardless of the situation. This means that one of the teachers responsible for the trip will have to resign, regardless of the outcome. Unless there's a really strong reason why Jimi must stay in that school, Jimi will most likely be the one who is forced to resign. That's not the worst of the outcome, but talking about the cascading effect will take too long.

Now let's talk about her. By doing this, she has smeared mud on her own name, at least where schools are concerned. If she wants to change school for whatever reason, schools will most likely reject her application for transfer. They would think, "She did it once, what's stopping her from ruining our reputation next?" Technically public schools in Japan can't discriminate based on past deeds. However, schools can refuse her application by giving bullshit excuses, such as her failing the entrance exam or the school is full or the school doesn't allow part-time jobs or the school doesn't have the facility to accomodate teen idols or any other excuse and that refusal will be valid.

Had this just been her saying stuff in the newspaper or blog, she would normally be suspended. But since this has become too big, the school can't do that, since that would be similar to admitting that they're trying to silence the incident. That doesn't include how people would blame her for 'shaming her friend'. The Japanese people really value privacy.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
I gotta admit I love flashy action like this, tho it's not very smart but I really love it.
Also the last page, wrong teach to call. lol
Aggregator gang
Jan 1, 2019
Uh oh, saying her name on national television wasn't the best move, but at least Banri is happy at being called a friend of Momo's.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
I'd say, Jimi-sensei is doing a good job as a "teacher", but he is a failure as human being. He's really cold and emotionless, but his statement since last also logical. 😅
Double-page supporter
Jul 9, 2018
You can't succeed as a teacher if you fail as a human. Instead, you succeed as a bureaucrat.
Aggregator gang
Sep 10, 2018
America also has this mentality of "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." But that is changing with the rise of social media, #metoo, exposed/cancel culture for how extreme and sometimes hypocritical the last two are, they are changing this mentality from "What happened there no matter what stays there or you will ruin the reputation of this institution." To "If you had done or trying to this action that may bring an investigation. People will find out immediately and will spare you no mercy for what you had done."
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Well, guess that gal's gonna get fucked up.
Like, really fucked. I don't think his teacher would even try to save her, she's pretty much screwed in all aspect.
There ain't even anything that could connect the incident to the rich girl, except maybe Banri's testimony, but even that is a tad shaky since the rich girl friends can just make up alibi for her.

And since our MC doesn't give a fuck about other class, that girl can pretty much say bye-bye to her school life.
Like, the public's already aware, so someone need to take the blame. And there's an easy conclusion right there.

Then again, she's a minor, so it's possible that the playboy's teacher gonna get the blame instead.
It's gonna be fun seeing how he gonna gymnastic his way out of this.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Gotta love the autistic MC who gives no shits.

Still, I believe he's trying not to get attached to anyone anymore after the incident, and so is trying to sever all ties or relationships that could possibly come up so he doesn't hurt anyone.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
Jesus. This whole chapter had a negative vibe. I'm leaning towards the rumor sensei found that she suspects is about Jimi in an earlier chapter may have something to do with his comment of "I had no choice to become a teacher". Sometimes it's hard to grasp what his current mindset is going to be and this is definitely one of them. Personally it feels like Jimi's personality just keeps on getting filled with more and more darkness.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@Psychronia We know this is her cunning, bet everyone else think she was saying it all without any thoughts behind it because of her usual image, convincing themselves that she is doing something out of stupidity and proving to themselves she is stupid.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
They underestimated the power of TV.
Momo maybe stupid at school but she got this far in the media for a reason.

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