Oct 18, 2020
Aaahh fuck inferiority complex. I hope something changes after 50 chapters or so. Cause to be honest reading a lot of chapters with an op character while having an inferiority complex spells poor character development...

Taking in to account the positive atmosphere it's unavoidable and unacceptable for him to not change and realize the changes that happened to him (I think he already realised it but his inferiority complex got in the way)
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 27, 2019
I hope there's proper character development. If they just yeet him into a different personality then I'd be disappointed.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2020
@MangaSimp101 as much as I do understand why you don't like the inferiority complex of MC, I'm pretty sure it's only been a few weeks at most since he realized what he looks like now. I'm pretty sure he will change, if he doesn't that's the fault of the author. Also, I don't think he'll keep his inferiority complex for more than 15-20 chapters cause even if inferiority complexes are hard to fix, with the drastic change in attitude around him at the new school, he should be able to break free pretty quickly
Jun 27, 2018
@MangaSimp101 This kind of thing isn't so simple. When you have issues with self esteem, you start from a conclusion of "I'm not good enough" and work backwards, because that's an assumption that's been reinforced by a lifetime of experiences. You wind up quickly dismissing people who tell you you are worthwhile as being either insincere or mistaken, and tend to reflexively discount any accomplishments as being due to luck and not a result of your own merits. If anything, it would be extremely unrealistic for him to get over his low self esteem this quickly.

This is particularly the case when you consider that many of merits that are being recognized right now are things he acquired essentially through luck. He acquired his current looks and athletics ability through external, relatively easy means. They aren't him any more than the bow he's using to shoot at those targets; something he's acquired, rather than something he is. This is why Kaori is an important love interest. She met him before he was athletic or handsome, yet still recognized him as being the same person and treated him well even before he was either of those things.
Sep 11, 2018
Poor guy he still thinks he ain worthy it will take some time till his mentality change, but his enrolment in the new school should help him.
I mean his school was a toxic place not only teachers but students(meaning the twins) he is off better in another place of learning that is more healthy
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2018
I love this series, not because it's plainly a power creep story like most isekai or y'know OP MC type story. The series pushes the idea that a little act of good will comes back to you in life, in waves especially. It's ironic when I often see people talk about karma in some situations, but only in the context of bad karma. It's nice to have good karma be highlighted because that's only fair, but often it's just put as "luck" and especially in a story it would be considered as just some ass pull or ex-machina or something, but really having good faith in people inspires good people. Even things that MC did before he transformed, comes back to him as a blessing. The attitude he has kept since before the transformation, is a well-deserved blessing for his good will, and as much of a coincidence it is, it's not undeserving obviously. There's nothing wrong with achieving your own happiness through your own independence, but I also think it's not wrong to expect good things from the world itself.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
so, is the whole house thing done for?. if so, what was the point of having ridiculous stats if he's not going to use them in his daily life?.
Jun 15, 2018
i think that kind of school costs about $50k - $100k annually, maybe more. Being in low esteem and from a low class school makes it hard to fit in a luxurious school and their lifestyle, I'll feel the same if I'm in his shoes. He's lucky to have good positive friends, they'll push him back standing on his own feet soon. The story starts to get interesting.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
@Tatsuya-Kei I meant his grandpa should have tried reporting parents to child security,when he was alive, and (not sure he didn't try) teach him about human dignity, that his surroundings are to be blamed, not him.

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