This manga is far better cause even with the same premise of *go to another world, get swole* he still treated similarly (not a full 180) but he's still given more respect in some regards, and he isn't just suddenly getting a harem (especially in our modern world)
I hope we see character shift now that his environment is nurturing. I wouldn't want him to be a shy generic MC when he now is jacked with chad body. Will have to see, likely will take 2 yrs for enough chapters to come out to observe lol
From what I understand the tl of this manga are purposely delaying uploading, if so abandon the manga rn, even if it's amazing your opinion you shouldn't waste your time
Indeed, there are some institutions out there that do not require large amounts of money to join but rather decent skills. These academic institutions have a bit to very little of discrimination between households of various status. The most common discrimination would be that of principal to dean to professors to students. That would be mostly. These institutions usually include world renowned institutions such as Harvard and Stanford.