@Glomoro Nah, I meant it in a way that
Enjoy the beat down from the swarm of stocking fans? They ain't gonna fuck around either, they'll put a bunch of loose change in some stockings and smack your shit up with them.
we, stockings fans, might just do it that way. Don't tell the police I said that.😇
It is a handy makeshift weapon which I had on standby, used rock though. During winters (7-11) years ago when I was in highschool, wolves used to go down the mountains/hillier area to my and surrounding villages. Not to mention lose dogs which might and might not be on my way home from bus station, it wasn't the safest area. Having to walk there during night, I always felt safer with it, just in case there were no trees to climb on. Luckily I never met wolves, doubt I'd be writting this here but I did meet few dogs. They kept distance and so did I.