Jan 14, 2020
You know, I wonder if Endeavor for a second wondered how his family other than Todoroki was dealing with the Dabi Touya reveal right now, or if he spent this whole time wallowing in self pity at how things turned out this way and how he failed to do his duty.

Like Rei said "Those regrets and guilt... the rest of us have borne that burden much more than you have"

Did Endeavor ever for a split second think "How does Rei feel now that my abuse of Touya pushed him to this point? How does Natsu feel?" before they literally showed up in his hospital room? I'm glad that the next chapter will be the first one where Endeavor stops being a selfish prick and starts working to mend his relationships with his family for THEIR BENEFIT instead of his own.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
I'm not really a fan of 'forgiveness' as a concept. It always feels like something that can be 'achieved' to bring things back to how they were before, but that just feels unrealistic.
I think in reality people's opinions towards you can only be changed gradually.
Abusing your family like that for an extended period of time will lead to their feelings towards you changing very adamantly.
There is no 'forgiveness' at that point. You can start mending the relationship and gradually change their opinion towards you again and evetually bring it back to a level where you're kinda like strangers to each other, but after that the abuse still has happened and there is nothing to erase that.

Your family can then choose to live with the you that you have changed to, despite the traumatic past that you still share. Staying with your family like that means a life of never-ending penance. Being the better person you should have been each and every new day is the atonement and your familiy staying with you is their forgiveness.

I don't think every person is capable of that level of forgiveness/atonement and it's probably better to go seperate ways in most cases.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
Needs more seinen stuff

Nov 25, 2020
Endeavor is about to get a comeback arc he does NOT deserve.

To anyone out there with abusive authority and guidance figures you cannot get away from, they deserve nothing from you and forgiveness is not all it's chalked up to be. Under the BEST of circumstances all you can hope for is a salvaged connection that's many years too late and often not worth the effort. You are under no expectation to live under the unrealistic standards and/or dehumanizing position that has been forced upon you, and you certainly are not expected by anyone other than yourself to understand their position and show empathy and maturity that those older than you have not displayed themselves. The healthiest thing you can do for yourself is understand that their behavior and your feelings are two separate things, and how you reconcile the two is entirely up to you. Whether seeking some form of redemption/acceptance or simply cutting ties ASAP is healthier is a topic of debate, but the sad fact is that the latter option is easier, faster, and more realistic 99.9% of the time. Best of luck, and fuck this wife and child beater straight to hell.

Just had to get in there before some impressionable youth made the mistake of sympathizing with their abuser.
Jan 14, 2020
@Casual0bserver At this point, cutting ties wouldn't do anything. Unlike normal situations of abuse, there's a super powered serial killer on the loose that's extremely likely to target members of his family to prey on his guilt. If he just cuts ties Natsu will probably be burned on a wooden stake in front of the Endeavor head office or something ridiculous.

For this particular situation, Endeavor HAS to work to mend ties with his family because he has to keep them safe going forward.
Aug 3, 2020
Surprised the isn't a more concerted effort to neutralize villians from around the world (there basically a world government why not more outside help to Japan)
Nov 25, 2020

At this point Endeavor has his duty as a hero to do whatever needs to be done, so if you want to see him as the abused party who needs to cut ties then that would translate to ‘being able to fight Dabi’.

What I was talking about was literally everyone except him (the abuser in this case) who would’ve been better off without him clouding their lives for the last decade+. Something like Shoto accepting his powers as his own and not a curse from his father, which most everyone agrees was an excellent character moment and a relatable step in the right direction.

The only downside of this practice is that abusers are left ‘unconfronted’ and often never change the behavior that led to people in their lives abandoning them, but the type of person who uses violence and brainwashing to manipulate people who depend on them for support and guidance is usually aware their actions are ‘wrong’ but is unable to empathize or has already made a habit of prioritizing themselves and confronting them is not going to change that. I have seen people make a change and become better for it, and honestly most of the time it was easier for them to do once they had nobody to abuse. To bring it back, Enji would not be going through what he is now if Touya hadn’t left to begin with and his ‘death’ was the catalyst for most of the POSITIVE change in the family dynamic we’ve seen. Many people might look at how broken apart they are and forget that it’s still better than when they were together.
Jun 23, 2020
@CryptoParagon maybe more will come? In BnHA:V we know that in the past Captain Celebrity from America came to japan.
But maybe the Japanese gov want to handle it themselves (which is not an uncommon topic in other media)
Group Leader
Apr 3, 2020
Endeavor is not going to catch a break anytime soon, which makes a bit sad
but even here the guy continues to be the best character bnha could ever offer
Mar 15, 2019
Man, can you bitches cry any harder? waaaaaaah I'm CaSUAlObsERvER AnD I'M gONna BiTCh AnD MOan OvER ChaRACter DeVELopMEnT.
Jan 14, 2020
By the way, the Todoroki family story totally has a happy ending.

They added a small blurb this chapter that Dabi's body is very good at handling freezing temperatures. This is obviously a detail added so that a future Shouto Touya tag team combo would be insanely strong, since Todoroki could freeze Touya super super hard without harming him at all, and bringing his body temperature to such low levels would mitigate the negative impact of using his quirk. If you recall, Shouto has trouble with his freeze half because it causes him to suffer frostbite, and we saw in the tourney arc he can mitigate this by using his fire quirk.

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