Active member
Apr 19, 2018
I don't know any actual japanese but I assume the names he's pointing out are all some sort of animal? inu is dog, shiro is swan, not sure of the others
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020

You mean the Type-96 Multi-Purpose Missile System

[And that missile system was installed on the Mu Navy battleship La Kasami. The Type-96 also saw action during the Battle of the MAlmund Mountains in LN Vol. 6 when the Gra Valkas Empire's 4th Armored Division was escaping the JGSDF's 7th Division/spoiler]
Nov 17, 2020
If America was put in instead of Japan..... I would only pray that their enemies don’t have oil. Anyways can’t wait for the next chapter JSDF just destroy their enemies and be like “yeah we didn’t do that much” and everyone else Pikachu face.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
entity_101 Last reply, because I feel you are arguing in bad faith and putting up strawmans, more than actually addressing my points.

@Yurisivel Okay, you made your arguments, now I'll give you my counter arguments

The number of enemies of Japan know by Japan, both in this chapter and by your likely dropping of the novel, 0. Why? Well, none of the great powers really care about the Rodenius continent, which is in a backwater region, with backwater nations. If Japan doesn't have any enemies, and Fenn guaranteed that it was safe to come to their kingdom, why wouldn't they allow their citizens to do tourism? They don't have any nation that came and "You Japan is now our enemy for no obvious reason". Louria was an enemy of qua-toyne not of Japan, Japan just intervened to protect their own citizens from starvation, Palpardia said they just defeated a nation that they could have easily defeat too without much trouble.

Okay this is stupid for two reason. One, the JSDF, whether intentionally or not, have opened fired on foreign naval and aerial forces several times by this point. Whether they are not a superpower is irrelevant to making enemies. In fact, they have already engaged in hostile conflict, any foreign nation will naturally consider this an act of aggression whether this was in self-defense or not. These aren't your friendly nations where mistakes were made and we can just laugh about it, they will hold a grudge for it. And given how they act and behaved makes them inevitably an enemy of Japan. So yes, enemies do exist whether Japan acknowledges them or not.

Keep in mind, these are all acts of war when these enemy nations attacked the JSDF without provocation. We've already seen how arrogant and evil these recent nations are just by how they act and carry themselves with around lesser nations, they will consider Japan the same, a weak an easily conquerable nation, and treat them as such without reservation. To naively and optimistically believe that military conflict would not create animosity on any scale is beyond stupid, which is my entire point.

Second, why would Japan believe Fenn or any allies are able to protect their citizens when they couldn't protect themselves? The Japanese, and we the readers already understood their allies are unable to protect their own territories from the aggression of their surrounding neighbors. So sending their citizens for tourism when their safety isn't guaranteed, either by Fenn or their own JSDF force is stupid by any standard and is a complete asinine statement to make.

Japan has a bunch of allies? By this time her number of allies is a whopping 2! TWO ALLIES!!! Both of them in the Rodenius continent, with both of them being basically isolated from the rest of the New World. Do you know what their diplomats are doing? They are going around the globe trying to contact nations and start diplomatic talks, they're not in a civ6 game or EU4, where they just press a button and Boom alliance made, at this point, Japan only knows of some nations and has diplomats of even fewer nations, at the few months they started searching for other nations

Which doesn't counter my point and isn't relevant to my argument. The JSDF and diplomats have several months worth of time and have already engaged in numerous conflicts by this point. This is more than enough in establishing the local geo-political landscape of the Rodenius continent and determining who the aggressive actors are in this political theatre. We know it, their allies know it, but somehow you are suggesting the Japanese government doesn't? Despite all the interactions shown so far? This is really arguing in bad faith.

What is their military doing? Drills probably. How do you expect Japan to have extraterritorial bases, when it doesn't have allies outside of Rodenius or showed itself to be powerful as a great power (defeating a small backwater nation with other two nations is definitely not showing as having a super-powerful military)? They don't, they also don't have satellite surveillance yet too, there's a limit to how many times and how far a scout plane can do, and they don't have the luxury to keep scout ships over the entire new world to find any threat at any time

That doesn't help your argument or make a strong case for this kind of incompetence. Why are the military conducting drills? Why are there no military presence near or protecting the tourist hotspots or any soft targets within their allies territory or somewhere close? You don't send out civilians beyond your country's sphere of influence because its easy to exploit. Why is there no precaution or measures taken in protecting their own citizens? You don't need satellites or send a million scout planes in protecting and I stress, local assets. Even after the fact, why did the JSDF not mount a rescue operation when they successfully rescued the survivors from the Demon Lords army? Suggesting that the JSDF is practicing drills, when you yourself stated "the JSDF is basically an army, but its only job is to defend Japan, is arguing in bad faith.

Establishing a local presence would have been enough, given how easily the JSDF has thwarted several aggressive attempts easily already. There is literally no excuse.

And about all the other empires that are evil and weak, well answer me, who wins the entire IJN or an American supercarrier and its escort fleet (because that's what's basically happening)? Well, to the surprise of no one the supercarrier wins, why? Because they can attack from farther away and their weapons have no countermeasures, there's no way a Zero fighter can defeat an F14, that's how it works the bigger the technological gap, the bigger is the advantage, and you want me to believe modern Japan wouldn't win? Then come up with a very sound argument for why a technologically superior foe who doesn't underestimate its opponent, wouldn't against an enemy with inferior technology

Again, you are arguing a strawmen and in bad faith here. The enemy nations shown so far, and the ones that conducted the kidnapping and executions, are nowhere near the same technological level. Do the Palpardia Empire or Louria have WW II era battleships or supercarriers? Did they seriously threaten Japan at a hegomonic level? No, they do not. Your counter argument is flimsy at best and does nothing to address my issue about enemy nations being constantly portrayed as both weak enough, but strong enough that is constantly found in fascists and Ultra-Nationalistic literature. Why you are even arguing this is beyond me. You are literally claiming that a nation with colonial era weapons, somehow managed to sneak past the JSDF, capture hundreds of tourists, and execute them without any resistance. How does that not embody the Ultra-Nationalist manifesto?

Enslaving is definitely not morally reprehensible... By today's standard, ask a roman if slavery wasn't fine, ask the Ming emperors if slavery wasn't fine, ask Genghis Khan if slavery wasn't fine. They would all give you a thumbs up because by their standards slavery is totally justified. For you, it's not, but for them, it's totally fine to make people into slaves. I'm pretty sure that there's more than enough examples of some ruler in the past capturing some citizens of some other kingdom, that kingdom's envoy asks for the ruler to release their citizens, the ruler says that he'll release if they pay a tribute of slaves to him, then goes to show them what'll happen if they refuse (they get all killed, and their kingdom invaded by a powerful empire)

Or maybe, you know, ask the Japanese or any modern person if they thought enslavement is morally reprehensible? Or what? Are you saying because it is not morally reprehensible Japan should feel free in making slave tributes to an enemy nation, and not find it odd? But to humor you. I am sure Rome would object if Roman citizens were made slaves by the Gauls, or if the Emperor's subjects were kidnaped, tortured, raped, and killed by the Huns or Mongols. I highly doubt if they were the victims, they would give the matter a "thumbs up". Rather than address the elephant in the room, IE modern/Japan's opinion, claiming that "well if slavery is fine back then, it should be fine now", which is an argument so narrowminded and obtuse it makes my head hurt just reading it. You should ask the current Japanese in the story, if they would find slavery morally reprehensible or not. But this seems all in bad faith, so I don't know if I should take it seriously or not anymore.

All these arguments are from basic history lessons and thinking about what I just read, and not yours that feels real like, SJW funnel vision. Is the Author ultra-nationalist? Definitely, but at least this story makes a lot of sense if you think about what happened, and not as if everything happened because it was just made up, all you need to do is read it while paying attention to the details, not just read and do "Oh! That empire with a Roman Empire mentality has slaves, then that means they're evil because slaves are bad by modern standards"

See. This is why I can't take your arguments seriously. Because you are arguing that today's society are, not in any way, superior all the previous past civilization that came before us. You are essentially saying the reason why the Roman empire fell, the Ming Dynasty collapsed, or any other ancient civilizations that fell into ruin, had nothing to do with the fact that they were in some way deficient or flawed? It's like you can't wrap your head around the reasoning why it is a bad idea to enslave people. For all your talk about history, you seem to miss out on the most basic fundamentals: We are better than we are yesterday. It's why we study history so extensively, and why we try to better ourselves as a civilization, by constantly progressing as a species. Maybe it's you who should start learning from history, instead of glorifying it, and making the same mistakes.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020

Uhm. The Parpaldia Empire is the one who fired the first shots against the Japan Coast Guard patrol boat. And please read the WN. It is where the whole events about the Japan-PE War stated
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018

Uhm. The Parpaldia Empire is the one who fired the first shots against the Japan Coast Guard patrol boat. And please read the WN. It is where the whole events about the Japan-PE War stated

Yes? And the JSDF responded in self-defense. What are you trying to say? I have already stated this in a previous post below:

Keep in mind, these are all acts of war when these enemy nations attacked the JSDF without provocation.

Also, I read the WN. Up to the point where I dropped it when the
Japanese civilians get captured and executed. And the Japanese revoke the "self-defense" clause in their constitution.
Double-page supporter
Jun 17, 2018
Can anyone explain about the wordplay on platoon and squad leaders' names?
Jan 6, 2020
@packnerz They make reference to the legend of Momotarou, who went on a journey to kill ogres/demons with a dog (inu), a monkey (saru) and a pheasant (tori means bird):
MOMOta TAROU --> Momotarou
INUgami Kou --> Inu
SARUwatari Manabu --> Saru
ShiroTORI Nishi --> Tori
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
Regarding page 12. I have read the novel, and only half of the ships were damaged. Remaining half stopped their advance and towed the damaged ships back to their home harbour.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@entity_101 Mu isn't Atlantis, they knew the Atlantians though. Apparently Earth had two great empires in the distant past, Mu advanced through scientific tech, and Atlantis supposedly used magic.

Mu was on the land, and Atlantis in the sea.
Active member
Apr 13, 2019
@CountryMage Then I confused myself since from what I was remembering when the Japanese envoys compared the map Mu gave them with their own, they said Mu was located in the Atlantic ocean
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2019
@entity_101 if I recall
wasn't Mu a rival power of Atlantis? There were two super powers in the past in Earth fighting for supremacy, that was Atlantis and Mu. Mu got isekaid at some point and they theorized that without them as a rival Atlantis would've been able to conquer Earth, until they met with Japan at least.

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