This manga was an awesome, fun and funny critique of the problems with Shounen tropes (Power creeps, over engineered stories, unrelatable vilains, godlike MCs,...), it now became just that.
I still have the hopes that it will go back to what it was. The super hero genre is still enormously popular, so a parody of it with awesome art and funny joke would most likely still be welcomed.
Readers like you are what plagues this industry, making awesome satirical work into what they were actually a satire of, just because it makes it more popular.
@XL @aFFi hes in the arc hunting for the boss are you guys blind or just retarded, plus he just appeared this chapter lol what a bunch of fags
And then you go insulting people just because their views differ from yours. Also, I really hate homophobe dumbasses like you, I hope MangaDex bans you for your choice of words.
Man, there really should be a report button on MangaDex... meanwhile, my blocked list keeps growing and growing.