Feb 15, 2018
this is just code geass all over again? or eren actually want to destroy the world and just pretend to go along with zeke?

is there any choice besides kill all eldian vs destroying the world?
Active member
Nov 29, 2018
@Reichenberg Zeke is a psycho so he sees some similarities in himself and Eren, like they are brothers and were manipulated by their father (even though Eren wasn't but he doesn't know that) and thinks they are the same, so when Eren is like "yeah, you are totally right, bro", he just buys into it. Might sound too easy when the author can just say "the madman answered his own questions before waiting for an answer" but it doesn't necessarily need to be complex. Zeke did find a supporter in his father figure just by telling the guy "what if we could make no babies".
Double-page supporter
Mar 5, 2019

I see. On one hand, Zeke is this mastermind who orchestrates Yelena and the others to succesfully infiltrate and overtake Eldia, and on the other hand, he is a psycho who takes everything on face value?

Too disparate to be true. My impression is that the author wants to have too many different personalities in one character.

Also, Japanese stories tend to have a weird ending, so expect more and more unreasonable and unexplainable weird stuff happening, as the story builds up to its end.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
I don't think genocide is a path Eren would be so eager to take with all those sh!tty moments we got with him during the Ross incident, but I still somewhat believe Levi wouldn't die so easily. Where did that titan come from? And was that path from the beast titan or the Ymir family? Too many questions!! And does that lady really think it'll be that easy to subdue Eren who has been training for this since the start of the time skip?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
It's a bit anti-climatic for Levi to die (?) like this. I guess the author wants to wrap up the mess the plot has turned into.

@Holmes15 Nice black comedy: "genocidal maniacs are not wrong".
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 20, 2018
Looks like the Jager brothers are suffering from Eldian-guilt, cucks to the core
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I think that Eren is playing Zeke in order to use his powers. His ultimate goal might actually be the annexation of Marley.
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2018
Where has gone Ch.114 ?
edit: nvm, it's just a mayhem in the chapters because of how they are named.
Jul 29, 2018
@ SSS26032002

A good bullet to Eren's head can do wonders for Pieck. Sure, he can regenerate, but that doesn't mean that it won't disable him for a while.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 27, 2018
To anyone confused where the Titan came from: It’s the Titan Zeke was ripping apart to throw at Levi. It’s dismembered mouth can be seen twitching (still alive) in the panel of Levi dragging away Zeke from his Beast Titan.
It’s a hint that could only be caught with translated SFX.
(Like the Crunchyroll version)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
a piece of the story just connected... now ill wait for the other piece to solve the confusion of "if eren and zeke's ultimate goal is euthanasia, then why the heck they didn't do it when they met face to face? is there anything needed to do it other than just holding hands?"...
Mar 7, 2019
People are really underestimating Eren if they truly believe he's just straight up on agreement with Zeke's plan. Consider the point that we've never even seen anything about Eren's ideals from Eren himself, just from the perspective of other people. Pretty interesting breakdown of Zeke's character as well, as being the figure for the touted genius 4d chess player trope has been reduced to be as equally naive and shortsighted like Grisha. I feel it's quite apparent that his personal feelings and desperation are on display, and Eren is likely taking advantage of that (it also helps Eren's case of planning this out since we're told he was briefed about Zeke's plan by Yelena prior to his brotherly meeting). Perhaps he really believes Eren came to the same twisted conclusion just for the sole fact that they had the same fucked up father, and its just conformation for his sick values.

I feel like Eren has his own agenda that hasn't surfaced yet. The guy is literally the symbol of freedom in the story, so him going down this path wouldn't make sense. Could be totally wrong though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018

Eldia ( as far as we know, since it is canonical that the historical records have been tampered on both sides and the Titans genetic memory only goes so far ) was the empire that either invented or extensively abused the titans power to gain power over the world. Somehow ( that part is really not explained as much as that ) they were defeated and they were permitted to retreat to Paradis island and made a walled city with Titans. So, basically everyone in the cast is Eldian :p

Marley is one of the sucessor states that picked up from what Eldia left behind. They have a significant, but heavily discriminated, minority of Eldians ( probably left behind when Eldia retreated to Paradis island ) and it is somewhat infamous for picking the Eldian habit of using Titans ( most of them unwilling Eldian conscripts ) in warfare. It was Marley that decided to make a recon in force of Paradis island with 3 Titans a couple of years ago .... You might remember that ;)


That said, I have my mixed feelings about Eren actions. First of all, I have my big doubts about all the show he made with Misaka. Sure, he is the Coordinate and all of that, but if you think about it, if Eren could really compel conscient titans to do his bidding like he implies he can ( remember that he states that the Ackerman are forced to protect him because they are mini-titans and that the Coordinate power compels them to protect him ), then none of the attacks he suffered from Titans ( including the punches of Arwin in that same chapter ) would never have happened at all. It is like he was trying to push Misaka and Arwin away from him *cue march of the solitary hero* ;)

And, let's be honest, even disregarding all of that, what the hell was the point of Eren going to Marley? OFC the stated reason was to make a big bruahh and force a attack on the Titans ( title drop :D ) Island, but it was not that Marley was not planning to attack Paradis Island already :p . No, Eren went there for some other reason ... most likely intel gathering. And who knows what he discovered ...
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
This is getting far too convoluted, I like where the story is going but the author is just trying to do too much at once.

As for Levi, people are fucking morons if they think he's dead. Or the author would have to be equally stupid to kill him off like this. Not just because he's a badass or whatnot, but because of how integral a character he is. It's stupid to believe he'd die from this and even stupider for him to actually die like this. If it were an actual real life event it'd make sense; in real life unpredictable anti-climatic deaths happen, but this a story where doing so would lead to a lower quality story. AOT isn't GoT and it couldn't pull off killing characters like that.

Zeke's deus ex machina is probably going to come into play later down the road but it was still pretty lame, both in the events themselves and how quickly the drama was resolved. I still like edgy Eren, certainly by comparison to stupid edgy Eren and that he's actually playing the game now instead of just screaming the world isn't fair or setting unrealistic goals with no plans. Though he certainly can't pull off this martyr shit he seems to be going for. Still interested enough to see where this is going, unlike other shounen out there, *cough* Shokugeki *cough*.

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