5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 9 Ch. 72 - The Rumour About the Class Reps


Active member
Apr 30, 2018
This manga is slowly going nowhere. It used to be better pacing.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Nothing like the 40 filler chapters that will now certainly come up. 🤣
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
New Guy is annoying for some reason, also glad they finally got to a proper yotsuba arc.
Jan 16, 2019
So I guess that sorta confirms Yotsuba hiding her feelings. Also, could be a coincidence, but when Yotsuba goes full despair on pg. 17 her eyes seem to match the eyes of the kissing Itsuki on pg. 13. Now I'm not saying it means that it was Yotsuba, but yeah it totally was.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
Hoo Hoo, then if there's no way that would happen why does she have those eyes full of sadness.....you can't fool anyone yotsuba-chan.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Man, what is the purpose of this chapter?
Even though this is Yotsuba chapter, yet she gains no advantage.
Is all of this just for Yotsuba to learn that MC is open for relationships? Then why she goes for supporting role.
I dont understand what Yotsuba's thinking at all.
Ps: I would be panic if Rena is indeed Yotsuba, then I would put Yotsuba in the best girl spot (well, I already put her in that spot, but yeah)
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2018
@donm527 Ah right, there're those too. All the Nino-Miku bombard makes me forget other goodness lol. Seeing them like that, it's cool how their big brother and big sister like role take place in supporting each other.

@ngkn92 Well, no one here fully understand what's in Yotsuba mind. I guess she got her mind set to that Fuutarou is awakening interest with probably Miku and then her supportive character makes her voluntarily drop out from the game. I hope this will lead to a better chapter for Yotsuba tho.

Also the character song preview is up ♡ https://youtu.be/dNsg2Q1olhg
Feb 4, 2018
Based on that interview video, Negi-sensei saying "残り何巻みたいな考えて..." along with the tone of the interviewers do give the sense of him considering closure of the series sooner than later. As Zereal states, it could be more than another three, four volumes, but it does sound less like "at least after we get the other three in wedding dresses, how many more" and more like "once we get them into wedding dresses, how many more..."

I've noticed people get caught up on Yotsuba being "dumb" as a point of contention as to why she cannot be Rena. However, there is a difference between being an actual idiot and someone who is more... cuckoolander? As in, someone can seem odd, even acting in ways that we typically presume to be immature/childish, but it doesn't mean there aren't any hidden depth. Heck, how many series have there been that either the dumb character was the mastermind, or was above it all? And while yes, she supplies what some call the support role, it feels rather limiting to then denounce that character from having more meaningful development, or be someone much more pivotal in moving the plot. Stories construct characters to move in some foreseeable direction, but as we know, authors can also bend and break those norms.

@ngkn92 as 421cookies mentions, no one knows what Yotsuba is thinking, therefore it is hard to tell how much of the events are affecting her and in what way. We can only go off what we are being shown and making our own good guesses. I believe the author is actively making this decision, not omitting Yotsuba's thought process because she isn't significant (I bring this up because a friend did make this point one of their arguments, which ticked me off). In the end, I believe this chapter to be the long awaited dive into Yotsuba's more sentimental side (and get a clue what her actual stance is in the heroine race), as any of the previous chapters for her had been resolved on some uplifting but also minimal (I won't call it shallow, but definitely not much details to go off of) results. I think we'll be able to piece it much better when we see the next few chapters and what they offer; it is true that this chapter on its own feels more like a "get destroyed Yotsuba" chapter... which I don't think is what it's meant for.
Jan 16, 2019
Artists don't always gets to decide when the manga will end tho. If I remember correctly Kubo Tite was pressured into continuing Bleach well beyond it was good or enjoyable for him.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Yotsuba is not a harem candidate
she is the best wingman one could wish for
Feb 4, 2018
@du5k Yes, if the Publisher wants to milk the series, they can press/force a manga artist to do just that. Bleach and Naruto faced this, so if the Publisher sees Gotoubun to be worth staying, Negi-sensei may be subject to the same treatment.
Jan 18, 2018
You know, if the mangaka really is being pressured to stretch the series, I wouldn't mind if they went all in with this Yotsuba arc and put a twist in it.

By making Yostuba turn out to acctually be more intelligent than most readers gives her credit for?

But aware that she's no good at studying and awfully slow minded.

But loves seeing others happy and does her best to cheer people up by doing what she does best: pulling a Yotsuba and enjoying being in her own child-like personality.

Maybe Yotsuba is an even better actor than we have her credit for? (But has been expressing most of her true personality the whole time? Save for her being self aware of her weaknesses?)

But also secretly liking MC but knowing she's not really a contender in the race.
(We can already kinda tell she's been kinda hiding her feelings reeeeeeeealy well from MC on page 17)

It would be really interesting to see that kind of Yotsuba rather than a "Oh, happy go lucky, I'm a sidekick cheerleader here to only stretch out a few chapters of the manga~"

... The more I'm writing about this theoretical Yotsuba, the more I wanna see this mangaka throw a twist into Yotsuba's personality by adding one more dimension to her and make a *real* good Yostuba arc. If we're taking time to take a Yotsuba detour, I wanna see it make it worth my while.
Jan 16, 2019
I'd like to believe Yotsuba is in the race all the way back in chapter 21. She's just conflicted about her standing among the sisters in the race that's all.

That promotional picture with 4 sisters holding Itsuki's face is telling me that Yotsuba will be offically in the fight soon. And then all of them will be helping Itsuki with her feelings when she goes full tsundere in her own arc.

Just a guess, but not too far off I think.
Dec 25, 2018
Since Nino didn’t comply with Miku’s request. Maybe Miku will now ask Fuutarou herself for what he wants for a present, as oppose to asking others to find out for her. I hope with this way, she will face him properly and not weave around with deception like all the other times.

And it looks like Fuutarou is doing his own little investigation into who kiss him. As we see Fuutarou in page 10, seem to be examining Yotsuba’s eyes. And from the last three chapter, he was looking at the lips of Ichika and Nino.

When Yotsuba bring up Miku as his potential interest, Fuutarou is surprise and question why she brings up Miku, possibly wanting to know her reasoning but Yotsuba didn’t really give him a proper answer for his inquiry.

Now, it’s theory time, hopefully it’ll be less bias toward Miku than my first theory on who's Rena.

[Who is the Kyoto girl?]

In this period, everyone is very similar to one another, so it’s hard to pin down who’s who. But what period was this from? Was it before or after their mother’s death, or before she was hospitalised? I say that Fuutarou meeting Kyoto girl, is prior before her mother death as the picture we see in Ch.14, show that all the quint was smiling. Whether it was before or after their mother being hospitalize, I do not know.

Then we get into why she is alone by herself. Originally, I thought it was because she was lost herself, but after thinking about it. I believe that she chose him to follow him. When Fuutarou first met her, she rescue him from the police by said that saw everything, but what if she really DID mean that she saw EVERYTHING. From Fuutarou lagging behind the group, to his departure and eventual sulking at the base of the steps. What if she chose to follow him because of how similar her circumstance are to him?

Keep in mind that we do not know the entire event. We all know what kind of impact Kyoto girl had on him but what about her? What kind of impact does Fuutarou has on Kyoto girl? Given how Fuutarou is at this age, I can’t really come up with any suitable answer except, he is there with her.

Which leads me to question, does Kyoto girl even remember or know that the boy she met five years ago is Fuutarou at the start of the series? It’s possible that with their mother’s death, plus a five-year gap may have overshadow and fuzzy the memories of Kyoto and it was not until much later that Kyoto girl realize who Fuutarou really is.

People have speculated as to the identity of the unknown childhood boy from ch.68 as Fuutarou itself, but I personally will have to disagree with that. One, I don't think that trip last more than one day, given how light those kids were carrying and I did not once see any adult supervision for Fuutarou’s group if this was going to be a more than one day trip for “elementary school kids”. Two, there doesn't seem to have any indication from Fuutarou himself that he ever meets Kyoto girl again for a second time in the past. And three, where will they find each other again after that day? From what I know they didn't exchange any contact number or address. Four, if they met each other again why didn’t Fuutarou ask for her name. Five, that silhouette does not match how Fuutarou looks like five years ago.

Also, it seems that teenage Rena and Kyoto girl are one and the same. So, if you want to know my thought and reasons as to who I think teenage Rena is you can search for my name in the comment forum of Ch.68, but short answer is that I think the likely candidate is Miku, followed by Ichika and then Itsuki.

While I don’t know how to prove that Miku is Kyoto girl other than through teenage Rena, but author and artist alike tend to like their weird symbolism and foreshadowing. So, forgive me if this theory sounds a bit too outlandish and far-fechting but, looking at the card Fuutarou had on hand when he played with his friends, we could maybe use them as representatives for the quint.

(K/H, K/S, 6/S, A/C, A/H)
(K/H, K/S, A/C, A/H, A/S)

Now I don’t play cards, but I do know a bit about pattern. From the first hand, the odd one out is obviously the 6 of Spades, with the other card Ace of Clubs being a very minor difference. Fuutarou then discards the middle card and we resulted with our second hand.

The odd one out is still the middle card but the one that he draws by discarding 6 of Spades is the Ace of Spades. So, by that logic the candidate for Kyoto girl is either the Ace of Clubs or Ace of Spades. If we go by the order in which they were born then Miku or Itsuki are the likely candidate, if we go by the order of the picture shown in ch.14 then Itsuki and Ichika are the candidate.

I had read a comment from the anime discussion of episode 3 at Reddit, that elaborate the meaning of each of the quint's name. What caught my attention was Miku’s name, the second half of her name mean “Beautiful Black Jewel”. Both middle cards and the new card are black, furthermore the new card could be viewed like a black jewel, so there’s that.

But regardless of whether people argue if Kyoto girl is either Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba, or Itsuki. We eventually need to address the comment that Nino made when she saw the photo. I have three ideas on how and why Nino could vaguely recognise young Fuutarou. One, is right at end where Kyoto girl leave with her father, the rest of the quint were nearby, and they saw him. Two, while Kyoto girl is with Fuutarou, her family went looking for her when they notice she was not around and after awhile Nino caught glimpse of her sister with a blonde boy but wasn’t able to reach them, so she informed their father about it. Three, Kyoto girl drew a picture of him at home and show it to Nino and presumably the others too.
Oct 28, 2018
Since a few in the comments already mentioned Yotsuba's selflessness, I say then it would only make sense that she should be the bride because she will then share her hubby with her thirsty sisters. Harem route preserved, milk'em girls
Jun 12, 2018
Actually, I think that Takeda was brought in by the quint's father to be a rival/foil to Futarou. I see the father using Takeda as a way of enticing his daughters back to being "obedient, sensible" girls who won't defy and argue with their father's authority. Right now, he sees them as being bratty willful children, instead of growing young women, testing out their wings. It's apparent he's having a hard time letting them grow up and away from him. I think his scheme of introducing Takeda and attempting to re-exert control over the quints is doomed to failure, and there could be lasting consequences to it.

It's also interesting that Miku's attraction to Futuarou is now known to all of her sisters. It appears she's in competition with her older sisters (Ichika and Nino) and getting help from her younger sisters (Yotsuba and Itsuki). I still think Miku is watching her older sisters carefully, but is still following her strategic plan to become the girl that Futarou would want to marry. She still is too shy for now to open up to Futarou about her attraction to him, and I think it's because she doesn't feel that she's the girl he'd want to marry yet. So she goes on in improving those things that Futarou said were important to him.

Since the wedding takes place some 3-4 years after high school, I think she has the right idea and strategy. No sense in making reckless confessions, when you don't feel you're ready for it. She'll make her confession to Futarou when she feels ready to be the woman he wants to marry, at the time and place that she feels most comfortable in doing so. Strategy and timing are everything, as befits a Sengkogu Warlords fangirl.

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