5Toubun no Hanayome

Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
(Note that I type this after only having read the first chapter, with no other prior connection to this manga or its fanbase).

Oh joy. I'm putting money down that the entire rest of this manga's run will be guessing and mass hysteria as to which of the girls was the "lucky one". Probably a red herring "sixth sister" or two.

...I blame Nisekoi.
Mar 6, 2019
@Deathhappens Eesh, you really need to read the rest of the series. Otherwise you ... no offense... come off like an ass.

I understand you just started the series, and that's not what I'm talking about.

If you want to "blame" Nisekoi for every harem you read, then you will never find good manga. And do you assume that every harem has a promise, or have you been reading all these manga that are exactly like Nisekoi? If so I would love to see them.

Oh and no your wrong by the way ...only 5... hence the name...
Mar 6, 2019
@donm527 So then what do you think "all of it" really is for Ichika? Do you think she is lying to herself about her feelings, or closing her door and getting prepared to leave?
Apr 19, 2018
@donm527 the one with bruised thigh was Miku. Ichika had sprained ankle and we shown she had trouble with that couple times. First when she fall near the dock. Second after the pep talk with Yotsuba.

Lastly saying Yotsuba and Itsuki have no feeling towards Fuu is laughable atm. Did you stop reading at ch.50?
Jan 29, 2018
So here's my take on things:

1. Yotsuba was Rena in the past, the girl who Fuutaro first met. She was the one in the photo (which now we know was taken in Kiyomizu-dera), and also the one who bought all the charms.

2. Ichika was the girl playing cards with Fuutaro, I think this one is pretty much confirmed. She did that after Yotsuba told all her sisters about Fuutaro that she had met.

3. Fuutaro remembers that the charms got washed down in the river (Chapter 82). But we do know that the sisters still all have the charms, and in chapter 83, we see that Ichika doesn't have any clue about the event.

4. Disguised Rena was Itsuki all along, from the first appearance till the last. She was the one who heard Fuutaro's story first. It's likely that at some point after that, she remembers who gave the sisters all the charms. So she knows that it was Yotsuba.

5. At the first appearance of Disguised Rena, Itsuki was trying to make Fuutaro let go of this past Rena. But afterwards, she doing just the opposite, she's trying to make Fuutaro remember. Why this change of heart? Does Itsuki know something about Yotsuba? Maybe she and Yotsuba had a conversation, and now Itsuki was trying to support Yotsuba?

6. Related to point 5, who was the bell kisser? Nino is unlikely, she wouldn't want to kiss him under disguise. Ichika is also unlikely, and someone already pointed out the sprained ankle, so she couldn't have been able to run to Fuutaro at that moment. Miku had just got somewhat favorable event, so i don't think she was that desperate for the kiss. So that left only Yotsuba and Itsuki. But looking at how Itsuki behaves afterwards, I don't think it fits. I think Yotsuba is the most likely to be the bell kisser. Itsuki though, might witness them.
And unlike Fuutaro, she wouldn't have any difficulties to recognize which sister is under the bell. Maybe that's what brought the change? Now she wants to support Yotsuba.

7. Now back at the first Disguised Rena. She was telling Fuutaro to open the charm when he was ready. I had a theory that after the charms got washed down, somehow Yotsuba made all the replacement by herself, and the written text inside was all from her. Maybe Itsuki opened it, and realized how much important this young Fuutarou to Yotsuba? That's why she told Fuutaro to open it after he "acknowledged" himself.

Look at the Kiyomizudera scenes again. Based on Yotsuba's reaction, I think she started to realize what Itsuki is doing. Next chapters might reveal some conversation between them after that event.
Mar 26, 2018
@Seihanda I actually thought Ichika was the one with a hurt ankle but I tried to look as far back as chapter 60 to see where she hurt it and couldn't find it so it must have been in the previous arc. But it were the case, there had been no mention or sign of the ankle from chapter 60 and beyond and she even told Nino that the ankle didn't hurt she she only noticed by bathing with her. Yes, she may have gotten off balance in one scene (going by memory) but I still think it's a stretch to say it couldn't be her because she couldn't run up to him and from him at the bell. And she wasn't in a full sprint type of run.

Second, I have read all the chapters and I am not saying that from the beginning there were no signs of feelings and wonder if Istuki likes Fuu... I wondered and haven't counted them out completely because... the author could do whatever he wants to change the whole thing. But lets not go so far back as 50... let's say since 60... have you seen Itsuki or Yotsuba show any romantic feelings for Fuu?? Especially compared to the other sisters?

I don't think this will be a "harem" type story where they all say I love you and all going for it until the last chapters. We are certainly past the half way point and I would guess 2/3 and it's ok for one or two of the sisters start falling back and showing their position as support. With this last chapter with Miku saying she felt (at the time) she has no chance and make note that Nino didn't either that we could be closer to the end than I thought.

We'll see. It could all change in next chapters... just like the bombshell news of Ichika also spending time with Fuu in Kyoto.
Apr 19, 2018
No harem ending?

Might as well drop this turd and just come for the final chapter to see who "wins", just like with every other pointless manga with the harem tag. Everything between the first and last chapter is basically pointless filler with no substance, the author already knows who wins and it's all padding to fatten his paycheck.

How is this better than Nisekoi or To Love Ru?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018

It's really not (well, the art is better, but that's just personal preference). You only read this sort of thing if you actually liked stuff like the aforementioned.
Jan 29, 2018
@grumblerumble Well, at least in this one I think the author is trying to write a real "plot". More planning and twists that we can enjoy. While in Nisekoi, I'd agree with you that it's all filler after filler, which although could be cute sometimes, ultimately will bore you after a while. And the ending also feel forced. Here, even though we are given glimpses of the ending already, the journey is somewhat enjoyable so far, in a way that we are constantly wondering who the ultimate bride is.
Apr 19, 2018

My point is that I fail to see a reason to have a harem story if you don't end it in harem. At best, you're wasting screentime on developing characters that ultimately won't matter/whose fans won't receive a deserving payoff for their loyalty, at worst you're just using the cast as padding to hide the paper thin plot.


It's well written filler, but it's still filler. It's a well executed take on a godawful concept (not that this is much of a challenge). Love triangles (and moresomes) are exhausting and boring, it's the same shit all the time and once you've read one or two of these "harem" stories you've read them all. Either focus on one couple and develop them properly, or give harem fans the ending they want.
Mar 26, 2018
@grumbkerumble well from practically the very first page in the very first chapter the author shows us this is not a typical type harem story. I mean he's showing us that he marries one of the sisters. It's not going to end in the harem. Somewhere in the middle he's even shown the groom and bride kissing. I mean that's scene should be enough to understand that the deal is sealed and he is married legally to one woman. But people still keep on wishing for a harem ending.

But for me the fun part of the story is trying to find out which sister is going to be and I think that's what the author is trying to do. And it's been pretty fun with the comments discussing with other people their thoughts and listening to everyone's argument on why they think it's the sister or that sister from what's gathered in the chapters.

Unlike other harem type stories I don't think there is really a lot of fluff and a lot of useless filler chapters here. It seems as though each chapter gives a little bit like puzzle pieces that connect together eventually as more chapters come out.

Anyways I think it's pretty enjoyable.
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
I mean that's seen should be enough to understand that the deal is sealed and he is married legally to one woman. But people still keep on wishing for a harem ending.
Finally someone can represent my feelings!
This is one of the best harem manga I've ever read. Everyone is disappointed because they don't get fanservice like most girls who aggressively target one guy like in Bokuben, Nisekoi, and others or anything related.
Sometimes, when they can hypothetically imagine this will end as harem ending ... duh, I feel my brain is having trouble catching up. It is precisely if the author mixes all the commonly found elements, I'm sure it won't be this good.

And, I agree with you.
Jan 29, 2018
Yup, it is what it is, man. I think this is a pretty well written story already. I feel that the characters also have more depth and planning into them compared to your typical shounen romance manga. So if you don't enjoy it, it's on you, really. Maybe this is just not for you. 🙃🙃
Mar 26, 2018
@takashiobatasan Yeah personally I think when Ichika is saying "Eveythings a lie" that she probably felt bad at how far she took things and, feeling undeserving of his love, she's trying to go back to being the "big sis" again and put her feelings behind her and move on and trying to convince Fuu that so that he doesn't put more thought in it either. She's gonna try and forget herself and we'll see if I was right that she may try to quit school to focus on her acting.

But looking at that scene where she says that and seeing how the author showed all around her all the special moments they shared throughout all the chapters, when she says everythings a lie, she could also be saying that the statement itself is a lie to her feelings for Fuu. I don't think she can un-rung that bell... pun intended ;) The fact the author didn't make it some simple statement might mean something.

She was definitely surprised he purposely chose the group to seek her out. And Fuu was definitely bothered by Ichika saying that and questioned that. We'll see.
Mar 6, 2019
@donm527 I figured so and couldn't get it out of my head... The pictures in the background tripped me up and made me a bit nervous. And you are right Ichika did hurt her ankle but, she said it wasn't bothering her.

Based on the plan that Nino came up with to kiss Fuu-kun, I would say the most likely one at the bell was Ichika or Nino. But, that doesn't state everything, just because it was a plan that was already in place, doesn't mean that one of this sisters couldn't have just raised up the courage to take the first step to a relationship.

Anyone could have kissed him on their own accord... except Miku... That wouldn't happen.

I was also looking at chapter 50 like seihanda implied but, all chapter 50 confirms for Yatsuba is litterally what she said on chapter 72. That she just sees Fuu-kun as an amazing person. In no specific way has Yatsuba's true feelings been said.

Oh yeah and I got the pun🤣🤣😂 ahhhhh (sigh)... yeah.

@grumblerumble It's a stretch to say once you've read one you've read them all. This is a harem only in name, this has no filler. Each chapter is so fast paced that we can barely hold on. Filler is not flashbacks, fillers are more like a break for the readers when something is TOO intense, (or when they want to hold on to fame....ONE PIECE.)

Kinda like a cartoon episode with no meaning.... Like family guy, no meaning, nothing plot changing... pointless, mind numbing.

Give this a try and see if you can actually see the difference in this story, compared to the Ecchi Harems that, quite frankly.... suck.
Dec 18, 2018

well i also see no point in having harem even in the name, why would you make such an sitaution happen to begin with? if you want to go the romance route with more than one girl fine but do at best a romance triangle but going with so many girls just screams to me he wants to give a easy popularity boost instead of creating characters that while can be close to mc they dont need to be in love or even show it that much,its kinda of annoying seeing not onl 1-2 girls but a whole bunch of woman into the mc just to see him selecting one or something,tbh at some point i started feeling some authors might want to show they want to be able to choice beetwen a lot of woman just like some woman do that with dudes this is just a feeling i get sometimes tho
Aug 29, 2018

Both Itsuki and Yotsuba don't have romantic feelings towards fuu? I don't know about Itsuki. But i did mention about Yotsuba's joke confession at chapter 21 right? If you think that is a "lie" then you need to reread the chapter again. Remember she is bad at lying and disguising as well. The confession is her true feelings tho. Yotsuba asks Itsuki to help with Rena thing because she's bad at disguise.

About that pent up emotion before, if you reread the whole series again while looking at Yotsuba's POV you will know who hurts the most. Yes Ichika is desperately tried anything to get Fuutarou attention and all, she needs love okay. But Yotsuba have loved him long before they met again at high school. No jokes who suffers the most then?
Mar 26, 2018
@lokoxDZz I think you and many people are confusing a harem story and a harem ending... or what you want in a harem ending...

Harem... A harem includes three or more characters who potentially show romantic interest in a male protagonist. The sex, gender, or orientation of the harem members is irrelevant as long as they exclusively, or at least primarily, are vying for the affections of the same individual - who may or may not reciprocate towards one, several, or none of these romantic rivals. And taking this from a Wiki I think it best describes a harem ending.

Harem endings... typically follow two different routes; The person of desire ends up with one of the characters who fall in love with them or the person of desire winds up with none of these characters.

This story fits the harem description. It fits many harems out there where their are a group of girls in love with one person and at the end they pick ONE... so why the issue with this one? I think what people may be complaining about is that they are not going to get the harem ending they want... meaning Fuu to be with all the sisters?? If that's the case, then people should have realized this from the very first page of this manga that this story is not for you. It should have been clear that this is not like Grisaia no Kajitsu and Fuutaro is not a Yūji Kazami lol.

Edit... I have to add... I have to say I really liked Grisaia no Kajitsu. Yuji was the man!

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