@Faryshta First, i dont think become that guy slave and become a whore have much difference in term of safety. Her friend is an adventurer who risk their life for money, who know if he will be killed? She still can be raped or killed when he isnt at home like many tragic story out there. Meawhile brothel guards may not as efficient but they can protect her more time, so not much of a difference .
Second, when he said it's a maid, in fact everyone know it's more like a wife-sex slave. You think "having sex and love or bear that guy child isnt a big deal" but she dont think like that, she thinks "i can get money and use it on my own, i dont depend on any guy, i can choose if i should become a single mom or not, it maybe hard sometime but im still having some fun here". It depend on what your favor, you think this is worth but other dont think that, Infact many ppl irl still doing hardwork when they can do something else.
She's still a whore at the end but nothing wrong with that, she's doing her best to become famous and get better working situation. I dont like whore tho, but i repect and kind of understand their work.