Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Estelle is going to Sparkle her into submission....like she's done everyone else. Sparkle Swag is amazing.
Feb 4, 2018
@conscript117 Come on, don't act like you did nothing wrong.
You should reread your first message "xx say the truth !" . This followed by a spoiler IS a spoiler, even if you don't read what is in the spoiler .
+ Thanks to this, we now have full spoiler in the open, congrats.

you probably...Definitely don't know what child grooming is. Go Wikipedia, and come back after.
Child grooming implying the oldest person has control over the child or is lying to her parents. Do you see this here ?
Estelle is Emiel employer, she can fire him anytime, and if he really was what is his in your imagination, he would already be brutally murdered by Estelle dad.
...What ? You don't know what this word mean too, huh.
I just said before nothing happen before a timeskip, when she can be married without any problem.

Well, i'm outta here, don't want to see this comment section locked like in other mangas.
Dec 3, 2018

Well I didn't expect that they would end up with each other when I began reading this since I didn't read the LN. Also where else would I write my comment, I just wrote what I thought after reading the chapter and reading other people's comments. And also people probably suspected the possible romance from what happened last chapter, the current cover, and the covers that you've shared in your previous comment. The spoiler isn't that really big of a secret to be so fucking annoying. People are allowed to discuss whatever they want from what they've inferred after reading the chapter, it just happened that it's related to what's going to happen in the future.

As you've said the romance wouldn't start till she's a full grown woman but, for me, the thought that their romance probably started when she was a kid kind of irked me. Also this is just my preference, if you found it fucking annoying well too bad.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Siquall You are throwing a tantrum like a little kid, how old are you ffs.
It is in spoiler, it was in very clear spoiler tag there was no way for you to avoid it.
Well now, thanks to you, I'm going to delete the spoiler tag and leave it in the open...

EDIT: ooh that comment section is not locked btw.
Apr 3, 2018
Thank you for the chapter, translators!

Gonna avoid reading ANY comments on any chapter in the future because people are getting triggered all over the place and THAT is annoying. Come on, guys. I like reading the comments to see other people's enjoyment of what we just read without having to seriously apply OUR social values or norms...
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
me watching yall try to justify this shitstorm of an endgame with "well actually estelle liked him first so he just went along with it and fell in love with her too!"

anyways glad to know that having concerns for children is annoying instead of being normal behavior but yeah have fun being a freak!
Mar 10, 2018
now that i know 13 is a girl this scene just got pretty cute.
i will be rooting for her.
Aug 29, 2018
yes, after a climax event, there's this fluffy thing going on. Dis is a good story.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
Boy, if you think this reading material is edgy, wait until you read the Quran and find out that in Islam a girl becomes a woman of marriageable age when she turns 9 years old.

As far as I'm concerned, 16 and up is a full-grown adult capable of making their own decisions. In the U.S., in many states that's old enough to have consensual sex with someone of any age, old enough to marry, old enough to smoke, old enough to drop out of school or live independently, old enough to work full-time, etc. Just because it's not the decision that I would personally make doesn't make it a wrong decision.

My aunt, for example, was 21 years younger than my uncle. They were happily married for more than 25 years until his death and she's still in love with him. My ex-fiancee, her first serious relationship was when she was 17 and the guy was in his late 40s. Neither of them regret or have any bad memories of those relationships. Sometimes, things like this are just not your place to judge.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

Well the good news is that there's no power imbalance with Emiel and Estielle. He's not raising her, and she's his employer, so the power balance is tilted in the opposite direction. Also, there's no 'grooming' going on for the future. Any romance will come later, after she's reached adulthood. And even then I don't think it's an immediate thing, just a courtship. This is a Christian mango, after all, I'm sure.

And while I'm not a fan of the Quran permissions, I say it because it does seem like you're judging with a particular culture's eye. For example in the Muslim and Asian world, consanguineous marriages are commonplace. From Morocco east to Pakistan and India etc, all of those nations have high rates of blood-related marriages (often, first cousins). The rates of blood-related marriages goes from like, 25% to more than 67% in places such as Alexandria, Egypt. I don't know about age differences in all those relationships, but it's quite common throughout history and the modern world for the man to be older than the woman. In America, the rate of blood-related marriages is less than 1%, so naturally we're going to see it very differently, and much of Europe is probably similar.

I myself, now that I'm single again, would absolutely have no interest in dating a woman my own age. I want a family, and I'm now 39, and there's just not enough time to start to date someone and have a child with someone my own age. So naturally, I will look to pursue a relationship with younger woman of child-bearing age. In that regard, my preferred age range is 25 to 29, but I would absolutely go lower (and a bit higher) if it was the right person. As far as what society thinks? Well, it can fuck right off, because it's a personal choice between consenting adults and society just doesn't get a vote.

Now, I think I'd be more compatible with a woman who is around the age of 25 rather than 18, but if a beautiful 18-year-old was interested in me and wanted to pursue a long-term relationship with me, of course I would consider it. Obviously that's unlikely to happen, since, most young women aren't interested in guys that much older - but obviously, some are.

Also, "power imbalances" aren't the end-all be-all of establishing whether a relationship is consensual or not. I'd say a beautiful 20-year-old college student has a lot more power in a relationship with an average 35-year-old than a 35-year-old career woman does. The older woman has way more at stake, far less time to make decisions (bio clock goes tick, tick, tick), and has far fewer options if that relationship doesn't work out. The 20-year-old can say "it's over, we're done" and have another guy the next day, but the older woman can't do that.
Jan 6, 2019
Thanks for the chapter.

The most important is to have a healthy relationship, i think. Age gap doesn't make a relationship healthy or unhealthy, their interactions do.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
The more I think about it the more this ship is kind of gross. Should've made Emiel like 16 or something
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
@conscript117 you have been blocked. I encourage anyone to do the same if they don't want to be spoiled. This dude just declared he would pull spoilers out of spoiler tags on purpose. What a dick!

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