Fed-Kun's army
Feb 24, 2019
How are you supposed to decode mistakes in translation when entire lines aren't even close to meaning what the actual japanese says. Its so bad that some of the lines don't even match what a correct translation of what the japanese says. And I'm not complaining about interpretation and loose translation, I'm talking about lines that don't even make sense when you look at some of the lines that they should be translated from. This is garbage, and is a personal attack towards every other individual that has translated this manga at a very high quality.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I don't think you read my original criticism if that's your conclusion. I was more than fair to this translation, and "my emotions" are more than in line, especially considering what insults or simply stupid things the prick I'm talking to has said to me. Especially since the overwhelming majority of my comments have been in response to the fallacies used to defend this translation, and what the people defending it have said, and only a few lines have been said explicitly in regards to the translation itself. So maybe read what's been said before pulling that.

Yea, and the vitriol is coming from the fact that he sniped a series that has had longstanding, and very good translation and put out a shit one. No one would give a fuck if he was translating a series with no one on it. You all seem to be ignoring that. If I make a shit sculpture out of a 100 year old tree on public property, I don't get to bitch about people calling me an absolute fucking cunt for cutting down that tree and say they should be more kind and constructive with their criticism of my shit sculpture.
May 19, 2018
Dangit 😩!! THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TO SETTLE IT DOWN!! Goddamn, what am I going to do with this irritation, KILL THEM ALL FARMUS PIECES OF S**TS! DX<
Oct 20, 2018
@Yautja i did read your initial criticism and it's not that i am pointing out but how you are choosing to hold your position of a critic i will quote you:

"Yea, and the vitriol is coming from the fact that he sniped a series that has had longstanding, and very good translation and put out a shit one. No one would give a fuck if he was translating a series with no one on it. You all seem to be ignoring that. If I make a shit sculpture out of a 100 year old tree on public property, I don't get to bitch about people calling me an absolute fucking cunt for cutting down that tree and say they should be more kind and constructive with their criticism of my shit sculpture."

Is this an acceptable wording of your opinion, should i from the other side of the table even pay attention to this kind speech let alone change anything for someone that choose to word it that way.

I consider you more than capable of being smart enough to care for you own words, again i agree with you in several topics but i don't think presenting a critic statement needs to reach the point where you don't care about how you use your words.

Also yeah your emotions are blinding you, if not by now you would have already choose to word your statement in a more educated manner. (i don't care who start the insults educated people don't need them to state their reasoning or defend themselves).

@jaw20 sadly i'm don't know Japanese if so i could give a more constructive opinion, there is so much we can do wrong the only thing i could tell is by the flow of events i follow from previous chapters and the little English i know and that's pretty much it.

i Thank people that leave constructive opinions so that all readers might experience the best experience manga Titles can give them, but i do know TL is also a skill that needs work/effort you need to start somewhere and enrich yourself in 2 different languages to be able to correctly translate it and still it will be limited by the culture and knowledge the translator has.

You say it's an insult to previous TLs of this Title should i even ask you have you TL?
I myself did some TL work even today i find myself continuously translating a diversity of information, i make mistakes i'm Human i try to fix them and learn by making them, even recently i find my native language to be so rich that sometimes i find funny that the English language lacks idioms to some Japanese ones since in my own Language(Portuguese) i find the exact same idioms.

I might digress i don't consider this TL insulting i don't even see it as snipping since the quality speaks for it self, i consider this an amateurish work where the person wanted to test how good his own TL work actually is, (and let's be real if you can't even share your work how will you know how good you are ? it's not like culture and knowledge can be downloaded and you start doing it perfectly like a machine and even machines are limited and need to acquire that knowledge from somewhere).

Once again sorry for the wall of text, have a nice day.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
i did read your initial criticism and it's not that i am pointing out but how you are choosing to hold your position of a critic i will quote you:
Then you're talking out your ass when you say my "criticism" is emotional, since you've just admitted to not focusing on my criticism, but my mannerisms. You don't know what an argument from emotion is if you're criticizing the means of the message instead of the message.
Is this an acceptable wording of your opinion, should i from the other side of the table even pay attention to this kind speech let alone change anything for someone that choose to word it that way.
So, in summary, you're mad cuz cuss words and callousness? And saying he shouldn't care cuz I'm mean? If that's not it, I have zero idea what the hell you're trying to say. If that is it, grow the fuck up. If you swing first, expect people to swing back. He pulled a dick move and did a shit job, he doesn't get to go "I don't have to listen and your words mean nothing because you were mean" when he's the one who put himself in that position. If you jump in the pool, expect to get wet. Either way, that sentence was extremely hard to read.
I consider you more than capable of being smart enough to care for you own words, again i agree with you in several topics but i don't think presenting a critic statement needs to reach the point where you don't care about how you use your words.
Lmao, just because I don't talk the way you want me to, or think I should, doesn't mean I'm speaking carelessly.
Also yeah your emotions are blinding you, if not by now you would have already choose to word your statement in a more educated manner. (i don't care who start the insults educated people don't need them to state their reasoning or defend themselves).
FUCKING LOL. Oh my god, this is too much, even for me. We're on a manga website, not a fucking college discussion board. Your definition of "blinded by emotions" is basically "I don't approve of your conduct". God, the people here actually spouting shit about education are projecting hard. I've already defended my position, and immediately went to teasing the troll because he was unable to rebut me and immediately went to ad-homs. I'm not defending anything, because I "won" the moment he actually got emotionally (unlike me, who isn't) and started calling me sub-human, among other things. People, both you and him, who fallback on terms like "educated", likely have no point, because hey, wanna know what that is? An argument from authority. As far as I'm concerned, you're using that as a buzzword to try and get me to conform to your preferences and expectations, since as far as I can tell, it means absolutely nothing in this context.
Oct 20, 2018
You know what have fun, you think that presenting your opinion in such manner gives you any kind of credit ?
Be a grown up i won't even tag you since this will truly be the last reply on a pointless discussion.

Being a critic doesn't equal being an Ass, defending your lack of manners just shows your personality yeah i met a few like you, teens tend to pass that phase of their own lives once they notice whatever they do just doesn't give them what they want.

You posted a comment on a forum criticizing the work done by another and got confronted.(Wow)

Are you going to tell me you weren't expecting to be confronted of your opinion? is that what you expect of an online forum in this century? is it that hard to chill and spend what 15 minutes being the better-man is it that against your nature? i don't care ....

Have a nice life.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Yautja Sorry for the late reply dear, I was very tired due to work( I work btw, i'm not a student and have a social life too) so I couldn't reply to your......opinion earlier

You really shouldn't say things you don't intend to do.

Well, I can just edit my comment and problem solved(and I'm not talking about the edit section this part has but well it is easier to use) . You wouldn't be able to change back either, but why would I. I intended it to be that way, but you keep being very uncouth and foul mouthed, Im questioning myself how old you actually are....Well whatever.

In other words, I was right and you wanted the last word.

well I guess I answered that in the last one...Well yeah, if you had kept your criticism neutral and not attacked the poor TL that does not deserve that kind of treatment, I wouldn't have used the examples I used...

Of course you won't, because it'll make you look like even more of a hypocrite than you already do.
Negative feedback is not okay, man, what do they put in the water where you're from? I didn't know it was possible to be this stupid. It escalated because your hypocritical and childish ass is calling people subhuman.

I did say I was a hypocrite, All living people are hypocrites or arrogants at certain degree, some less or some more than others that it might not even be taken as such.

And I do not think is childish defend to another person from being insulted and for an amateurish work he did being diminished like how you and the other maybe mentally ill users did.

You very clearly do, you're fervently defending it, saying criticism is not okay, insulting people, pulling out the classic Hitler insults and subhuman (two things whose irony had not dawned on me until now). You don't have the sanity or rationality to define what is rational or sane. I've already covered that bullshit fallacy of "yoU doN't PaY foOR iIT yOU nO CrITiCIzE iT!".

look at this....yes, I am fervently and vehemently at this because it does not deserve to be criticized in the way you and the other truly childish users are doing it, all right I'll give you that criticism is not a bad thing on its own way but positive criticism and toxic ciritism are not the same thing.

You called me childish but your
I've already covered that bullshit fallacy of "yoU doN't PaY foOR iIT yOU nO CrITiCIzE iT!"

what is that? you actually took the time to type in caps some letters to try and imitate a retarded person? if you ask a normal person they would clearly say that you are the retarded and maybe mentally ill individual.

You do that yourself guy who calls people Nazis, Subhuman, and can't be consistent.

I never called you a nazi..... I used it as an example I guess you didn't understood the whole picture.
I will be speechless if you take "the whole picture" phrase as if I'm talking about an actual picture, you have been thwarting almost everything I've written that I think it might be possible?.

Maybe I didn't used the correct wording on some of my previous comments and I do apologize for it but so you have, so I believe we are even on that note.

I never took this personal, I do not know why you are.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Can't say I'm surprised, no tag. You too are so thirsty for that last word.

Yea, and being a critic isn't invalidated by "being an ass" either. Not that I was being an ass when I criticized the translation, something you really seem keen on forgetting. Is this your way of pretending I didn't catch your bullshit? Funny how I'm nasty to people who are nasty to me, it's almost like what goes around comes around. You can keep your preachy bullshit.

Confronted? Is that what you're going to call what you've done? As far as I can tell, you've just said a bunch of shit that makes no sense and are running away because it's all been laid out.

Are you going to tell me you actually think you confronted me or said anything of value? Are you going to tell me that this rhetorical question, as well as the one I'm mockingly parodying is at all relevant to anything I've said and isn't a poor attempt at changing the topic and deflecting from the embarrassing amount of bullshit you got caught putting out?

Well, I can just edit my comment and problem solved(and I'm not talking about the edit section this part has but well it is easier to use) . You wouldn't be able to change back either, but why would I. I intended it to be that way, but you keep being very uncouth and foul mouthed, Im questioning myself how old you actually are....Well whatever.
OMEGA HYPOCRISY AND IRONY. The jack-ass who called me "sub-human" is criticizing my language, now that is fucking rich. Doesn't change what you've said, which reminds me.
I won't say more than this.
This really didn't age well did it?
well I guess I answered that in the last one...Well yeah, if you had kept your criticism neutral and not attacked the poor TL that does not deserve that kind of treatment, I wouldn't have used the examples I used..
It's like pulling teeth. Oh, so you're lying now? I didn't. I said he sniped the series, his translation sucks, and no one would give a shit if he did this on a series no one was translating. Now, if you're saying I can't criticize the translation itself, man, go join a monastery, because you're not fit for this world. My criticism on the this awful translation has been "neutral", though I don't doubt you intend to abuse that word's definition. Saying he did a shit job and a douchey thing isn't a personal attack, something you're well acquainted with. My criticism on you on the other hand, not so much.
I did say I was a hypocrite, All living people are hypocrites or arrogants at certain degree, some less or some more than others that it might not even be taken as such.
Yea, not like scale or context is important. What a nothing sentence and poor attempt to water things down.
And I do not think is childish defend to another person from being insulted and for an amateurish work he did being diminished like how you and the other maybe mentally ill users did.
Oh yea, calling people whom you disagree with "sub-human" and claiming they're basically or equivalent nazis and defend Hitler is totally not childish. Saying someone did a shit job is totally an insult. Irony, oh fucking irony.
look at this....yes, I am fervently and vehemently at this because it does not deserve to be criticized in the way you and the other truly childish users are doing it, all right I'll give you that criticism is not a bad thing on its own way but positive criticism and toxic ciritism are not the same thing.
Oh thank you arbitrator of criticism, fuck off. You don't get to decide that, and since the majority of the people commenting on it are saying it's fucking shit, and you're the only person defending it so, I think you're outnumbered here.
Wow, dropped that one fast. Negative feedback is not okay to criticism is perfectly fine. Pick a side man. You're more flippant and flip floppy than an inflatable tube man... Any it's back. Yea, you don't get to define which is which.
what is that? you actually took the time to type in caps some letters to try and imitate a retarded person? if you ask a normal person they would clearly say that you are the retarded and maybe mentally ill individual.
What's this? It's almost like text needs alternate ways of conveying tone! Wow! Let's totally ignore the fact that there are quotations around part of that quote mimicking and mocking your stupid comment / idea of you have to pay for something to criticize it".
I never called you a nazi..... I used it as an example I guess you didn't understood the whole picture.
I will be speechless if you take "the whole picture" phrase as if I'm talking about an actual picture, you have been thwarting almost everything I've written that I think it might be possible?.
Hmmm. Saying "is like trying to defend Adolf Hitler for what he did, that's what you are doing and yes I'm using it as an example." is not calling someone a Nazi? Comparing someone to Hitler, making an analogy, a comparison, is not at all calling that person the subject of the analogy? Yea, sure. You're just like an absolute retard. See, that totally makes it so I didn't call you a retard. Saying what I'm doing is like defending Hitler totally isn't the same as calling me a Nazi./s My god, what are you smoking?
I never took this personal, I do not know why you are.
What? What? What?
[ol]1.well, thank you, fuck you too.
2.Being hypocrite is better than being a cunt
3.I have the right too to step on cunts like you
4.is like trying to defend Adolf Hitler for what he did
5.Useless brat
6.do not belittle them you piece of sub-human.
Yea, no one is buying that bullshit. How much can you lying? Is your ass jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

Keep going.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Yautja Thank you for being so fast dear. You must love me.

I take that you took calling you a sub-human very offensive as you have brought it out almost in all the responses.

Yea, no one is buying that bullshit. How much can you lying? Is your ass jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

Keep going.

You told me to fuck off first don't forget about it.

You were the one who started the uncouth wording first actually, I just followed up.

and yeah, you are taking only bits of information to make it look you are better, way to go buddy. You will be an amazing lawyer....

You will still be less than an insect thou at least with that way of thinking...maybe as a lawyer but still lower than an insect, an insect with lots of money. way to go
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I take that you took calling you a sub-human very offensive as you have brought it out almost all the responses.
No, I'm just not going to let you forget your hypocrisy or lies. Something you seem keen on doing. You seem to favor bad jokes when all your bullshit is addressed and you've got no way out. Something you and the other guy have in common.
You told me to fuck off first don't forget about it.
No I didn't. I tagged you in reference to something I was criticizing and then you immediately dropped the sub-human insult. Do keep lying. The comments are right there, you should go check up on them.
You were the one who started the uncouth wording first actually, I followed up.
Not to you. Keep lying.
and yeah, you are taking only bits of information to make it look you are better, way to go buddy. You will be an amazing lawyer....
Level 10 irony, right here. At least you can't (accurately) call me a liar or hypocrite. That privilege is reserved for anyone talking to you. Funny how the details keep burying you. Funny how I'm bitching about you lying and being a hypocrite and you're bitching about me harping on details.
You will still be less than an insect thou at least with that way of thinking...maybe as a lawyer but still lower than an insect, an insect with lots of money. way to go
Keep proving my points and contradicting yourself. Not personal my ass.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Yautja Ohh dear, yes you did
Fuck you. This is a dogshit translation and your defence of it is what is "sub-human". What a repugnant and petulant child you are for screeching "sub-human" at people criticism a shit translation, not the translator. You couldn't be a better example of a cesspool of fallacies and stupidity, everything from Ad-homs, fanboy defences, to casual fallacies. You could not have shown your true colours and screaming hypocrisy more than you've just done with those four words. Preeching about being nice and then pulling that shit. How hypocritical. Go back to twitter and tumblr with that shit.
and I'm not just taking the phrases that makes me look better btw.

I didn't called you sub human as a that big of an insult but if you take it as such then I better start using normal ones.

Look if you want to call someone a liar then you better remember what you wrote first.

Hohoho, you edited your comment. very clever. But you and me know that you wrote first.

I'm getting very bored of this, I won't change your mind you wont change mine, you will always be a toxic person, I feel sorry for your boyfriend or girlfriend, or anyone who will have to deal with you irl thou.

I hope you have a good life and never have to deal with anyone as toxic as you or maybe I'll see you in the news without knowing and I do not desire that out of anyone.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Oh my god. You just did it to yourself.
You told me to fuck off first don't forget about it.

You were the one who started the uncouth wording first actually, I just followed up.
Is what you said. Now. What is in that quote? Oh my god. A mention of you calling me sub-human.
My first comment tagging you. Funny, no insults or "fuck off" or uncouth wording
And your first comment tagging me, with a nice big "sub-human" and "fuxking piece of"
And here's where you took that quote from, a comment responding to you calling me sub human
Are you schizophrenic? Go see a doctor. You're insane.
I didn't called you sub human as a that big of an insult but if you take it as such then I better start using normal ones.
Fucking LOL. You just admitted to instigating, and now you're pretending seriously and unironically saying "do not belittle them you piece of sub-human." isn't a big insult. Oh my god. You've genuinely got mental problems.
Hohoho, you edited your comment. very clever. But you and me know that you wrote first.
What? What? What? You're literally disconnected from reality. I watched you edit your comment as I responded, as I'm doing as I write this, and added to my comment. Literally nothing was removed. Had I actually edited my comment after you responded, a tag would be there, kinda like the one you have, showing you editted your comment after I responded. Kinda like how this comment and the one I'm responding to. Jesus Christ, you're actually insane.
I'm getting very bored of this, I won't change your mind you wont change mine, you will always be a toxic person, I feel sorry for your boyfriend or girlfriend, or anyone who will have to deal with you irl thou.

I hope you have a good life and never have to deal with anyone as toxic as you or maybe I'll see you in the news without knowing and I do not desire that out of anyone.
Keep your word this time. I've actually got the comments to literally prove you're actually disconnected from reality, lying out your ass and have no idea what's going on. I'm not the one that needs to be convinced of anything. I'm the toxic one. Irony oh fucking irony. Hypocrisy oh hypocrisy.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Yautja You edited your comment first then I edited mine, you edited again after that.

calling you sub-human was telling you did not have a decent level of brain, like a mentally ill person, that's what it means is not a direct insult as you did first. You took it as an insult and I just assumed you were ill but that's it, You were the first to call me to fuck off.

you threw the punch first in reality.

I'm really bored now, so this is truly the last comment.

Have a good day
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
That didn't last long.
You edited your comment first then I edited mine, you edited again after that.
Literal lies. And the time stamps are there to prove it.
Your comment, posted 5:20UTC, edited 6 minutes after
My response, posted 5:25UTC, No edit.
Your response, posted 5:32UTC, edited 8 minutes after
My latest comment, posted 5:40UTC, No edit.
Now since that means every edit I've done is under 5 minutes, and my responses are all 5 minutes after your comments and your response is more than 5 minutes after, there's literally no way I could have edited it without a timestamp, like you have. You're genuinely delusional. My god. Keep digging that hole buddy.
calling you sub-human was telling you did not have a decent level of brain, like a mentally ill person, that's what it means is not a direct insult as you did first. You took it as an insult and I just assumed you were ill but that's it, You were the first to call me to fuck off.
And that doesn't change the fact that you swung first and I didn't and didn't tell you to "fuck off" first or open with "uncouth wording". Here's the definition of insult, since you seem to need it: to treat with insolence, indignity, or contempt and here's the definition of sub-human, since you also seem to need it and think it's not an insult: less than human. Irony, oh fucking irony. You're either one hell of a convincing troll, which I hope and initially thought, or are genuinely delusional and belong in a mental asylum. Or are so convincing at playing such a moron, you may belong in one regardless.
you threw the punch first in reality.

I'm really bored now, so this is truly the last comment.

Have a good day
Keep telling yourself that. We all know how much your word is worth, and the comments disprove that.
Mar 20, 2019
wait when did all my favorite manga comment section became a war zone?

so anyway we actually know how the fluff can old man oni go full calm to defensive mode in the 4-komas spin-off, nobody expect 3rd eye.

next is that Geld is basically the best tanker in any MMORPG/isekai manga, doujin in history.

and the other-worlder go full overconfidence and got killed and killing eachother. I WAS WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT!

and the fucking berserker also have a insta-regen from phys dmg, but Corrosive is like high level poison so yeah...
Double-page supporter
Mar 15, 2019
Man, this translation is sub par. Its even worse than machine translations, holy shit
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
Good news, seems Jesterly is undaunted by the snipe. Says his translation should be up this weekend.
Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
et al.

The recursive flame war has derailed the thread far away from discussions on the actual content of the chapter. Use the block function or take it to DMs.
Jun 29, 2019
So he killed the otherworlder girl then aquired the skill "survivor"what does the skill do make him regen faster ?

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