Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Well, that quote was way out of context.
This guy sniped this popular series with an unacceptable translation that I'm pretty sure was done with google translate.
Jesterly (the guy who normally translates this manga) confirmed on his website that he was going to do this chapter, but the raw were hard to get...
Jesterly actually does a great job translating this, and now, because of this piss-poor translation, he might skip this chapter, making it crap for everybody.

I don't have a problem with grammar, typesetting or anything of the sort, but as stated on my original post, some of his translation are so off that it loses all of the original meaning.
I checked only the first two pages, and it was really bad.

Again, the problem is that this was rushed just to snipe, and because of that, we might have lost an actual good translation of it.
He can go translate other mangas that aren't translated by anyone, I would be fine with that, but this was not OK.

PS: If in a week, Jesterly hasn't released a proper translation for this, I might do it, just to have a good version on this site.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Yautja well, thank you, fuck you too.
Being hypocrite is better than being a cunt, there's better way to do criticism, Just like you all assholes believe you have the right to step on a person I have the right too to step on cunts like you, your 'rights' ends when the 'rights' of someone else begins (save that into your brain).

And you all are just all insulting without giving actual fact, you are just trying to prove to yourselves that you are in the correct, is like trying to defend Adolf Hitler for what he did, that's what you are doing and yes I'm using it as an example.
Use your brain.

You are all unbelievable. I won't say more than this.

Have a good day.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Lmao. How on Earth you're managing to act like you've been slighted is amazing, and it seems I have nothing to worry about because you've got both down to a T. How your dumbass fails to realize that being a hypocrite, complaining about people being assholes and rude and "cunts", in this situation equates to being a cunt yourself, is so juicy. You do realize what hypocrite means yes? Not practicing what you preach. And since you're preaching about nice, and kind, calling people cunts, and you've just admitted to being a hypocrite, you yourself are also a cunt.
your 'rights' ends when the 'right' of someone else begins
Holy shit. People calling his translation doesn't infringe on his rights you braindead amoeba.
And you all are just all insulting without giving actual fact
Yea, not like I pointed out some awful words, or that guy you took out of context translated the first two pages. Keep telling yourself that.
you are just trying to prove to yourselves that you are in the correct, is like trying to defend Adolf Hitler for what he did, that's what you are doing and yes I'm using it as an example.
Looks like I was spot on about the twitter and tumblr thing. Defending your position is the equivalent to being Hilter. What a fucking joke. @jaw20, @LysandersTreason, since you two are involved in this, come laugh at this guy. Apparently you two are also not only Nazis, but defending Hitler!
You are all unbelievable. I won't say more than this.
Oh Irony! Your braindead son is calling you!

You might being the single dumbest fuck on this website, and that's a hard title to earn.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Yautja keep going, I've been on the internet quite long...

And yes, I'm nice to the people who are nice, I'm not nice to someone who is not.
I'm educated with someone who's educated, that's all there is to it.

My first comment was not mean, then came an idiot insulting me, that's when I stopped being educated.

Have a nice day.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I won't say more than this.
You're saying more, and it isn't helping you.
And yes, I'm nice to the people who are nice, I'm not nice to someone who is not.
That doesn't make you not a hypocrite (something you admitted to being). Nor is that true. Thanks for playing.
I'm educated with someone who's educated, that's all there is to it.
No one brought up education, nor is it relevant. That's a nothing sentence. And I don't think someone who'd claim people are equivalent to those who defend Hitler for calling a shit translation, shit, is educated. Educated with someone who's educated, fucking lol.
My first comment was not mean, then came an idiot insulting me, that's when I stopped being educated.
What? So? You're the one that started with the ad-homs and insulting me first.

Keep your word, stop saying more.

Perhaps you're not just stupid, but delusional too.
Apr 24, 2019
Da fuq happened to the comment section (o_O) This is the first drama I've encountered here...
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 23, 2019
@owyn It''s never said, but it's insinuated that he can steal skills (or maybe he kills her to power up) . Here is his bio: https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Shogo_Taguchi
Mar 28, 2018
Welp, it's a sad way to go being strangled by a supposed friend, but I won't feel sorry for you. She has clearly shown disdain and a lack of remorse for what she's done in spurring citizens of a town to hate each other. After it doesn't go her way, she tries to get them all to kill themselves, which sounds like this wasn't the first time with how quickly she resorts to saying such a thing. Not too mention, the absurd jealousy that the "monster town" is "living better" than her at the town she was in. She's a spoiled brat that made a poor decision and won a stupid prize. I haven't read the novel, but unless they are literally being mind controlled (or in some way prevented them from making their own actions, just sweet words ain't gonna cut it), I have no sympathy.

With the way the manga has shown of his personality so far, I'm not surprised of this outcome.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Yautja You are making my day, just like you don't understand, why should I keep my word.....
Also I never said you insulted me 1st, but you follow him up I think without even knowing shit? Meh~ Now I'm here for the lolz what else will you say.
You can stop answering, I have all the time and all the tolerance in the world, you just keep insulting, say something else, is your brain only able to come up with that?

Useless brat.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I won't say more than this.
You keep saying more, I guess you didn't mean that.
You are making my day, just like you don't understand, why should I keep my word.....
That sentence makes zero sense. I'll try and dissect it. I'm guessing you expected I'd stop responding after you tried to close the conversation but considering I still did respond, because you said stupid shit, you didn't get the satisfaction of having the last word and are continuing to bitch in spite of what you've said, and attempt to justify it through illogical avenues, in an attempt to get the last word. Did I get that right? Not that you'd admit it if I did.
Also I never said you insulted me 1st, but you follow him up I think without even knowing shit? Meh~ Now I'm here for the lolz what else will you say.
Said the guy who said "And yes, I'm nice to the people who are nice, I'm not nice to someone who is not." and called me "subhuman" among other things. Who do you think is going to believe that? Not me, and I doubt you do either. Can I introduce you to the definition of the word "inconsistent"?
You can stop answering, I have all the time and all the tolerance in the world, you just keep insulting, say something else, is your brain only able to come up with that?
Lmao. Exactly as I predicted. You just want the last word. How ironic, bitching about insults, it seems you can deal it but not take it.

It's nice you've completely abandoned your defence of this shit translation and instead turned onto a different avenue of stupidity in an attempt to sate your ego. And managed to cap it off with delicious irony too. Time, and tolerance, but certainly no functioning brain or consistent point. Tolerance is also debatable, considering your language and insults.

Keep trying, maybe someone else will give you the empty illusion of victory by getting tired of your bullshit, but not me.
Double-page supporter
Jul 3, 2018
In the light novel, it goes into detail about her during her death scene. To put it simply, she was in denial about her situation in order to cope. She made herself think none of this was really 'real' (to whatever extent she could, given the circumstances...) to keep from having to deal with the moral consequences. She justified all the horrible things she did by thinking "These are all fake people anyways so it's fine". Kind of similar to treating it as being stuck in a video game.


Active member
Jul 2, 2019
Shogo doesn't steal skills, but he gets power from killing humans through his berserker skill. Maybe particularly strong monsters would count as well. Native humans generally don't get any skills, or rarely they are born with a single one. They learn spells or the sort of combat techniques hakurou mastered instead.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 24, 2019
I don't think its ungrateful to fucking yell and bitch at someone who takes a shit on my driveway for free, so why should I not complain and belittle the translation and translator that is taking a massive shit all over this chapter? And you wonder why I am ungrateful. It's because I don't want this sniper to ever translate the main line series ever again. I want to hurt his feelings, I want to make him feel as if he is a bad person for doing a bad job, especially because there was already someone else who could have released a translation that would be leagues superior to this garbage. And if this is the reason for why we don't get a high quality translation, then he is just some piece of shit looking for any kind of attention, who deserves all of the hate in the world.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@Yautja No, it would ended long ago, but you just keep answering & I still think all what I've already typed before I just think is not worth mentioning something already said.
I won't repeat something I tried to explain why someone shouldn't belittle other people time and work, I'm not saying is a great job he did, I never did, do not misunderstand.

It escalated, but all of you just didn't wanted to understand that, negative feedback is not okay, here and everywhere for whatever you or someone else do.
I do not, support shit work, but I wouldn't spit to someone face when is something I'm not even paying and when is not even a product that should be out, is not rational nor sane. But I guess that's all you can do, criticize without giving positive feedback, what a normal person would do.

Imagine a homeless person, criticizing someone that is giving him soup for free and later saying is not good enough and his soup is shit, and he should make something good before giving it for FREE to someone else. just an example.

You keep deforming and thwarting what I'm trying to say, that's okay I dont blame you, you just were raised that way.

Have a nice day
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I won't say more than this.
You really shouldn't say things you don't intend to do.
No, it would ended long ago, but you just keep answering & I still think all what I've already typed before I just think is not worth mentioning something already said
In other words, I was right and you wanted the last word.
I won't repeat something I tried to explain why someone shouldn't belittle other people time and work, I'm not saying is a great job he did, I never did, do not misunderstand.
Of course you won't, because it'll make you look like even more of a hypocrite than you already do.
It escalated, but all of you just didn't wanted to understand that, negative feedback is not okay, here and everywhere for whatever you or someone else do.
Negative feedback is not okay, man, what do they put in the water where you're from? I didn't know it was possible to be this stupid. It escalated because your hypocritical and childish ass is calling people subhuman.
I do not, support shit work, but I wouldn't spit to someone face when is something I'm not even paying and when is not even a product that should be out, is not rational nor sane. But I guess that's all you can do, criticize without giving positive feedback, what a normal person would do.
You very clearly do, you're fervently defending it, saying criticism is not okay, insulting people, pulling out the classic Hitler insults and subhuman (two things whose irony had not dawned on me until now). You don't have the sanity or rationality to define what is rational or sane. I've already covered that bullshit fallacy of "yoU doN't PaY foOR iIT yOU nO CrITiCIzE iT!".
Imagine a homeless person, criticizing someone that is giving him soup for free and later saying is not good enough and his soup is shit, and he should make something good before giving it for FREE to someone else. just an example.
So? Not like he'd be wrong of whether or not it's actually bad. You really gotta try and reach for that one, don't you?
You keep deforming and thwarting what I'm trying to say, that's okay I dont blame you, you just were raised that way.
You do that yourself guy who calls people Nazis, Subhuman, and can't be consistent.

Keep trying.
Apr 7, 2019
Imagine being miserable enough to endlessly debate about frivolous thing. I mean, get a life man let this comment section be clean from your nonsense spouting. Go to discord, telegram or whatever if you want to start a keyboard war.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 24, 2019
Since you seem to think that no one should complain about free work, does that mean you won't complain if someone decides to just shit on your driveway for free?
Oct 20, 2018
@Yautja there are several ways to show discontent seems you are letting emotions get in the way of your criticism.

Pretty much anyone that TL or wants to TL can and should start somewhere and the best way for them to get better is through constructive criticism, when that criticism goes beyond that is just bullying tbh, even-though we has readers should share our opinion anything beyond critic just undermines our own observation of what is wrong and could/should be corrected.

I myself agree with you that this TL is sub-par to the work been done in this Title i won't call it "garbage" like some would impulsively call it since we can still understand/follow the story and we can decode the mistakes without much effort (imo).

I advise for the TL and team to improve on their translating efforts since this is a work of passion and to better yourselves since that's is the true aim of scanlating besides sharing awesome works that other way would never reach the rest of the world.

Sorry for the wall of text, and have a nice day.
Jan 18, 2019
Tbh, I'm just glad I got to see this chapter. I could never afford a manga or translate japanese, heck I'm not that good in english either.

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