She actually does get hurt in the webcomic before that. It happens after she lifts the base to the surface. But still, you're right, he is indeed changing a few things.
I really love how everyone says "As expected of king", despite him being a buff otaku with no powers. I feel like if the other S ranks find out, it won't make much difference given how much of a help he's been.
@aigomorla in the webcomic during this arc the only reason she got hurt is because she overused her powers which caused her to overload. As of now, Murata is changing it that there are more fight scenes without jumping into the climax of the battle to fast.
I remember that Tatsumaki got her power used on her. She also received a blow on the head, which made her unable to focus her psychokinesis and thus rendered her incapable of action.
I don’t know how or why, but Murata-san seems to have given good old unibrow a Pierre style mustachio and goatee! Top right corner picture, forth page from the end.