Aug 26, 2019
What a lovely manga, although I feel that they kinda didn't really make Masumi seem bi (because I perceived her as lesbian from what she thought), the ending with Taichi and Touma was unexpected but I do see how he was interested in Touma.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
So, the moral of the lesson is.. be weary of your gay bf's best friend because they may end up together?
Apr 10, 2018
I mean, the ending is okay. I personally really liked it but it's not perfect.
Seeing Taichi and Kuze go their own ways was really nice to see. For Masumi, I thought her husband was Kuze under a new name which would've been okay too. Author could've written Masumi's story a little differently if she was Bi but...ahhh, timeskips...><
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
This ending sucks not due to end results no build up to it

And hows he able to stay friends with youna after this bur not kuze showing where there feelings lie and dont even give info to break up saying there was no reason for it.

Also dont remember the other girl giving hints she was bi think it was clear she was attracted to females.

I swear it's like manga writers cant do good endings.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 18, 2018
I would rather seeing Touma visits Taichi's grave in the end than this shitty ending
So many things that go the opposite direction that all the earlier chapters feels like a joke. Why do you even bother to plot Masumi as a lesbian friend that secretly loves Futaba? Where all those pure love Taichi has for Futaba gone?

Urgh... Excuse me

I'm gonna clean myself with some big tiddies bara smut
Mar 6, 2020
like the timeskip end to digimon adventures 2, only worse because this actually focuses on romance so it should actually matter how their relationships happened got to this point. lazy, unearned
Nov 19, 2018
Honestly, something must've happened for this manga to get axed so quickly, but at least it had what I consider a fantastic ending. This really felt like a more put-together Asperger Girl, so I was already into it. The ending made me feel complete, but unfulfilled, and I think that's where most of the complaints come from. However, for what it's worth, it really hit it out of the park with the whole theme of exploration it had.
Mar 27, 2019
I could have liked this ending if it were better paced. As it was, it had some interesting ideas that came out of nowhere and so seemed awkward or unfitting because we weren't allowed to see them actually happen.

I actually like having the high school couple break up, even if Tai and Futaba were cute, because that's realistic. People change and grow and you go to college and even if you end up at the same one, you see there are more options. Plus, they were very sweet in an infatuated way I'm not sure would have worked long term. If that was the biggest thing the ending did, I'd be fine with it. But it wasn't.

Masumi being bisexual is hmm. On one hand, I'm all for bi representation. On the other, her arc that seemed like it was trying to get across she was a lesbian, and while people can totally learn new things about themselves and change how they identify because we didn't get any hints of that in what we were shown, it seemed a little out of nowhere. If the story had explored it, I would have been super there for it, but because it didn't, it seemed tacked on. That's a reoccurring theme for the last chapters.

Touma and Tai getting together is another thing I could have liked if it was paced well, but as it is... I didn't necessarily read Tai as bi (or some form of not straight), even having been spoiled for the ending, but sometimes it takes a very long time to address aspects of your sexuality so him coming to that realization over seven years isn't that out there to me—except that again, we didn't get to see any of it. And since a lot of this manga is about change and your perception of others, the reasons I'm interested in Tai and Futaba having broken up seems like they should have prevented Tai and Touma from getting together—the ways people change over time and you can't really ever understand them, especially as they change, and that's especially true of childhood friends. And I feel like, with the writing of the rest of the manga, that it could have put my issues to rest if we were shown any of the process of them getting together. But, like everything in the epilogues, we weren't show that process. To us, it just happened.

I don't think you have to spoonfeed everything to your audience and show them absolutely everything.My favorite endings are somewhat ambiguous endings when they're done well. But a seven-year timeskip covered in one and a half chapters is probably a little too much a leap. It wasn't horrible, but people seven years in the future are going to be different from who they were seven years in the past, and so it's always a risk in jumping around like that without giving the time needed to establish things. Honestly, I think if they wanted that bittersweet ending, it should have been after Tai and Futaba broke up—actually show that scene and then the characters being friends and comforting each other afterward. Or show them meeting up for the first time after five years. But actually show those things instead of talking about them to skip on to a relationship that could work but as it is, is pretty out of nowhere. I think this is one of the only times in my life I've ever said "actually, as this is written now, I think the gay relationship becoming canon makes the ending weaker."
Jun 12, 2020
i think reception of this is bad if you go into it thinking that its a romantic story???

like the whole point of the manga is change and coming terms with that change through the decisions that you make, and while it could've been better paced, I think Kaito has depicted a beautiful story between three people who wanted to change.

and to comment on that angst-train development in the last few chapters, it was a soulmate arc between taichi and touma, not necessarily romantic but not necessarily "friendzoning" either.
Nov 7, 2019
The ending is a bit similar to a movie called "Eternal Summer", since the plot is also similar. And both of these endings are always confusing me. Either way, i enjoy the whole ride and just surprised by the ending. I kinda like it. Anyway, thanks for the translation.
Group Leader
Aug 20, 2019
I oddly enjoyed reading every disappointed comments in this thread especially those straight-up homophobic comments lol sorry. I agree that it felt rushed but adding 2-3 chapters to show a little development on the MCs between that time jump might be nice. But the ending made me really happy that the MCs found their own happiness. This will be still one of my favorite manga.
Love wins 🌈🌈🌈
Dex-chan lover
Jul 28, 2018
I'm still confused on why the sudden timeskip for a final chapter.
Like, it'd be fine as an omake, but as an actual final chapter... Seems kinda out of place.
I mean, I'd be okay with it if the previous chapters were also a timeskip into the future, so that way we could settle in what's happened.
It's like... You play a Video Game, you beat the 3rd boss, then all of a sudden the end credits start rolling as if you just finished the entire game.
Jul 26, 2019
Certainly was a nice read. Agreeing with what everyone’s saying, the manga definitely had a sudden ending and something must’ve happened for this manga to end so abruptly after coming so far with great lessons and storyline. Honestly speaking, (kind of biased too whoops) Touma is my absolutely rude or die for this manga. So with that in mind I definitely wanted him to find his happiness which was Taichi (in some ways).I’m definitely glad they got together and the realistic features where the high school sweethearts don’t end up together in the long run. I am satisfied with the ending because the previous chapters just had me sobbing and sobbing. Thanks for the translations!
Active member
Apr 30, 2020
odd ending seeing as taichi didn't seem to have any interest in men at all during the entire manga, but the rest of it left me satisfied. High school sweethearts don't always work out and Masami being bi is neat. In the end though, even if I did hate this ending, I'd still say I love this manga for the entire story that came before the ending.

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