I really like this manga, but I don't have any particularly strong feelings on the way it's ending.
While there are some bits of genuinely sad and emotional moments regarding character deaths littered throughout the whole story, the pacing of the action lately has more than once needed to be stopped just to make time for one or two of the characters to die, which somehow manages to be sudden and drawn out at the same time, taking away from everything else that's going on.
And while earlier on Tanjiro's techniques were both introduced and established to have some specific use in combat, all his sun-breathing up against Muzan just about culminates to nothing but run and gun, and it he basically just made up moves on the spot with no tactical purpose behind them. The narrative of the fight didn't take any interesting turns, all it made you think was "Okay, but can you die already Michael, haha" and removed any stakes from the battle.
At this point, it feels like the only thing the creator is using to hold on the reader is the anticipation for what's going to happen next, but not only is that suspense not good enough, the outcome of it all has been plainly obvious and two-dimensional. I'm just hoping the very end has some well done catharsis, otherwise I'm going to be left very disappointed.