while it may be right its only ever used to defend bastardizations.
some translations leave naruto's weird speech pattern in
some translations leave out superfluous fluff
bastardizations call rice balls doughnuts and have diatribes about feminism and patriarchy inserted where they never were.
people have preferences for translations, I prefer -san -chan and the like or when it comes out ojisan or obasan untranslated and so on for most titles as they don't translate well to english without the complete removal in the case of sensai
I also prefer harsher translations of terms like kuso (if I remember right) which would be anywhere from darnit, to screaming obscenities, official translations always have it mean the lightest thing possible, but when your friend is believed to be dead due to your actions/inability, you aren't saying crud and full intensity
no one likes lowest common denominator translations, and only non fans like bastardizations.