Jan 18, 2018
It's not 20 pages, this chapter is 35 pages. The guy who uploaded this just didn't even bother to do the entire thing, and even missed some pages in what was uploaded.
Jan 6, 2020
I'll just wait for Striptease to do this chapter... "same" instead of "save". Just horrible, you need to learn english at least on kindergarden level before you decide to do scanlating. Please delete your account, uploader, you obviously have an inflated ego if you thought that this crap you "worked" on was even close to being acceptable.
Dec 8, 2018

Feminist bs? How about YOU get out of here with YOUR misogynistic bs?

You really think she'd react like that to the other guys she stayed with? No. She is scared and shaken here, not embarrassed or ashamed. This jerk has done something worse to her than just have sex with her.
May 26, 2018
Needs a serious proof read. A lot of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. I'll reread the Striptease chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

If he had a personality disorder, he wouldn't be able to 7 time.

The issue is that that's not really true, as having a personality disorder does not necessarily mean you have a lower intelligence or charisma.

It's unknown how long he was dating seven people at once for, and it is true people with ASPD tend to suffer from an inability to maintain relationships, however, psychopaths/sociopaths (which are put under the label of ASPD) are known for their superficial charm and charisma. They're also known for their infidelity as well, however, so it's not too unlikely that he could have been in relationship for some time with at least some of them before he let the cat out of the bag, as some high functioning psychopaths or sociopaths are able to remain undetected for years.

He just has no sense of shame nor guilt.

From the NHS's website:
A person with antisocial personality disorder may:

-exploit, manipulate or violate the rights of others
-lack concern, regret or remorse about other people's distress
-behave irresponsibly and show disregard for normal social behaviour
-have difficulty sustaining long-term relationships
-be unable to control their anger
-lack guilt, or not learn from their mistakes
-blame others for problems in their lives
-repeatedly break the law

-He exploits/manipulates Sayu by having her have sex with him as she's a runaway
-We both conceded and characters repeatedly state he lacks regret or remorse
-He repeatedly does not seem to understand what normal behavior is or how people act in certain circumstances, and cheating with seven people, having sex with a minor, and even just how awkward and unable to read emotions he is demonstrate it
-He has demonstrated that after his 7 girlfriends left him, he lost all his friends and connections, and was unable to feel attached to anyone, and so felt very alone because of it.
-We haven't seen his anger, but I believe it was implied that he gets nasty when he gets angry. Even if he doesn't, there is high functioning psychopaths/socipaths are able to actively hide or mask their anger under the sense of normality
-He doesn't necessarily blame others but he also doesn't take responsibility. He seems to think that the seven girls left him for reasons beyond his control as he describes it as something that just happened, and doesn't seem to understand why Sayu left him, because he seems incredibly happy to see her again.
-Again, sleeping with a minor for a quid pro quo situation, and wanting to do so again.

A diagnosis can only be made if the person is aged 18 years or older and at least 3 of the following criteria apply:

1. repeatedly breaking the law
2. repeatedly being deceitful
3. being impulsive or incapable of planning ahead
4. being irritable and aggressive
5. having a reckless disregard for their safety or the safety of others
6. being consistently irresponsible
7. lack of remorse

Of these, he undoubtedly falls into 3, 5, 6, and 7, could arguably fall into 2 and 1 and only dos not fall into 4 based on what we've seen.

I think it's pretty clear what's going on here.

He's attracted to Sayu specifically because she didn't like having sex with him. He wants that feeling of dominance again

That's undeniably an element, though he never admits that its specifically the dominance he wants, just that he wants to see her again. (Though, if he wanted dominance, I suppose it could be seen as him trying to have control over something, anything, in his life that seems to be falling apart.)

However, it's clearly not the only reason he does what he does. In chapter 18, he describes that he's lonely and wants to have someone at his side. He wants that "emotional wetness" as he says earlier in the chapter. He's not a malicious entity, he's just unaware of how his actions harm others and why what he's doing is wrong.

I think he's a tragic character more than a pure evil and vile person. I think that if had received the proper support group or network of people who cared about him and a received professional help, he probably could work past his disorder.

It's such as shame, really.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@Rasz open in an Incognito tab or clear your cookies

Though you're not missing much because of how bad the grammar is
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2019
@dope_code Thanks for the chapter! There are some typos here and there, and some sentences are very confusing/wrong:

Page 2: "What a coincidence, I was just thing (thinking) about you!"

Page 4: "So, it's strange that I did not see your's (your) name on today's shift schedule"

Page 6: "Why are you seddenly (suddenly) kicking my leg?!"

Page 7: "I will reoprt (report to) the manager that you were slacking"

Page 10: "Why Yaguchi-san would have geen (is Yaguchi-san) in a place like this?"

Page 11: "Even though I setteled (settled) for now, and he moved out, but... meeting him in the smae (same) working place... meeting him is the worst"

"Asami is a very senstuve (sensitive) person. After she realized the situation, she came to same (save) me.

"I'm feeling very helpful and disabled at the same time. Also, I'm very horrible!" (???) WTF?!

Page 12: "For first if I see me, I ran away from home thought I will a friend who will worry about me" (???) WTF?!

Page 15: "They are'nt (aren't) bothered by that event"

Page 16: "But, for me, she jumped into the conversation to same (save) me"

"Yaguchi-san is also have been working (has also been working) seriously, he is very different than he used to be"

"These goods are already expied (expired)"

Page 17: "Can I do the payment (Can I pay?)"

Some panels are entirely all over the place / very confusing, I may have missed something else, still, hope this helps!
Double-page supporter
Apr 3, 2020
I want to believe you, but I'm willing to bet that this story is not going to plumb the depths of emotional disorder. In fact, he'll probably try to blackmail Sayu into having sex with him... Which blatantly crosses the "pure evil and vile" line.
Apr 22, 2020
Thanks for the chapter but very rough translation and typos everywhere. Please get a proofreader and go back to fix mistakes in the future. Very confusing at certain points
Fed-Kun's army
May 18, 2019
> get a proofreader
This is a lot of jank. Weird constructs everywhere. The atrocious spelling doesn't bother me as much as the obvious disregard for the target language in general.

You need both a TL and PR with native-level understanding of English, and they need to work well together.

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