Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Dude, you say you are up for democracy and freedom, but literally want to become Hitler 2.0

You should take a long, hard look at your fucked up opinions. We are a civilized world, we don‘t kill people for their thoughts. Fuck, not even North Korea does that shit.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
It’s not a good look to argue semantics and bring up laws that allow for young children to be manipulated and taken advantage of by creepy adults. There are good arguments being presented by other users and I personally don’t think anyone should die for a sexual attraction they don’t want and don’t act on, but “technically it’s not ‘pedo’philia” and “it’s legal in some countries” (so are child marriages) are horrible arguments.
Active member
Dec 10, 2018
was thinking to binge this series cause its keeps popping out in mangaplus,
then i saw the news about the author,
well shit
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
Guys pedophilia is terrible wtf why is this even an argument? I can't believe there are people actually sympathizing with the author/making shitty jokes about the victims. It's disgusting.

@Kanami-chan Nope, there is something VERY wrong with being a pedo. Even if they don't act on it. They deserve empathy, but they also need help. We shouldn't be telling them "there's nothing wrong with it as long as you don't act on your desires" because all child molesters were once pedophiles that didn't act on their desires (obviously) and maybe if they received help they wouldn't have been led down that path. Don't normalize pedophilia. It's not okay in any situation or euphemism of the word.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018

The official definition is that you are a pedophile if you are attracted to people aged 13 or younger (and you yourself are significantly older than that, though there is no cut-off age). So yes, STRICTLY speaking the author wouldn‘t met the criterias of pedophilia, if the girls were 14-15.
But really that‘s more of a guideline anyway. Even if he is not a pedophile, molesting such young girls is WRONG no matter what you call it.

He needs to be in prison and he needs therapy so he never does that again.

I agree, pedophilia shouldn‘t be called normal. But we shouldn‘t hate them like they‘re Hitler either. They need to be comfortable enough to speak to a professional and get help. If they do, we can save future child molesting victims. Isn‘t that what we want?
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
@nivinator I could say exactly the same with some other group of people that'd get me banned if I say their names because they're part of protected classes nowadays.
Be careful.
Nov 26, 2018
@MangaField Why are you even talking? You are a known pedophile apologist. Being humane or civilized doesn't apply to degenerates like you. Don't try to drag this whole society down with your ugly insight. I bet you would love to live in a society filled with free raging pedophiles raping around your kids.
Group Leader
Jan 30, 2018
@nivinator you would be surprised, but a good chunk of child rape/child molesting cases don't involve clinical pedophiles. To be a pedophile one needs to only be attracted by children. But there is a wide number of cases in which the criminal had a normal sex life. In fact, there are thousands of cases where the rapist involved with the mother, and raped the child in retaliation after a fight, or people with sociopathic tendencies did it for the power trip, for the thrill of doing the taboo... Let's remember Epistein's Lolita Island well frequented by the Hollywood elite: either most actors are pedophiles, or they simple do it to show their power.
Group Leader
Jan 30, 2018
@rinjff it was cancelled because the writer molested a child and was arrested. As he shares the copyright with the artist it would be a pain to change writers or let her continue drawing it... a shame for the fans, but it was true justice for the victims.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Attraction to teenagers/post-pubescent adolescents is called an ephebophile

There are options for help; such as chemical castration to remove the desire
I thought it was pretty much a given fact that Hollyweird is a cesspit that needs to be razed to the ground.
A certain District of Columbia is the same.
Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Damn I really enjoyed reading this story.. But wtf man....... Wish the author didn't do something so stupid and disgusting...... well I guess there goes one of my favorite manga....... what a way to ruin some thing.....
also if anyone is curious here is the link to the article
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 1, 2019
What in the absolute fuck is fucking going on? Is the author retarded or what, I was planning to binge read this manga at some point but well not anymore. Also fucking hell this comment section lmao
Active member
Jul 24, 2018
@NARKist don't worry about it! I just figured you would want to know what it really means, especially since English isn't your main language. it's pretty hard to learn another language and you're doing great so far! hope you have a nice rest!
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
Okay I was going to write a rage filled rant but nevermind I'll end up looking like the clown considering the new people coming and trying to defend pedophilia. Also you strike me as one of those "we need to be civil here" so here's my best attempt at that ig. Read this carefully so you finally understand why I'm pissed as all hell. I'm gonna put it under spoiler because it's gonna get long but again you (and anyone else who wants to) should read this in its entirety, especially considering that this is shorter than most scientific essays.

My thing is, if you're a psychologist and you're trying to say that pedophiles need help, then why the absolute FUCK are you trying to defend them on here when it's a pedophile who gave in to his urges? Does that not ring as bad to you, with the current climate here? Is this the time and place to do that, to flex your psychology degree on here? When children were hurt and traumatized? You didn't even acknowledge that in your original comment, you just jumped straight to protecting pedophiles, regardless of what people were saying. That's the problem, and somehow you still completely missed that in your later comments.

Also I am capable of nuance. I can understand that pedophilia should be treated. but I'm not gonna give a standing ovation to a pedophile who decides that they'll be a decent human and not molest/abuse children. I wouldn't give a pyromaniac a giant clap on the back for not torching a house, and I'm not gonna do that with pedophiles either. You're protecting pedophiles here, after a child molester was arrested for his crimes. Sure nuance is needed, but with this kind of thing it is not. Some things are black and white, and sometimes that's fine. Just like how everything doesn't need to be black and white, not everything needs to be gray. It just sounds like some centrist shit with no backbone.

Also, please don't try to guilt me into feeling sympathy for pedophiles just because I have depression and both are classified as mental illness. It sounds like you're trying to normalize sympathy/empathy towards pedophilia as the act, not the mental illness, and it makes you look bad. I do not want to empathize with pedophiles because it makes me feel like shit since I have close people who were molested as kids, and I have gone through enough sexualization as a child to hate my own body.

It's NOT your job to go around telling people they have to empathize with a pedophile when a child was just hurt. It IS your job as a psychologist to make sure that the people who DO want to seek help don't give into their urges. A man guilty of molesting a child does not have to be empathized with, because he was not the one that was hurt here, and people do not have to forgive him for doing something so heinous. Regardless of everything, does it not strike you that maybe you're in the wrong when people are telling you that a man like Matsuki hurting children are bad and should be hauled off into the sea while you're trying your best to argue about semantics and sympathizing with pedophiles in here? Whether or not child molesters are pedophiles all the time or whether being attracted to a 10 yo or a 16 yo makes one a pedophile or whatever fucking word people use to soften the blow of them being attracted to children, like whole literal children (again regardless of the cutoff age cause of yall countries are on some fucking shit too I guess), it all buries the fact that children get hurt.

And if you want nuance from people who hate pedophiles, then have some nuance too. Because you are trying to protect pedophiles in this atmosphere and now all sorts of actual fucking pedophile apologists are coming out of the shadows to say shit like "pedophilia is okay as long as you don't act on it" (it is not, that is why when decent people find out that they may be a pedophile they want to kill themselves and seek help because even they understand that being a pedophile is bad) and making jokes about the situation as if its the time and place to be shitty edgelords.

You could have just said something like: "Wow, real shit awful that this asshole touched kids. I do not condone child molestation and think that it is bad. If you think you are feeling pedophilic tendencies, please seek help. You should not wait until something awful happens before something gets done". Then the problem and backlash would not have been half as bad. But instead you jumped to protecting pedophiles all because I said "death to pedophiles" and completely ignored everything else I said. I legit said that people are ignoring the fact that a child was molested and are solely focusing on the fact that their fave manga was #cancelled, and you focused on the pedophile part. Again, do you see what is wrong with that?

If you could acknowledge all that, and still come out of this understanding that people are allowed to get mad at pedophiles because they have the potential to hurt children and at the same time understand that they could also be helped without the need to parrot actual pedophile apologism that pedophiles have also said, what's the fucking wrong with that?

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