page 16 :
- Holy Girl-sama , im glad that you , a l0li , is hugging my tail tightly , but please let it go ... and sacrifice your own life ... so i can run for my life .
- so your previous "hope talks" were just total bull-sh!ts ?
last page : that is not a peace sign , that is a victory sign . V for Victory .
This chapter has some Dragon Ball vibes : the planet-destroying ball attack , the hand gesture of the dragon , and the dragon can absorb the attack just like the kim jong un Android , lol .
https://----[! URL is only accessible to you. !]----/_I9yqp9easXSfWAkRgz4wzpYEDQRkvRNtqoXg2Hok6oQj2SxhNU7WvOo6O3X2ghpsPwIwvUOICUohku-yIZGV6koLGYzwGnlpZX5yBmE2-1kt9PtSY5Yw8glx3ZBA8hrfKH9gMViuofmCkdQdZ-BoQhZFmTRqlsGOKAMsa0asL8ePFH7LFUTLpjATKm-o3aJjOre9NbwUcpeQvj9aw5HLStGYPnzTO-f5O7_EytJbRNHZAL9i2dM0qLBiZh59plq1dimbl7x1hUknBTKTsM5ABxibpzq8nRKPM3xvOpsmVW0n7hoOxJfNUnVJj2xUfLEmyoj1gDrBw82sBsNaFqey6tqrxih65smlKGGBEVcdiYbLFbCAdCEQjP8M1Tip5RswGFgwDkCBuFXzjqT1Wcz6yJlN0SsFLdHPbHbhC8hZinJMrcKi-7A_9cXFtuzzx5ksA-Dno63VktkZe3fqb8URo_1-WyFWnVzPqg0rRPS5zarwYKAWez-66DRo3phy-h30DV_ZTjwPKhZG-PVSV8qncRZ2M-jx1DDIMgY5GSCSmQq1KQn6E1iALJIiQZ0KBLJSHU65jsM-b_8alLr25Q_5zALqIDl_cxyhRdO3o0UN58dur17o8FHUDXROoB-M9qfMlMoAnbv5V2a8hKZCz-gwHP4VjponMs=w1920-h863-no