A Capable Maid - Ch. 37

Active member
Aug 26, 2018
@ArpanaR If she has feelings for the prince in the first place and she's not a princess then I would understand why she's mad. But because she has no feelings for him so far?? and she's even trying to avoid him and hide her identity it felt odd. Coupled with the fact that Marie rarely gets angry (if ever. can't remember) I also don't think Marie has been the type to care about men being into her. This is why the whole thing felt out of place for me because she never had dreams of even being his acquaintance cus she is kinda scared of him so getting mad over not being his woman of any position is just ??? why?? If Ariel is implying she's ugly then I get it then.

@nivinator Yeah being called a slave is worse but not being the concubine of the man who overtook her kingdom and she wants to avoid was what really grind her gears so far in this story. 😂

@Svelandria If Ariel was calling her ugly then I understand. It just felt weird to me cus she has zero feelings for the prince that I felt she should roll her eyes this Ariel girl is implying that she aspires to be his woman. I thought she got offended that the prince is not into her/his type, which would be very weird.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
@collagen that consort candidate didn’t only imply that Marie was trying to seduce the crown prince, but that she’ll never be successful with an ugly face... she insulted Marie (way over the top) just so she can look down on her and (supposedly) cut her wings before she can fly? (In her language-show her place to her, before she make more advances).
Though she is totally misconstruing Marie’s intentions, she gives no opportunity for her to redeem herself.
She’s nothing but arrogant trash, who looks down on others for her own conveniences!
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
@collagen No, I'm fairly sure she's mad about the implication that she CAN'T become a concubine. Your explanation makes more sense as she really shouldn't be having feelings for the prince, but I guess she has developed them since this is a shojo manga and romance progresses unrealistically fast. Either that, or she's mad about the woman insulting her status and looking down on her, but that wouldn't make any sense that's not the kind of thing she gets mad about (and it has happened many times before and she didn't bat an eye).

Either way, we already know she doesn't despise the prince at this point--rather, she respects him--so I don't think your theory is right.
Active member
Aug 26, 2018
@ArpanaR yeah Ariel's garbage and she would probably lose face soon, I was just surprised she'd get super affected by her because this is the first time I think that Marie/Morina actually expresses anger and our girl's been through a loooot.

@nivinator I'm aware she doesn't hate him, and I don't think she ever did. I'm pretty sure she was just scared of him because their first meeting wasn't very good (she was so sure he would kill her which led to her disguising as a maid). If she does have feelings for him now then good but I just never got that impression from the previous chapters (like you said, it felt more like respect?) so her anger gave me a bit of a whiplash when I read it. She is beginning to warm up to him though that's true.
Double-page supporter
Mar 5, 2019
@collagen Being called ugly is less of what was said but it was definitely implied. The wound, however, wasn't necessarily caused by being called ugly but the fact that Marie as a person was basically being run into the ground. She's a servant, sure, but she was being talked down to like she was worse than horse shit without any precedence. With that said, Marie is by no means ugly(to us readers anyway), but when someone attacks one's character in such a way that the attacker's words get behind the victim's defenses then it can really hurt. Also, I think it was the way it was said that hurt more, since this bitch definitely knows how to get underneath someone's armor with her words. Far as I'm aware, Marie doesn't hate herself in any way and likely does at least hold a little pride in herself as a woman, so having what pride she does have so savagely attacked isn't fun in anyway.

@nivinator I don't think she necessarily has feeling for the (masked)prince, but she is familiar with his unmasked persona(and she has yet to realize the two are one and the same) who she may or may not hold some affection for. As you say, though, she does seems to hold some respect for the prince in both forms just in different ways.

TL:DR She basically said Marie is rubbish as a woman and that even the rumored vicious prince wouldn't want her as his concubine, let alone his queen. It's a swift kick in the nuts, is what it is. And at that point it's less about winning(which Marie doesn't care about) and more about how shitty the opponent is being towards someone who isn't trying.
Jul 20, 2019
I still don't like the prince until now... I mean he killed people... Remember he was searching for the FL because he wanted kill her....

I'm glad this is reverse harem.. So I'm rooting for the second male lead
May 2, 2020
@Waddah The prince killed people in the war, both civil and international. He murdered the entire Cloyan royal family, except Morina, because they were corrupt and did nothing but burden their people. It was never factually stated that he was searching for Morina because he wanted to kill her. That was Marie's POV and paranoia talking. As for the 2nd male lead, I agree that he is awesome and a great person. However, he is a knight, a captain at that, serving directly the emperor. I'm pretty sure he has done a shady thing or two. Definetely has killed people as well.
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
What a difference... Yeah, first time "meeting" and I already despise that Ariel thot 😠

Marie is right: as if someone who cares about his people like Rael does would even choose someone on the other side of the spectrum
¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯
Fed-Kun's army
May 28, 2020
What a shitty girl...definitely stepped on shit. As well, what a cute attendant. Calling her Ms. Marie instead and that reaction afterwards.
May 24, 2020
Turns out both of them are bitches lolol but we all know she's going to be crown princess in the end so both of the ladies can return to their mansions, palaces or whatever.
Double-page supporter
Aug 29, 2020
Mc :
Aug 14, 2020
Welp I've made up my mind on who to support l, neither! Lol, but I wonder if Marie heard that the Crown Prince wanted to marry her, she'd be more willing to reveal her identity
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
both are not good....one is a dumb bitch and the other is a manipulative bitch (probably...uh....most likely lol)

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