A Parallel World With a 1:39 Male to Female Ratio Is Unexpectedly Normal - Ch. 140 - Path to The Sage

Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2023
Woah, hold the fuck up, you madwomen are CHUGGING IT? Are you all INSANE? Do you idiots have any idea how much the other women would MURDER you if they found out they can't use Lord Sou's precious man-juice for their wombs?

Picture above: Dead Woman Walking
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2023
I feel sad barely anyone noticed Sumire-neesan decked in goth loli with twintail, including Sou.😭
I'm sorry brother, but Sperm Center Staff Weekly Death Battles for the chance to CHUG Sou's baby batter is a bit TOO MUCH of a brain bomb. It thoroughly erased Sumire from my gray matter.
Poor Older Sister. Her stocks dip further and further despite all her efforts

It's transitions like these(from the friend visit to the sperm clinic) that make me wish this manga gave more of a spotlight to the mundane, everyday stuff, if only to make the Satou family members that aren't Sakura more likeable. We already got some snippets from Sumire's social media posts, but it'd be nice to actually see that stuff happen.
I actually have some pretty moronic hot takes from the concept of 1:39 male-to-female gender ratio
TLDR: It's fucked, but not that much. Their history is somewhat similar to ours, only more violent in the early parts, and more desperate in the later parts.

A gender distribution where males are only 2.5% of the population is absolutely, as experts would put it, fucked. Even ants, who are famous for predominantly being female and have males only for breeding and dying, have a ratio of 3:1. If ants in that world is the same in ours, their male percentage is 10x bigger than the humans.

This has massive repercussions on human evolutionary and social development. Frankly, this level of gender skewedness should be lethal to any species. Humans should have gone extinct ages ago, especially since artificial insemination is a modern contrivance. However, humans are notoriously tenacious bastards. Womenkind will not take lightly to the obstacle that is 1:39, and as long as they can manage to breed, evolution will extend them a hand.
Besides magical/scientific/supernatural interference, this is the only explanation I can think of that allows for humanities survival up to this manga's current time.

Let's break it down to the rough development ages of humanity:

Tribal Age

  • In the hunter-gatherer level of humans, males would be considered a highly precious resource. A male will be heavily protected by the womenfolk, as it is likely that there would be only 1 or 2 males per tribe. Constant battles over males will also happen in the likely event that no male is born into the tribe after the oldest male dies.
  • Societally, males will be seen to be of utmost importance. This however, can branch into 2 likely scenarios
    • Males are treated with reverence, respect and adoration. They are placed on a pedestal. Religious rituals will be formed around them, and they may be considered as gifts from the gods, or divinity itself
    • Males are treated as a precious commodity. They are considered as treasures, but not inherently people. Males become status symbols of power and wealth. Their treatment will be that of slaves, if not worse.
  • Both scenarios will lay the foundations of the blursed society that Sou finds himself in.
  • Either way, society will be far more warlike and dangerous, as a crucial resource of a tribe's existence is constantly in low supply and cannot be increased without the use of substantial effort
  • Within the tribe, evolution will dictate that the women with the highest lust will be more likely to pass on their genes. High lust will steer a female to mate more with a male than average, or serve as a potent motivation if the rights to mate is limited by a condition, like tribal standing or strength.

Early Civilization Age

  • Soon, tribes will realize that setting down roots and farming will be easier for the tribe. Towns will begin forming, and soon kingdoms and empires. Development will be somewhat similar to ours, but with key differences.
  • Cultural differences will be influenced by how they treated their males, and how the males adapted to the nature of said usage
    • Tribes that revered males will likely have a hierarchy where the few males are of high positions, if not outright rulership.
    • Tribes that used males as resources will likely have a culture where males are seen as lesser citizens, fit only to serve the right kind of women. A hierarchy based on a females standing is more likely to form, with the number of males they have access to becoming a significant symbol of their status.
  • As population increases due to farming, the number of females will increase far faster than that of males. The difficulty to find a male to mate with will increase exponentially, and from here on out will never be easier for the average woman. The seeds of desperation evident in the current time's womenfolk are sown at this point

Middle Ages

  • Kingdoms and Empires solidify their authorities as the years go by.
  • Though some societies will continue to treat males as lesser beings, the ridiculous levels of scarcity of males will make it so that such societies will die over time, with only few holdouts remaining
    • A society that view males as lesser may not mate with males as frequently, leading to slower population growth. This is doom for most societies
    • A society that view males as status symbols will severely limit access to males. Not only would this limit growth, but will increase chances of revolt and revolution, as angry females rise up to take back the means of reproduction from their masters.
  • It also is likely that any male-dominated societies will be destroyed, or pushed to irrelevancy by outside forces around this time.
    • As humanity is dominated by women, a society ruled by men will be seen as a natural enemy by the far more numerous societies dominated by women.
    • Males are extremely few in number. As such, maintaining a functioning governing body where power belongs to males will be difficult. The males in power will have no choice but to extend power to key females to maintain any form of a functioning society. As with any governing body, an introduction of a force/faction outside the primary one's direct control often spells doom to the primary. The female governing faction will likely overthrow the male one given enough time.
  • The constant war for influence and resources that is common in our Middle Ages will be far more worse in this world. Males will be a constant target. Other kingdoms will seek to take the males of rivals, to cripple them and bolster theirs. Male slavery will be an extremely lucrative market. Governments will find it near impossible to crack down on such activities, and criminal organizations capable of pulling off the difficulty of acquiring and selling male slaves will have power rivaling that of entire kingdoms.
  • Predicting religion is rather difficult, for any world. Religions are shaped by the environment, the people and the prophet that starts it. Several guesses spring to mind:
    • Males as the chosen of god. Likely to be stamped out as heresy by other religions backed by majority of kingdoms to prevent any rivals to their power
    • Males as the servants of evil. Likely to never spread far, as male scarcity makes them extremely precious.
    • Females as the chosen of god. Likely the most popular variant of religion, given the "evidence" that is a 97.5% female population.
    • Males are a gift of god to females. Considers males not to be chosen, but as a form of love by god. More likely to spread than the "males are chosen by god" variant. Can branch to:
      • only the worthy can have males. or;
      • every woman must have access to a male
    • Sidenote: "God/Gods" have a higher likelihood of being female in this world, but not likely not as dominated as 1:39. The Creator God will be primarily female, but possibilities of a male dominated religion is also possible, as a symbol of an impossible heaven for the male-starved mortal females.

Industrial Age

  • Once technology advances enough to begin industry, civilization will move and spread faster than ever, much like our world.
  • The development of Science will advance much like our own, but there will be a significant focus on studying the 1:39 gender distribution. Pseudo-science and Occultist research will advance greatly, especially in the gender related studies.
  • It is unknown if World Wars will occur in this world, but the possibility leans on very likely. The long history of bloodshed and conflict of earlier ages, made worse by fighting over the scarce males, will make such World Wars possible. A sufficient spark is all that is needed.
  • If a World War occurs, countless female soldiers will be sent to die. The atrocities of war will also occur, the major difference being instead of soldiers raping female citizens when they find one, female soldiers will plunder villages for males to rape.
  • World War or not, a societal movement for better treatment of males will likely occur at this point. Though it will start, it's development and implementation will be worse that the abolishment of slavery or even gender equality in our world.
  • Because conflict is beginning to become unpalatable and unacceptable in the increasingly modernizing civilizations, there will be greater efforts in using "non-aggressive" means of acquiring males to mate with. The common delusions of females we see in this manga will begin developing around this time
  • Artificial Insemination will be of great focus by the medical field, and will be developed faster and earlier than our world. It will be supported heavily by governments, and will be seen as one of the saviors of humanity, or at least painted as such.

Modern Age

  • Society around Sou's time will be mostly civilized. Males will still be seen as a precious commodity, but conflict is considered as uncivilized in this time.
  • It is around this time that artificial insemination would be perfected. Expect this to happen sooner than our world. Early policies will force males to donate as much as possible, relaxing over time in more "civilized" parts of the world.
  • Much like the generational culture differences in our world, this Modern Age will have differences in the generation of females, and even the males
    • Baby Boomers: Post-war female generations will have the same level of plenty as our world. Due to notable number of females dying in the war paving the way for relatively more males per female, such generations may be considered by other generations with great jealousy and resentment
    • Gen X: The "Latchkey Generation" of this world will the first to start to feel the incoming pains of a modern world. As the gender ratio normalizes back to the 1:39, the females of this generation will still find it a somewhat easier to acquire males as mates, but not nearly as easy as their mothers did.
    • Millennials: The 1st technologically adept generation, much like our world. The start of internet culture in this world will be dominated by extremely thirsty females instead of extremely thirsty males.
    • Gen Z - Alpha: The current time where Sou becomes transmigrated to the 1:39 world is not exactly known. Considering the modern terminology of the cast, it is around the time of later Gen Z. Consider the modern internet "meme" culture to be similar to a female-oriented version of the incel "culture" of ours.
Thank you for wasting your time with my Ted Talk. I'm not sorry for taking your time. I only wrote it. You decided to read this drivel, not me.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 24, 2023
I'm sorry brother, but Sperm Center Staff Weekly Death Battles for the chance to CHUG Sou's baby batter is a bit TOO MUCH of a brain bomb. It thoroughly erased Sumire from my gray matter.
Poor Older Sister. Her stocks dip further and further despite all her efforts

I actually have some pretty moronic hot takes from the concept of 1:39 male-to-female gender ratio
TLDR: It's fucked, but not that much. Their history is somewhat similar to ours, only more violent in the early parts, and more desperate in the later parts.

A gender distribution where males are only 2.5% of the population is absolutely, as experts would put it, fucked. Even ants, who are famous for predominantly being female and have males only for breeding and dying, have a ratio of 3:1. If ants in that world is the same in ours, their male percentage is 10x bigger than the humans.

This has massive repercussions on human evolutionary and social development. Frankly, this level of gender skewedness should be lethal to any species. Humans should have gone extinct ages ago, especially since artificial insemination is a modern contrivance. However, humans are notoriously tenacious bastards. Womenkind will not take lightly to the obstacle that is 1:39, and as long as they can manage to breed, evolution will extend them a hand.
Besides magical/scientific/supernatural interference, this is the only explanation I can think of that allows for humanities survival up to this manga's current time.

Let's break it down to the rough development ages of humanity:

Tribal Age

  • In the hunter-gatherer level of humans, males would be considered a highly precious resource. A male will be heavily protected by the womenfolk, as it is likely that there would be only 1 or 2 males per tribe. Constant battles over males will also happen in the likely event that no male is born into the tribe after the oldest male dies.
  • Societally, males will be seen to be of utmost importance. This however, can branch into 2 likely scenarios
    • Males are treated with reverence, respect and adoration. They are placed on a pedestal. Religious rituals will be formed around them, and they may be considered as gifts from the gods, or divinity itself
    • Males are treated as a precious commodity. They are considered as treasures, but not inherently people. Males become status symbols of power and wealth. Their treatment will be that of slaves, if not worse.
  • Both scenarios will lay the foundations of the blursed society that Sou finds himself in.
  • Either way, society will be far more warlike and dangerous, as a crucial resource of a tribe's existence is constantly in low supply and cannot be increased without the use of substantial effort
  • Within the tribe, evolution will dictate that the women with the highest lust will be more likely to pass on their genes. High lust will steer a female to mate more with a male than average, or serve as a potent motivation if the rights to mate is limited by a condition, like tribal standing or strength.

Early Civilization Age

  • Soon, tribes will realize that setting down roots and farming will be easier for the tribe. Towns will begin forming, and soon kingdoms and empires. Development will be somewhat similar to ours, but with key differences.
  • Cultural differences will be influenced by how they treated their males, and how the males adapted to the nature of said usage
    • Tribes that revered males will likely have a hierarchy where the few males are of high positions, if not outright rulership.
    • Tribes that used males as resources will likely have a culture where males are seen as lesser citizens, fit only to serve the right kind of women. A hierarchy based on a females standing is more likely to form, with the number of males they have access to becoming a significant symbol of their status.
  • As population increases due to farming, the number of females will increase far faster than that of males. The difficulty to find a male to mate with will increase exponentially, and from here on out will never be easier for the average woman. The seeds of desperation evident in the current time's womenfolk are sown at this point

Middle Ages

  • Kingdoms and Empires solidify their authorities as the years go by.
  • Though some societies will continue to treat males as lesser beings, the ridiculous levels of scarcity of males will make it so that such societies will die over time, with only few holdouts remaining
    • A society that view males as lesser may not mate with males as frequently, leading to slower population growth. This is doom for most societies
    • A society that view males as status symbols will severely limit access to males. Not only would this limit growth, but will increase chances of revolt and revolution, as angry females rise up to take back the means of reproduction from their masters.
  • It also is likely that any male-dominated societies will be destroyed, or pushed to irrelevancy by outside forces around this time.
    • As humanity is dominated by women, a society ruled by men will be seen as a natural enemy by the far more numerous societies dominated by women.
    • Males are extremely few in number. As such, maintaining a functioning governing body where power belongs to males will be difficult. The males in power will have no choice but to extend power to key females to maintain any form of a functioning society. As with any governing body, an introduction of a force/faction outside the primary one's direct control often spells doom to the primary. The female governing faction will likely overthrow the male one given enough time.
  • The constant war for influence and resources that is common in our Middle Ages will be far more worse in this world. Males will be a constant target. Other kingdoms will seek to take the males of rivals, to cripple them and bolster theirs. Male slavery will be an extremely lucrative market. Governments will find it near impossible to crack down on such activities, and criminal organizations capable of pulling off the difficulty of acquiring and selling male slaves will have power rivaling that of entire kingdoms.
  • Predicting religion is rather difficult, for any world. Religions are shaped by the environment, the people and the prophet that starts it. Several guesses spring to mind:
    • Males as the chosen of god. Likely to be stamped out as heresy by other religions backed by majority of kingdoms to prevent any rivals to their power
    • Males as the servants of evil. Likely to never spread far, as male scarcity makes them extremely precious.
    • Females as the chosen of god. Likely the most popular variant of religion, given the "evidence" that is a 97.5% female population.
    • Males are a gift of god to females. Considers males not to be chosen, but as a form of love by god. More likely to spread than the "males are chosen by god" variant. Can branch to:
      • only the worthy can have males. or;
      • every woman must have access to a male
    • Sidenote: "God/Gods" have a higher likelihood of being female in this world, but not likely not as dominated as 1:39. The Creator God will be primarily female, but possibilities of a male dominated religion is also possible, as a symbol of an impossible heaven for the male-starved mortal females.

Industrial Age

  • Once technology advances enough to begin industry, civilization will move and spread faster than ever, much like our world.
  • The development of Science will advance much like our own, but there will be a significant focus on studying the 1:39 gender distribution. Pseudo-science and Occultist research will advance greatly, especially in the gender related studies.
  • It is unknown if World Wars will occur in this world, but the possibility leans on very likely. The long history of bloodshed and conflict of earlier ages, made worse by fighting over the scarce males, will make such World Wars possible. A sufficient spark is all that is needed.
  • If a World War occurs, countless female soldiers will be sent to die. The atrocities of war will also occur, the major difference being instead of soldiers raping female citizens when they find one, female soldiers will plunder villages for males to rape.
  • World War or not, a societal movement for better treatment of males will likely occur at this point. Though it will start, it's development and implementation will be worse that the abolishment of slavery or even gender equality in our world.
  • Because conflict is beginning to become unpalatable and unacceptable in the increasingly modernizing civilizations, there will be greater efforts in using "non-aggressive" means of acquiring males to mate with. The common delusions of females we see in this manga will begin developing around this time
  • Artificial Insemination will be of great focus by the medical field, and will be developed faster and earlier than our world. It will be supported heavily by governments, and will be seen as one of the saviors of humanity, or at least painted as such.

Modern Age

  • Society around Sou's time will be mostly civilized. Males will still be seen as a precious commodity, but conflict is considered as uncivilized in this time.
  • It is around this time that artificial insemination would be perfected. Expect this to happen sooner than our world. Early policies will force males to donate as much as possible, relaxing over time in more "civilized" parts of the world.
  • Much like the generational culture differences in our world, this Modern Age will have differences in the generation of females, and even the males
    • Baby Boomers: Post-war female generations will have the same level of plenty as our world. Due to notable number of females dying in the war paving the way for relatively more males per female, such generations may be considered by other generations with great jealousy and resentment
    • Gen X: The "Latchkey Generation" of this world will the first to start to feel the incoming pains of a modern world. As the gender ratio normalizes back to the 1:39, the females of this generation will still find it a somewhat easier to acquire males as mates, but not nearly as easy as their mothers did.
    • Millennials: The 1st technologically adept generation, much like our world. The start of internet culture in this world will be dominated by extremely thirsty females instead of extremely thirsty males.
    • Gen Z - Alpha: The current time where Sou becomes transmigrated to the 1:39 world is not exactly known. Considering the modern terminology of the cast, it is around the time of later Gen Z. Consider the modern internet "meme" culture to be similar to a female-oriented version of the incel "culture" of ours.
Thank you for wasting your time with my Ted Talk. I'm not sorry for taking your time. I only wrote it. You decided to read this drivel, not me.
I like this, it’s similar to my own thoughts on what the history of this world would be like, although I never thought as far as the middle or industrial ages. I like how it also incorporates how the extreme gender ratio would completely flip the gender roles in our own world.

I believe that even if they start of physically the same, the gender ratio and years of being protected/enslaved by the much larger female population would naturally lead to weaker men and stronger women. Additionally, the development of tools and machines might be an even bigger priority in their world.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2024
There will be two weeks before the next Update. IN Golden week, i.e. Next Week regular update will be about Full body profile pictures of main characters. After that We will get Haizuka chapter after next Update. Long wait for in between.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2024
Should this Regular update be posted?, It contains only pictures it doesn't have any dialog, so it will not be difficult to translate.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 15, 2019
Uhh, lady, that's a cup of semen, not a chalice of immortality! You don't need to savor anything!
Thanks for the translations as always, though!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
It's transitions like these(from the friend visit to the sperm clinic) that make me wish this manga gave more of a spotlight to the mundane, everyday stuff, if only to make the Satou family members that aren't Sakura more likeable. We already got some snippets from Sumire's social media posts, but it'd be nice to actually see that stuff happen.
maybe someone can pay them enough for a commission or a spinoff lol (i guess if the mangaka wanted more drama/tension there could be some kidnapping arc/plot)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
I know its the whole premise and all but that shit was crazy
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2019
Good lord lmao, welp at least he wont sire a ton of kids he'll never meet

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