Just thinking about the differing reactions of Suzuki, Hinata, and Sou to the image of "being jumped by a girl."
Sou, an orphaned boy from our world who grew up lonely without a family, with perhaps a normal level of female attention at best, a smokin' hot chick like Hinata jumping his bones is a reward.
Hinata, who grew up with an insane and abusive mother (probably alcoholic, from all the beer cans) in a filthy home, her mother endlessly screeching to her missing male lover demanding his sole attention.
Suzuki, who grew up the youngest child and only boy in a family with a mother and four older sisters, who was probably treated as a sex toy endlessly, while he was too small to defend himself, no consent whatsoever, "just make Onee-chan feel good or you can't play with your toy truck" all the damn time.
No one has the slightest clue of what a loving relationship of equals entails.