@Vasqueztion I know it is still early, I was just responding to the
Not seeing any type of Harem tag. Which is upsetting, since they established earlier that Desir felt really close to Romantica in the past/future
line. I cannot see any reason a harem tag would be added, at least not yet. None of them have feelings are depicted to be at that level yet, except for pram. Romantic, I believe, is just starting to take him seriously. After all, he did
1) Threaten her into taking him seriously (though, the teacher/moderator gave her an out).
2) Save pram from an alpha class student, possibly earning her respect.
3) Taught her a new way to use magic, which probably gained her trust.
Not to mention that she was kicked off her noble high-horse when she was placed into the beta class. She has plenty of reasons to soften up. Although I believe her view of him, especially after he taught her that magic, has significantly skyrocketed. I doubt that this intense training is giving her any sort of romantic feeling.
If anything, we have a love triangle. All of Romantica's romantic feelings thus far have been directed toward Pram. Pram loves our MC. And although I believe our MC is not particularly in love with anyone right now, he has had feelings for Romantica in the past. Although I do believe our knight has feeling for the MC much stronger than Romantica's, they are currently those of a rival. Weather or not that will bloom into love is for the future to tell.
FWIW, you could check NU to see if anyone tagged the novel as such. Don't tell me the results though. If it does develop, I would rather be surprised.
(actually, how do tags work for adapted series? Do we only tag it with what has been depicted thus far in the adaption, or can we utilize our knowledge on the original work? I guess the only problem with taking them would be the possibility of scenes being cut. But I doubt any tag other than Ecchi would get removed from that.... is this why you were disappointed that the tag wasn't already there.... nvm, I don't want to know the answer)