I didn't saw any proposition for alternative approach in your reply. And because I claim it is effective, it doesn't mean I support it, please save your accusations for yourself.
I only stated that it is still used by military of the world, and I don't mean China or "Best Korea" here, but USA, Britain, and other western nations too, I guess there is a reason for that.
About problem you mentioned, sure, torture might not be most reliable, but there is nothing known, that's more reliable, and again, if you have any idea what could be better, please share it.
Your approach is incredibly infantile, for some reason you assume that torture was shown only to make story more adult, what's more you say it is unequivocally bad, so let me ask a question.
Let's say you are policeman(policewoman) charged with questioning dangerous bomber, person that already detonated few bombs in densely populated areas, who was just caught. You are aware, that he set another bomb some time before his capture, but he is unwilling to say where. He was quite careful so there is no evidence that would help, and there is no guarantee that any clue will be found in time. You are given free hand in your methods. What would you do in such situation? Ask him nicely? Tell him, already murderer of many, that his multiple live sentences would be decreased to only two? Please tell me, what other method you would use to save people that would die in explosion.