Guildmaster Gideon. Seems familiar.
"You recently did some stuff, but because the mangaka wanted to skip some things, we're only going to show it in a brief panel and pretend some awesome shit happened."
Paw pads. What was he saying now again?
A fox/wolf? guy named Cougar. Almost on the same level as a prince called Duke.
When you find yourself asking yourself why you need to dress like that, at least wait until your girl shows up in what she's supposed to wear. Also, he's a guy. That's nothing bad. The phrase, "leaves nothing to imagination," is reserved for wearing only speedos or something like that, not for pants and a vest.
Pretty decent outfit. Emphasis on pretty.
Now, if a guy would say something along the lines of what she just said, he'd be vilified instantly.
What's unfair about her being expressive? I think it's very fair.
At times like this, I kind of think it would do him good to meet the somewhat improving Alfine.