A Sword Master Childhood Friend Power Harassed Me Harshly, so I Broke off Our Relationship and Made a Fresh Start at the Frontier as a Magic Swordsma…

Sep 8, 2020
All these people acting like MC and the girl aren't like 15 year old children LOL.

Of course they aren't going to make sensible adult decisions and understand how to have a healthy relationship. They are kids and haven't grown up yet.
Aggregator gang
Apr 26, 2019
@Darketower I understand, but not everyone is able to collect themselves enough to sit down and talk with them, if I were in that situation I'd be afraid to talk to them. There'd be nothing for me to do other than stay in that cycle until someone outside helps or she fixes herself/finds someone to help, it's a good thing for people on the internet to reiterate that this isn't something normal, but that's not enough. I thank you for pointing out that in addition you should try talking to them, but mental/verbal abuse like that is really hard, most people think that talking to them would get them more stressed, because they aren't in good shape and if you tell them you're not in a good shape then they will just get angrier because they wouldn't believe you. Your mind runs wild when you're under stress from someone you love/think you love. The childhood friend was abusing the MC because she was incredibly stressed and couldn't think what she should or shouldn't do, same with the MC, he couldn't think what he should do in the situation so the first thing he thought of was to get away from the thing causing he to not be able to think straight. It is both people's fault but I can completely understand what the MC did.
Jul 13, 2020
Idk qtf is going on with this comment section but this is a generic power fantasy where the mc has a dumb personality and a extra ordinary power where someone has to get hurt for him to realize that wow....maybe the crystals are not broken and maybe I'm causing it...oh and he also changes his appearance that mad him very attractive to girls....somehow
(Again very generic stuff right here)
Aggregator gang
Feb 6, 2019
Holy shit this mc is the biggest pussy ever. Your girlfriend teases you a bit and instead of talking to her about it you just decide to leave your childhood friend and lover. She even started apologising and begging him not to leave at the first sign of him wanting to go and he didn't even bother to listen to her and work out the issue. Than he goes even further than the witness protection program does just to avoid her. Seriously fuck this MC.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2020
Ah, I reread the first chapter and remembered why I dropped it on the first chapter the last time I read it.

I respect the guy for putting his foot down and leaving a bad relationship. It may not be the best way to handle it, but it does sound like even at the best of times the girl was a bit overbearing. Like the whole "we should not measure our magic power because swordsmen don't need it", just because she was a natural with the sword. And again, he could have handled things better, but a lot of people don't. And reasonable people leading a healthy relationship and making sensible choices makes for a poor story. I'd rather he left than seeing him be stepped all over.

What made this disgusting to me, however, is how he disappeared and how everything immediately went his way. First his sudden disappearance. It's completely unnecessary. As he said, he had been working as an adventurer on his own and did well and earned a fair amount. He doesn't seem to have a bad reputation with other people, the abuse is a private thing and only from her. So why is he so eager to drop everything? Also, this means this guy had no life outside of his relationship to this girl. No friends, no family, nothing. He can drop off the face of the world with no regrets. That's a terrible main character.

And then the ridiculous contrivances. Just a haircut and he is super hot. He walks into a new guild and his magic power that he never trained or knows anything about is so far out of the norm that it can't even be measured. Then immediately a cute, powerful girl gets all horny for him while manually measuring his power. And also his ex immediately regrets her behavior and wants him back before he even finished dumping her.

Any single one of those might get a pass as a way of showing him leaving his past behind, exploring a new facet of his personality, telling us which way the story is heading, etc. But dumping everything at once immediately just means the MC is not going to experience any hardship ever again. The entire univers bends over backwards just to please this guy. And all because he had to "suffer" that his amazing girlfriend wasn't able to deal with the stress of her situation and was a bit self centered.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I can't take anything seriously when they start talking about black hair being special. Japan, you're pathetic if this is what you do. Stop it. You're embarrassing yourselves.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Was him previously being platinum rank something the WN/LN/whatever mentioned this early on? That seems like the kinda thing that'd end up being a spoiler or something.
Active member
Apr 13, 2018
Half the mfs in this comment section have never been in a relationship with someone manipulative and it shows. Or a relationship at all for that matter
May 19, 2018
Hmm, not the best writing out there at all, with all these coincidences happening on the first chapter and all, but I wouldn't say it's bad at all. However, this type of manga is heavily geared towards a specific niche and type of cliche story. For people saying this and that about the relations ship, the relationship doesn't work for one person so it's dissolved whatever the reason it may be that's just how things are, no need to project on something that's not even real. As for the ex-gf, it looks like more of a case of sadistic tendencies to relieve stress thus the "power harassment" portion of the title, just a comment on that and no she's not a tsundere from what is provided so far.
Jul 29, 2020
Jesus Christ it’s just a manga chill you guys are relating like it’s set in real life god damn its not a fucking movie. Imagine calling a fictional character in a fictional world a pussy. Go make your on manga see if it’s any better at least this dudes making something. It is a pretty generic manga though but it’s something.
Jul 27, 2019
Seems like a lot of people here haven't been in a toxic relationship irl. Y'all need to learn how to care for yourselves, and understand that you are important and have value. If someone is trying to kick your confidence to the ground, leave them.
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2020
Lotta goddamn children here who don't know how abusers work. There's a difference between teasing and constant, unending criticism. The former is fun, the latter is exhausting, draining and slowly wittles a person down. Especially since it comes from a partner.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Ngl this reeks of an author who had a bad break-up and had to take out his frustrations on an anime girl while painting himself as the infallible overpowered nice guy
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
totally understand to change the MC's name. I wouldn't be able to stop laughing and take a dude seriously with a name [Frick] lol
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
I love that authors name their stories like this. Makes it way easier to skip them

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