A Tan Childhood Friend with Absolutely No NTR! - Ch. 3

Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2020
I wonder how fast this would be picked up if it turned to ntr?

Looking at the author's twitter though I can tell that it probably won't be ntr. Very curious why it's brought up in the title.
Same reason I told my mom when I was a teenager not to open the right drawer on my desk and that there was absolutely no pot there.

Because I wanted her to believe I was cool enough to be able to find pot somewhere.
Double-page supporter
Dec 26, 2019
I wonder how fast this would be picked up if it turned to ntr?

Looking at the author's twitter though I can tell that it probably won't be ntr. Very curious why it's brought up in the title.
The same reason we clicked the title. People who don't know Japanese would obviously click on the title hoping for some research purpose.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2018
I wonder how fast this would be picked up if it turned to ntr?

Looking at the author's twitter though I can tell that it probably won't be ntr. Very curious why it's brought up in the title.
Probably because a lot of manga about childhood friends in love adds a meaningless love rival at some point.
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
Yeah, the title makes me suspicious, but it could be a cheeky fake out to purposely make people anticipate something that is not coming (even though we're explicitly told it's not coming).

NTR is such a weird fetish, are they imagining they're the other guy? But it lingers so much on the victim of it that it has to be some weird form of self-victimisation, and getting off to it; it's emotional masochism.

It's a tired joke, but is it a cost cutting method to use your own tears instead of buying lube? Just use your own spit my dudes! Have some self respect!
Masochism. People's brains work in different ways. It's kind of like a mental illness. I used to know a girl in school who would cut her hands with box cutters because she liked the scars and it was like a protest against her parents or something. People call it self-harm. NTR is also a form of self-harm. The men who are into it are mentally ill and the women who participate in those relationships are just hedonists or degenerate. Manga just dramatizes all of that, but that's all there is to it. Fetishes can get ugly very quickly. We all have our fetishes and a bit of mental illness but the main thing is control of the mind. Those who do NTR in real life and get enjoyment out of it are just those who lost control of their mind.

To explain it more scientifically—The motivation behind cuckoldry (NTR fans) depends based on multiple different factors varying from person to person. It can depend on their cultural, psychological or biological upbringing. It can also depend on their testosterone levels. Maybe it activates a part of their brain (Hypothalamus, cited from certain studies) that doesn't occur in normal humans (focus on the word "normal").

And to answer your question, they don't self-insert into the man who gets ntred or the person ntring him. It's a third-person view. Most NTR fans on hentai websites are often screaming about how the woman in the NTR hentai is too soulless. So assuming their complaint is that, it can be said that they are more attached to the woman character rather than anyone else. So the woman getting NTRed arouses them in return. The better they know the woman, the more they get invested and attached, and the stronger the response to masochism from the feeling that something precious to them is being taken away. So basically developing a slight parasocial relationship with the woman in said hentai manga. This is also why most NTR protagonists aka the guys that are being NTRed, are portrayed as losers/anti-socials/submissive/weak. This helps the average NTR fan to self-insert into the protagonist so they develop an even great parasocial relationship with the girl in the hentai manga.

So to sum it up—masochistic tendencies, low self-esteem, directly linked with mental health, varies from person to person but above statements applies to the majority.
Double-page supporter
Jan 15, 2023
Whining NTR-phobes shouldn't be typesetting ANY manga if they're going to threaten the readers with 'I will drop it immediately'. Fuck that. I'd rather have it go without TL than have a little crying bitch shove a warning in my face like they're making some grandiose moral stand. Fuck you, stop pushing your personal issues on the rest of the world and gatekeeping shit. Do the manga or don't. PS: You're no more a real 'type-setter' than I am a fucking old style print press operator. Any idiot can enter text in an app or pick a font everybody else uses... You should look up what actual type-setters did once upon a time to compare your level of 'expertise' to theirs.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Whining NTR-phobes shouldn't be typesetting ANY manga if they're going to threaten the readers with 'I will drop it immediately'. Fuck that. I'd rather have it go without TL than have a little crying bitch shove a warning in my face like they're making some grandiose moral stand. Fuck you, stop pushing your personal issues on the rest of the world and gatekeeping shit. Do the manga or don't. PS: You're no more a real 'type-setter' than I am a fucking old style print press operator. Any idiot can enter text in an app or pick a font everybody else uses... You should look up what actual type-setters did once upon a time to compare your level of 'expertise' to theirs.
Whoa there partner, who pissed in your cornflakes? Calm your tits cause all you've done is come off as an asshole noone will listen to and will actively go against what you say.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Mad respect to you, Mr. or Ms. Typesetter. May NTR artists stop drawing NTR and start drawing better things, like tactical anime girls for one.
Double-page supporter
Jan 15, 2023
Whoa there partner, who pissed in your cornflakes? Calm your tits cause all you've done is come off as an asshole noone will listen to and will actively go against what you say.
Except you, who listened. I don't care if some kink-shaming insecure nerd 'goes against what I say'... Don't flatter yourself as being important, friend who posts waaay more to this place per day than a healthy person would. I strongly suggest going outside and smelling air at some point, incelhiki.
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Double-page supporter
Jan 15, 2023
We all stand against NTR... this type of genre must die... made me freaking damn paranoid when reading some manga
No, we don't. Creativity requires freedom from censorship and the angry oppression of puritan ideologues enforcing their very narrow view of which stories are 'okay to tell'.

Outside your little room there's lots of stuff you probably won't like - that's on you to deal with, not the writers and artists of the world to pander to your delicate sensibilities. goes off to create some particularly juicy NTR art and fic in response to the TL supporters here
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Aggregator gang
Jan 11, 2023
No, we don't. Creativity, in this case all of fictional writing, requires freedom from censorship and the angry oppression of puritan ideologues enforcing their very narrow view of which stories are 'okay to tell'.

The world outside has lots of stuff you won't like - that's on you to deal with, not the entirety of art to pander to your delicate sensibilities. goes off to create some particularly juicy NTR art and fic in response to the TL supporters here
lmao... just how much do you like ntr... lol

well... both my parents annulled their marriage because they both ntr'ed each other... my father got ntr'ed again so he went and ntr'ed someone's wife then married said wife later... my aunt is constantly depressed because her husband who she was married to for decades is having an ntr relationship with another woman with a husband... one of my female cousins is living separately with her husband because her husband thought he got ntr'ed that's why he went and have an ntr relationship with another woman... and one of my male cousin is proudly telling everyone that he is having an ntr relationship with another woman who already has a husband which is working abroad while he himself has a wife...

i've seen and heard what these people have gone through because of ntr... when you see how much they've struggled with depression and stress, you can't just say... "deal with it" to them... my view of ntr is different from you because of the things i've seen in real life, so yeah, you can't just go and preach about stuff that's going on outside because whenever i take a peek out, ntr is happening around me... and i hate it
Double-page supporter
Jan 15, 2023
"May NTR die"
Truer words have never been spoken
Hysterical NTR haters: The ultimate snowflakes-that-think-they're-edgy-by-being-oversensitive.

On vanilla manga forums like this one the NTR abolitionists enjoy a vocal 'majority' but in a regular fiction or other non-YA novel featuring romance 'bodice-ripper' content you lot would get zero traction. Middle-aged housewives have been devouring tawdry 'romance' novels for literally (pun intended) centuries, and those often feature loads of cuckoldry, misandry, cheating, swinging, humiliation and plain old husband-o-cide. Your poor 'this subject can't exist because we haets it' speech would get trampled. Meanwhile, 99% of you guys throwing a tantrum over infidelity stories love you some rape and harem trash, think nothing of a douchey fantasy MC with laughable wish-fulfillment powers abusing or treating his harem women like disposable garbage (or worse)... Oh, that obvious irony.
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