Adachi to Shimamura

Aug 12, 2019
I have no idea how far beyond the light novel goes storywise, but i hope this manga goes at least beyond the anime ending
where Adachi sleeps over at Shimamuras house for two days, Shimamura buys matching hairpins, and in the end where they sleep cuddled up in the same futon and Adachi tells Shimamura she loves her as soon as she felt asleep

So basically beyond a point where Shimamura starts to accept Adachis feelings aswell as develop some towards her. Adachi is such an adorable character and Shimamura is at least not as cold as ice as Mei from Citrus, and at least tries to get over her mental issues with getting close to others that are not her family members.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 9, 2020
Ive read an unsettling spoiler circulating these past few days and I'm hoping that aint canon.
I wanna read the light novel once it's done. I suck in waiting novel updates.
Active member
Mar 8, 2020
@yuzhyuzh If the rumor is what I think it is, then don't worry it gets resolved quite fast.
If you plan to only read the novel only when it's done, then you'll have to wait some(maybe more than some) years. The manga is still quite far from
where Adachi and Shimamura get together and when it reaches that point you'll have to wait some more until the sugar starts for real
, so yeah. If you decide to read the novels, you can find all currently released volumes translated here:
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 9, 2020
@roguezilla ooh,so its not true then? thats a relief. aw,it got many volumes that I was thinking it might end soon since I thought Vol 9
had a time skip where they lived together as adult?
uhh. looks like im gonna read them. yeah,thank you so much, ive already downloaded the LNs from that site💜
Active member
Mar 8, 2020
@yuzhyuzh There is
indeed a timeskip, but it's in volume 8 and it serves to prove that they are still together and are living together a decade later(and something more) + a flashback to their school trip where something very important happens(arguably more important than the confession, this event then ties with something that happens in volume 9)
. I don't wanna spoil more as it's a genuinely good story 😀(and my fav)
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 9, 2020
@roguezilla Ive read something in reddit where it made me confuse if
time skip actually happened or just a possibility narrated by one of em.
uhh. I dont mind the spoilers though. Thank you so much , looks like I gonna need to start reading it. Just my quirk when a story is good, i tend to get impatient. :,-) Btw, do you know how many months will it take to release a volume of it? I wanna know the length of my agony haha
Active member
Mar 8, 2020
@yuzhyuzh No idea how long until the next volume, maybe at the end of this year? The release schedule is pretty weirdchamp
I'm hyped for volume 10, because it should finish an arc started in volume 9.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 9, 2020
@roguezilla wuuutt,might be at the end of this year. OMG that long :'(
thank you so much for replying to my queries though 💜 im gonna start reading it.
Active member
Mar 8, 2020
wuuutt,might be at the end of this year. OMG that long :'(
Well, that's pretty much how novels are. Some authors release a ton of volumes per year (like Re:Zero, the author is a robot) and some release one per year.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 9, 2020
@roguezilla i hope AdaShima will have a mass release as well. I just entered the world of LNs few months ago so im new to the releases thingy. hontou ni arigatou. your input made me consider to start reading my downloaded LNs.
Mar 10, 2023
Y’all this is a story about two insane girls. One who requires Complete control and needs someone. The second girl being a actual psycho who doesn’t comprehend feelings.

FR! I’m gonna say it. You shouldn’t read this and root for either they are both extremely unhealthy personalities and people. That’s what it seems to me both of these girls have serious issues and not in the cute we will use each other to grow way. Or even acknowledging their issues instead they are just being delusional. I’m half expecting this story to end in one of them killing them self or the other.

Maybe that’s the point depict a love story about to mentally ill people and make it realistic. But like that’s just sad to read.

My rating of this is
Sad to read / 10
Mar 14, 2023
Y’all this is a story about two insane girls. One who requires Complete control and needs someone. The second girl being a actual psycho who doesn’t comprehend feelings.

FR! I’m gonna say it. You shouldn’t read this and root for either they are both extremely unhealthy personalities and people. That’s what it seems to me both of these girls have serious issues and not in the cute we will use each other to grow way. Or even acknowledging their issues instead they are just being delusional. I’m half expecting this story to end in one of them killing them self or the other.

Maybe that’s the point depict a love story about to mentally ill people and make it realistic. But like that’s just sad to read.

My rating of this is
Sad to read / 10
Hey, I just wanted to reply because I finished the chapter where:
Adachi rang Shimamura and said all that stuff. It really meant a lot to me as I have BPD and I think she's 100% showing the co-dependent relationship type and she definitely represents how I was... Everything she said I felt and you can see how her mood and opinion and ambition changed the second Shimamura was happy with her again. Everything about her will depend on Shimamura until she can help herself and, yes, she may be insane, but none of them are psychotic, so please don't say that! 😭I mean I do like it when characters die LMFAO☠️ but yea no it will get resolved (i dont know how, i just spoiled myself), yes Adachi may seem delusional because istg she must have BPD, everything revolves around Shimamura (her FP) im also taking psych to help me understand myself and symptoms in others. Ik what it's like for Adachi first-hand. It was so hard for me to read bc it was literally like looking in a mirror. NO exaggeration. And 'my' shimamura was like that shimamura too. But yea it does seem pretty realistic without including that it's BPD lol..
But yea it is sad to read i completely agree w/ u its just not for some ppl if it gets serious u know? And yea if u like mentally ill characters then i definitely recommend it or if u have bpd or depression or smth i definitely recommend 😍 to my fellow FP havers u will relate to this one xxxxxx Also op have a nice evening/morning!!
Feb 28, 2023
was that?.... Hope it get a serious scanlator who will translate & typeset with a bit more respect for the work...
That typesetting was all over the place. I personally couldn't make much sense of it, if I hadn't read the other versions I'd be dropping it. But I'm fairly certain someone else will pick this up
Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2023
I'm a bit confused by Shimamura. She is not that dense. So, her actions in the last chapters paint her in a somewhat bad light.

In her own internal monologue she knew that Adachi would react negatively to her spending time with Tarumi and the key chains thing. She is clearly comparing them and she is kind of flirting with Tarumi. In another story I would say that she is double dating. Testing to see which one works best for her.

She also knows how Adachi feels about her. So, she cannot be that surprised that Adachi was upset about her going with another girl. She was actively hiding it. You don't hide things if you don't feel like you have something to hide.
Aug 23, 2023
Adachi and Shimamura is definitely a story between two people who'd be dysfunctional.
But just like "A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow" the characters will have to question a lot of things and leave people behind for their loved ones.
I read the novel, and it's the sweetest melancholic novel I've read so far.
So I'm looking forward to the rest of the adaptation.

The first adaption didn't reach the end, and I so desperately hope this one does. Because it's one of the cutest and sweetest ending ever.

Edit: having read some of the comments, I can't fathom how misrepresented the two broken people are. One is a character who lived a life amongst people who didn't care about her, the other was recluse.
And that's as far as you can go with your psychoanalysis.

Both characters try to help eachother in their respective lacking areas. (Leaving people who didn't care to begin with and connecting with people who seemed too distant)

It's kinda sad to see them misrepresented.
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