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Nothing wrong with that.And yet she's still trying to desperately woo the guy her best friend is obviously really into.
Nothing wrong with that.And yet she's still trying to desperately woo the guy her best friend is obviously really into.
Yep. Don't say itso Takt is...
Read it. Haruki was a complete idiot who preferred to see the idealized version of Tsukino rather than actually look and listen to the real one, bet or not. He reaped what he sowed.In other news & I'd hate to bring this up but just fair warning: Nikumaru sensei's recent oneshot got translated by the same translator. Oh boy that rating is exactly what to expect from the contents of it. If you want to read something that will get you mad or if that's your kink (not shaming anyone) then by all means go ahead. Just know you were warned & it funny if becomes the lowest rating oneshot on the platform.
Yako is also stupid. But her stupidity sometimes make us smile and not complicated like the other two.All of these girls have some form of brain damage. Seriously.
Yako still remains the best by simply by not being stupid in some way.
Gay as tom cruiseso Takt is...
That one-shot, this manga, and Bad Girl, are perfect examples of how content varies between different magazines, even from the same mangaka.In other news & I'd hate to bring this up but just fair warning: Nikumaru sensei's recent oneshot got translated by the same translator.
i started going after your train of thoughs after this chapter, Takt is sus, or he just somehow jealous of RikuI'm telling you, I said Takt was into Riku back in like, chapter 2 or something crazy like that. I still hold to it. Even if author doesn't have the balls to go through with it, it's the only thing that makes sense.
Is it because of my low intelligence that I can't understand a single thing Umimi is saying?
フィクションをフィクションとして楽しめない人は... ダメだ擁護できねぇ何なんだこの漫画やベーよ
You're spending coins to read it, yet you're complaining so much in the comments.
People who can't enjoy fiction as fiction… No, I can't even defend this. What is this manga? It's insane!
This doesn’t make sense...
All the characters in this manga are crazy!
Hey, Riku, why don’t you just go out with Yako quietly?
Everyone else is nuts!
For now, I’m just glad that Umimi and Takt didn’t kiss. Just knowing this fact is enough for me.
Why can he only write crazy characters and nonsensical storylines?
作者が本当にシチュエーションしか描けないんだと思う。物語は因果の連鎖で流転するから面白いんだけど、この話、なにが起きても、そこからな にも起こらない。勝手に始まり勝手に自己完結していく。雫の誘惑と退場然り、うみみの独白しかり。作者が秘めた脳内設定を見せたいだけで、物 語を紡ぐ気がないのが露骨すぎる。見てるこっちは「だから?」というほか無い
I really think the author can only write scenarios. Stories are compelling because they flow as a chain of cause and effect, but in this case, no matter what happens, nothing ever comes of it. Things just start on their own and resolve themselves. Like Shizuku's temptation and exit, or Umimi's monologues. It’s painfully obvious that the author only wants to show off the hidden settings in their head and has no intention of actually weaving a story. As a reader, all I can think is, 'So what?'
It’s a bit hard to understand what they’re saying, isn’t it?
I laughed when Umimi's thoughts twisted in such an absurd direction in the first half.
I’m really sorry to say this, but I honestly think he'd do better in terms of numbers if he just drew doujinshi...
It's simply not interesting.
結果的にうみみがタクトと付き合ったのは恋愛的にとかじゃなくて、リクと家族(妹) になるためにだったってことね。
So in the end, Umimi ended up with Takt not for romantic reasons, but to become part of Riku's family (his sister).
鬱陶しい色情魔の雫が消えて、可愛いうみみと明るいラブコメ見せてくれると思いきや、ヤンデレアタオカでしたというこの流れ... 変なだけでミス テリーでもないし、ただ訳わかんねえ、なんだよ。ぶっちゃけそんな事どうでもいいし、余計なストレスでしかない。作者と担当が勘違いしすぎ
Just when I thought Shizuku, the annoying lustful character, was gone and we'd get to see the cute Umimi and a bright romantic comedy, it turned into a yandere mess instead... This whole situation is just weird, not mysterious or anything, it's just nonsense. Honestly, I don't care about any of this, it's just unnecessary stress. The author and editor are totally misunderstanding things.
多分だけどタクトは「恋愛には興味がなくてただ支配下に置きたい(目の届くとこに置きたい)」、雫は「リクのこと好きだが、タクトの支配下に置 かれてるのを分かってるから、思い切ったことができない(タクトに監視されてる)」という感じか?
Probably, Takt is 'not interested in romance and just wants to keep them under his control (wants them close where he can see them),' while Shizuku 'likes Riku but knows she’s under Takt’s control, so she can't do anything bold (because she’s being watched by Takt),' something like that?
If she likes Riku and wants to be with him, but ends up liking Takt just to stay with Riku... isn't that completely backwards?
Isn't it precisely because we're spending coins that we have the right to complain (or at least express what we feel about it)?
Telling people not to complain is wrong. The fact that so many people are saying they don't understand it...
Why did Umimi end up like this?
Eh, it's honestly just not fun at all.
雫と絡んでる時以外はマジでリクはイケメンなんだよな... なんで雫と絡んでる時だけあんな感じなんだよ...
Riku is really handsome, except when he's interacting with Shizuku... Why does he act like that only when he's with her?
Hey, being able to write such a boring manga is actually a talent, so I’ll give credit where it’s due.
I wouldn't blame Takt for getting upset or an inferiority complex after hearing Riku's name be utter from her mouth just moments before they kiss. Thanks for the translations.
In other news & I'd hate to bring this up but just fair warning: Nikumaru sensei's recent oneshot got translated by the same translator. Oh boy that rating is exactly what to expect from the contents of it. If you want to read something that will get you mad or if that's your kink (not shaming anyone) then by all means go ahead. Just know you were warned & it funny if becomes the lowest rating oneshot on the platform.
作者が本当にシチュエーションしか描けないんだと思う。物語は因果の連鎖で流転するから面白いんだけど、この話、なにが起きても、そこからな にも起こらない。勝手に始まり勝手に自己完結していく。雫の誘惑と退場然り、うみみの独白しかり。作者が秘めた脳内設定を見せたいだけで、物 語を紡ぐ気がないのが露骨すぎる。見てるこっちは「だから?」というほか無い
I really think the author can only write scenarios. Stories are compelling because they flow as a chain of cause and effect, but in this case, no matter what happens, nothing ever comes of it. Things just start on their own and resolve themselves. Like Shizuku's temptation and exit, or Umimi's monologues. It’s painfully obvious that the author only wants to show off the hidden settings in their head and has no intention of actually weaving a story. As a reader, all I can think is, 'So what?'
This took me out nglいやほんと申し訳ないこと言うけど普通に同人描いた方が数字出ると思う...
I’m really sorry to say this, but I honestly think he'd do better in terms of numbers if he just drew doujinshi...
Nikumara should NEVER cook again. That shit was so ass calling it trash would be a compliment. Dawg never disappoints when it comes to disappointingIn other news & I'd hate to bring this up but just fair warning: Nikumaru sensei's recent oneshot got translated by the same translator. Oh boy that rating is exactly what to expect from the contents of it. If you want to read something that will get you mad or if that's your kink (not shaming anyone) then by all means go ahead. Just know you were warned & it funny if becomes the lowest rating oneshot on the platform.