I find it funny that people say this has zero character development with only one or 2 chapter lmao, like what the hell do you expect. Anyways, the story seems interesting, it has potential and I love edgy stuff so it's a nice read for me.
Well it seems the author of this has been playing with the idea of child murderers since 2013/2014 because they have a series in pixiv called Abnormal Murderers whith designs and comics with Rwanda, Macaro and the posibble debuting in the next chapter Kevin alongside other murderers (no it isn't Kevin atm)
Unfortunaty it seems the first log of abnormal murderers was deleted from pixiv so the pictures of them start from the second log https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/46069477 so at least we can have an idea of future characters introduced and how will they can interact with Rwanda
Also found the first chapter but with a different ending https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78299933
Man, this is so edgy and i love it. We rarely see anything similar to this and the setting is quite unique. Love Rwanda, even though he's a psychotic murderer.